Saturday, July 3, 2010

22 years young.

In honor of the balloons and flowers Kirk surprised me with this morning, which I completely missed when I stumbled out of bed and into our living room while he was taking Leo for a walk.  I didn't notice them until he came through the front door and pointed them out.  I'm not a morning person.  

I am 22 years old today.  
So, so very old.  

Not really.  I still feel like I'm 16 most days.  Thank goodness I'm not.  
It has been a wonderful week and an even more wonderful day! I am a very lucky girl.

I would write 22 things I love about myself but I don't think that's how it works.  Plus that would be weird and a tad self-absorbed, don't you think?  

21 was a good year, I graduated from BYU, Kirk got an awesome job, and we moved back to California for good.  It's tough to complain about much.  

What will year 22 hold?  
Who knows, maybe I'll work my way onto this show.  Wouldn't my mother be so proud?  
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