Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Mason's First Day of School!

All buckled in and off to school!! Yeah!

"I'm Four! But can't wait to be five so I can go to kindergarten!"

Is Mason so funny or what?!?

Super Kids! Mason's teacher made capes for the kids that said "Super Kids". Mason of course LOVED it! I love Mason's preschool and he has a great class this year. He's still out numbered by the girls (7 girls and 2 boys). He doesn't seem to mind it much. His teacher is great too!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Mason Moments

Ahhhhh, my sweet boy Mason! He is so full of life and never wants to miss out on anything. The other day he was having a very rough time right before lunch. He was crying and throwing a big fit and I had to put him in his room twice to cool off. After lunch I put Owen and Sophie down for their naps and Mason wanted to play on the computer and I thought before I let him I better give him a little lecture about proper behavior. So I asked him to come over by me and he just gave me this look like, "Here it comes, I'm really gonna get it now." So instead of lecturing him, I just gave him a big hug and kiss and told him how much I loved him and this is what he said back, "I KNOW YOU DO MOM, BECAUSE YOU JUST NEVER GIVE UP ON ME!" I wanted to cry!
Mason loves his little brother. When we are out running errands and Owen falls asleep, Mason is always holding his hand and then Mason will fall asleep too. It is too cute!

For awhile we would hear lots of jumping around after putting Mason to bed. I always go and check on all my babies before I go to bed and for about a week or two we would find Mason asleep on the floor. Probably exhausted from all that jumping around. I would lift him up and put him back in bed.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Happy "Late" 4th of July

Happy 4th of July!
The Weidauer grandchildren! Seven wild and crazy boy and three adorable little girls, a grand total of 10 grandchildren ranging from 7 years old to 1 month old. They are all so much fun and they loved the fireworks!
Sophie and Isaac....best friends or enemies? Depends on the day.:) We had a GREAT day! Swimming and BBQ at Grandma Char's and Papa Bob's house and then fireworks that night. It was lots of fun!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Mason's Preschool Program

Mason is now a graduate of the three year old preschool class and will now move up to the four year old pre-k class. Ahhhhhhh! We are so proud. This was his end of the year program. Grandma and grandpa Ceci were there to show their support and help hold Owen.
How cute are these two!!! What's with the faces?

Best Friends!

This is Miss Kelly (Mason's teacher and of course Grandma Char and Papa Bob. Great smile, dad!:)

Tennille, John, and Isaac showing their love for their favorite nephew. hee hee

He's a lady's man! He looks like he should be at a Wedding in Newport Beach. They grow up so fast. He can't wait to be 5 so he can go onto kindergarten and I just want him to stay little. Mason brings so much joy to our family. He has so much personality and always wants to know everything! He asks lots of questions. It's been a great year with Miss Kelly and Mason can now write his name all by himself. We are proud of our little man. He reminds me everyday that I should just sit back and enjoy life!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Sohpie Turned 2!

Sophie is wearing my wedding dress. Someone told me that I should put her in my wedding dress every year and see how she grows. I did it last year and it was so cute. This year turned out just as cute! I really like doing this. It is fun to see how she grows but it is also very fun to get my wedding dress out every year because it brings back lots of memories.