Monday, September 28, 2009

"Wicked"ness = Happiness!

This is probably the one time this statement is actually true. I went with my mom on Saturday night to go see Wicked, and it was great! I was a litte weary of all the hype, but it is really good! I highly recommend it if you ever get a chance to see it!
(And yes, I AM wearing glasses in the picture; I don't wear them very often, except when I go see plays, when I needed to read the board at school, and sometimes when I drive at night. Don't get used to them...;))

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Emily's Wedding!

My latest trip to Utah included going to one of my best friend's weddings. Emily and Eric were married on September 4th, 2009 in the Draper Temple. Emily and I have been close friends since our freshman years at college-we were neighbors in our Taylor Hall dorms. We suffered through many a chemistry, anatomy, physiology, pathophys and music civ classes together as we prepared for nursing school-I think the only thing that got us through those classes were chocolate covered cinnamon bears! We also lived together during our last two years at school on Condo Row. It was a great and memorable day, and Emily looked so beautiful! Congrats, Em!
The roommates from Motel 10!
Helping Em get ready for the big day...rather, watching her get ready. Jessi and I took the hands off approach to Emily getting ready and let the professional do her hair, which looked amazing!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Should I be doing this?

OK, ok...

To be honest, I don't know how long this is actually going to last. But I figure I've probably gotten to the point where I blog-stalk enough that maybe someone might be somewhat interested in what is going on in MY life. Maybe not. Either way, I'm going to try this out for a while and see if I actually like doing this. Here it goes...a little about me...

-I'm the youngest of 7 kids; I love hanging out with my family-my siblings are my best friends. And I have the darn cutest neices and nephews in the world.

-Following closely behind that, nearly equally important is that I love my friends. I've got great friends both in Seattle and in Utah. I miss my Utah friends dearly, and if they haven't figured that out by the sheer number of times I've visited since graduating college, then boy, maybe I was wrong about them actually being my friends. Hm...

-FYI, I am posting this at about 6:30 AM. This is AFTER I got off work. You guessed it, I work nights. I'm actually a nurse; been graduated a little over a year from BYU Nursing School (big shout out to my nursing peeps!). I work in the ER and work a 7-on 7-off schedule. So I work a week straight and then get a week off. The week on is brutal. The week off is very conducive to travel, which is equally not as conducive to saving money. Oh well, you're only young once, right? (Though I do consider myself an old fart...24? I'm practically over the hill...). But even after only having worked 1 year in the ER, I have plenty of great stories. I have seen more different kinds of bodily fluids than I ever cared to know there were. I have seen a variety of things swallowed, and foreign bodies in various orifices of the body, and wondered how could they have possibly gotten there. I have seen guts and gore. I have seen skin colors from bright red, to bright yellow, to grey (gray? I have always wondered what the better way to spell that is...), to blue (those last few are not so good...). I have seen people look completely normal and healthy one minute, and the next they are getting CPR and have a breathing tube down their throat. I have seen many a "code browns" and am sure to see PLENTY more, and have had the pleasure of cleaning up after several. I have seen the vastly negative effects of street drugs like cocaine, heroin and meth, and know that I will NEVER EVER get involved with that crap; it ruins lives. The highest blood alcohol level I have seen is 524, and that person was actually still breathing and talking. Ah, gotta love the ER. If you ever need a good, gross story, let me know :)

-I LOVE SEATTLE!!! Enough said.

-I love sports-running, biking, softball, volleyball, skiing, wakeboarding, skyskiing. Anything active, I'm totally up for it. Oh, and I'm a big fan of scuba diving. That's a fairly recent hobby.

-I love music-all kinds. And I always love learning about new artists and composers. And I love playing music on the piano, and I'm learning the guitar.

-I don't really care for jellybeans. I just kind of liked the rhyming thing with my name for the blog address. I probably won't like the name I picked for my blog in about 5 or 6 hours after I wake up. Bummer.

-OK, I think that's enough for now. It's getting light out, which means it's time to go to bed. Goodnight, world. Pictures and cool blog stuff to follow.