Sorry for the delay in post; blogger has not been kind to me lately in uploading this is a post I've been working on for nearly a month, and I have finally been able to upload the pictures...
So, I was able to get a couple nights off work to go to Utah for a couple of days for an appreciation luncheon for Pacific Partnership. It was a good excuse for me to go down and visit some friends, as well as see a few people that I met on the ship. I was bummed I couldn't see everyone that I wanted to, but I was super happy to see the people I did! Next time I'll be there a bit longer so I can make sure I see everyone :) I flew in on Thursday night and got my rental car. Now, I'm all about the economy/compact cars, so when they ask me at the desk if I want to pay more for an upgrade, I politely decline. However, when I get out to the curb to pick my "compact" car up, they tell me "I'm sorry, we're all out of economy cars. How would you like this truck instead?" Uh, excuse me? I've never driven a truck before, so I was slightly scared to be barrelling around in THIS car, with all those crazy Utah drivers...
...At least it gave me a good excuse to drive as badly as Utahns do (sorry to all my Utah friends, but it's kind of true...). I will say, I drove it quite well, didn't back up into anything, and no new scratches on the car. I daresay I *enjoyed* driving it, but climbing up into that truck in a skirt is a bit of a challenge!Thursday night I was able to have a reunion dinner with friends from my trip to Argentina in Provo, and was able to see Christie and her little baby boy who was super smiley and playful with me (what can I say? Kids like me). I crashed in Provo for the night before heading up to SLC the next morning for my Reunion lunch, which was on the 26th floor of the Church Office Building. Pretty cool-I felt very VIP :). The food was great-this was dessert. Nothing fancy, but delish. Can't say no to some ice cream.
Some of my favorite people-Pirkko, Georgia, Kayla, and Liz:
I ran into my old nursing professor, Erin. Apparently she was on the ship in Papau New Guinea. Small(ish) world! It was fun to see her and catch up with her.
Just read the slide in the next picture-it's kind of funny.
I love that we donated so much stuff to the cause. So for all you people who have put together humanitarian kits, I saw them put in to good use firsthand.
After my lunch, I drove down to Lehi to take some time to get together with my Uncle Howard and his wife, Carol. My uncle is battling cancer and is going through chemo treatments right now which are tough on him, but he looks great. He is one of the greatest men I know and I was glad I was able to stop by and see him. And in true Uncle Howard style, he told me about all his new gadgets and his two brand new cars that he bought for him and his wife to drive around the country for travel. When I told him my requirements for my next car included a sunroof and heated seats, he said, "well, Kelli, you may like the heated seats which these cars have, but did you know those cars out there have air-conditioned seats, as well?" He always knows how to one-up me! And to be honest, I had no idea they made cars with air-conditioned seats-I get the feeling that might be somewhat of an odd sensation!
When I asked for a picture with them, Carol said, "Kelli, you're just like your mother!" To which I replied, "yes, but I only take one picture instead of ten." I love my Uncle Howard and Carol! They are the best!
After seeing them, I hung out with Erica and Britt, my old Branbury roommates and stayed at Erica's house with her and Austin. I can't believe how big her kid is getting! The next day I flew out, but not before a breakfast with my old Motel 10 crew, Emily, Jenn, Jennie and Marcelle with their respective spouses. I'm not sure if I laugh any harder than when I'm with that group of friends. They're the best!
So, it was a short, but jam-packed trip. And I made it back in time for my night shift that night, and in time for Halloween weekend in the ER, which is always a little crazy! And now I can't believe it's time for the holidays! New posts to come soon!