Gracy learned a thing or two about leprachauns and their tricky ways today at school. It seems that they snuck into their classroom in the night and made a mess of EVERYTHING!!! They left little messages on tables,

Dumped out baskets and baskets of work onto the floors,

Tipped over chairs and tables and tied green string throughout the whole classroom,

As you can see by the smile on her cute little face this was a pretty exciting day.

The best part was finding the hidden gold under the fish tank.
Gracy had a fun day trying to catch a leprachaun, until nightime came. As soon as it was dark outside all the tricks didn't seem as fun. She was pretty sure the leprachauns were trying to get her and needed her daddy to lay by her to get to sleep. He is such a sweet dad, and helped her feel safe by laying with her in her bed. Hope you all had a great St. P Day.