Saturday, March 27, 2010

2 years ago...

2 years ago today:

It was a Thursday, March 27th.  I was living in Highland Park, and had probably gone to school that day.  

I was also really nervous because I had a date that night. 

A few days before, this kid Kirk called and asked me out on a blind date.  All I knew about him was that he was a really good surfer, and what knowledge I gained about him stalking his Facebook page.  Oh, and that apparently he liked to barbeque on his balcony at Belmont in shorts and flip-flops, during snowstorms.

Fast-forward to that night.  Kirk was late picking me up (surprise, surprise).  Little did he know, my roommate and I spied on him from our top window as he drove his big gray truck up our street, as he parked it in the driveway, and as he walked up to our house.

We had a pleasant date.  We ate dinner, and went mini-golfing at Trafalga.  Apparently I had passed his test, because his back-up plan was to take me home after dinner if the date wasn't going so well (meaning if I hadn't been cute).  

Meanwhile, back in California, my sister was in labor.  During mini-golfing, my phone rang.  It was my Mom, telling me that my sweet little niece Maya was born.  Happy Birthday Maya!
(Kirk awkwardly stood there as I was on the phone, unsure of how to react.)

He took me home, and the last first date of my life ended.  

9 months to the day later:

2 years later:

Kirk has a job.  We're graduating from BYU.  Moving to California in a few weeks.  

Oh how time flies. 

Love you, Kirkman.


1 year ago tomorrow (March 28th), this little guy was born:

Awe, he was so cute.

He's not so little anymore:

He's probably even bigger than this now.

We miss the Leester.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Life in March.

Sorry for the blog silence (for the 5 members of my family who actually read this).

I've been utterly consumed with school-related obligations.  
Not would I would prefer to be doing, no not at all.  

But, following up on my "I-despise-you-February" post last month, March has been better.  Much busier, and  it has flown by much faster.  In fact, too fast.  I have hardly had time to finish all that I have needed to by the end of this month.  But, I did finish all three, 3!, of my online classes.  Within the first 3 weeks of March.  Assignments, finals, everything.  I never have to look at those blasted classes again, thank goodness gracious. I am all set to graduate come April 23.  Unless, of course, I fail my "real" classes this semester - but let's not entertain that thought, shall we?  But, yes, March, has been better.  Probably because I finally feel like I'm on the tail end of things and not at the beginning, examining all that I have to accomplish spread out before me.  Plus, the weather feels like spring!!  It's lovely. 

But it's not over yet.  Oh no.  Once I had my online classes out of my way, my concentration has been focused on my capstone paper, which I have been sadly neglecting in favor of more pressing issues.  But now, I can focus all my energies on this paper.  Well, almost all.  Which is what I have been doing for the past seven days.  It's not going so well.  Usually writing comes easily to me.  I can bust out a pretty darn good paper on the first try most of the time.  This one, for some reason, is really kicking my butt.  I think that maybe it's because it's a different kind of paper than I'm used to writing.  I'll spare you the boring details, but I'll just say that political philosophy may be hard to understand, but it is a heck of a lot harder to write, and write well.  Read some Machiavelli and you'll understand.  Or don't.  

So anyway, this paper will continue to take over my life until at least next week. And probably the week after that.  But, I console myself knowing that this is the LAST PAPER i will EVER have to write.  (At least based on my current plans.) Ever.  Ahhh... that thought brings joy to my soul.  

Moving on. 

In other, non-school related news:

Kirk has become obsessed with selling "the beast" (his car) lately.  (He calls it the beast, I don't.)  He has also become obsessed with getting one of these: 

(Except, you know, not all brand new and shiny like that one.  And uh, probably not white.)

The Subaru Imprezza . Or Outback.  Or something like that.  Not my personal favorite but it's okay.  However, it is much preferred for commuting to Oceanside everyday to a gas-guzzling truck.  We'll see how it goes.  

And the most exciting news!
Nope not pregnant. 

We booked our trip for here in May:

Costa Rica!

Happy Graduation to us!  

Now if I can just finish my capstone, and my design final project, and finals, and graduate, and sell our contract, and pack our house, and move within the next 5 weeks or so!  No big deal.  

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Surfing. (The web, not the ocean.)

It's surf contest season. 

Which means K-man (as in, Kirkman, not to be confused with this K-man) has been doing a lot of this:

That's not a 5 o'clock shadow.  That's about a good 3 days.  Can't even tear himself away long enough to shave.  

Engrossed in surfline.  
Which causes him to periodically let out noises of shock and disbelief from an otherwise silent corner of the room.  And also causes him to a.) respond very loudly (when he hears me say something to him) or b.) stare at me blankly when he knows I've said something, but he has no idea what.  

It's alright though.  I figure it's a relatively mellow sport to be a fan of, and it could be worse.  Let's just say, I'm secretly glad my husband doesn't care enough about football to even know when the Superbowl is.  

Besides.  While he does that, I do this: 

And homework.  Lots of homework.  

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