Our Cute Family

Our Cute Family
Our Little Family


Fun Thanksgiving Week

Yeah for Kris being out of school for a week!!! It has been so fun to take this week and just do alot of fun things. I can't believe the week is already done and he is back to school tomrrow. :( But then it is only 2 more weeks until he is done with his first semester of pharmacy school and until we fly into Utah! YEAH.. HAPPY DAY! We are excited to be home again and get refreshed with being around family and friends. So in this post i think I am going to show you the fun things that we did this week for our little familys thanksgiving.

Today to Friday (working backwards)

Kris woke up at 2 a.m. on Friday to go shopping to get us a external hard drive at Target. I bagged out of shopping this year because I came down with the 24 hour stomach flu. I thought that maybe it was just something i ate on thanksgiving but on Sunday morning we woke up to Abi throwing up as well. Guess it was the flu and she caught it. I felt very blessed on Sunday because I had to give a talk in church but i was so worried about Abi at home that I said a prayer and with other prayers from family my talk went better than I was thinking it would. I am so grateful to Heavenly Father and him helping us through things.

Happy Thanksgiving Day. We truly missed being around family on this day but were very blessed to have the Hammonds invite us over to Thanksgiving at their home. This was a fun time to get to know a few people in our ward. We went and had dinner at 11 and then we came home to look at the Ad's and get ready for After thanksgiving shopping.

Puppet Show with the Hammond's

Kris, Abi, Eliza and Aaron after we ate.

Kris told me that he really wanted to venture out and see what there is to see in the north Georgia mountains. So he found this place on the Internet called Helen GA and a couple miles past this town was some awesome waterfalls and hiking paths. So off we went in the car, this was a really fun day for us. We drove for an hour an a half and got to Helen. When we drove around a corner we noticed this little German town. It was a really fun place to walk around. It reminded me a lot of Heber Utah. Here are some pictures of both our hike and the little town.

Cool Buildings in Helen GA.

Driving towards the North Georgia Mountains.

Us at the top of the water fall.

Bottom of the Water fall. Yes we hiked down to the base of the waterfall.

Kris excited to come back and fish this stream!

Kris pulling a cool move on one of the trees.

Kris showing what the trail looked like.

Abi and Mom conquered one of the hikes in GA.


Tuesday was the day that i wanted to take Marta (their public train system) downtown just to walk around and look at what there is. It is crazy that we live so close to such a large town. I told Kris that i felt like we are on vacation but really we were maybe 20-30 minutes from our home. We first decided to walk around Centennial Olympic Park here are a few pictures of this park. After the park we went for a walk outside of the coke factory and the Georgia aquarium which we plan on going to when we have family come visit. :D After we went to these places we walked down the road to underground Atlanta which was a little scary within 3-4 blocks we had 3 people ask us for money. :S I don't think we will walk that route again. Silly us. Downtown Atlanta was cool but there was just a different feeling there so we didn't stay to long and so we walked back to the train to come home. Overall it was a fun outing for us.

Kris acting funny with an Olympic guy outside of the Georgia Dome.

That is the Georgia Dome.

Me sharing a coke with Mr. Coke Man.

Kris and Abi inside the Olympic ring fountains at centennial park, and no they are not getting wet.

Kris and Abi standing in the park.

Abi and I in front of another statue thing.

Abi hanging out with Dad before we left.

We were able to go and have a Thanksgiving dinner with some of Kris' Mercer friends. This was a fun night and unfortunately I did not take any pictures. Sorry.

On this day our ward boundaries got reorganized and so we had a 2 hour meeting with two of the wards in our stake. It was hard to not have some of our friends in our same ward but that doesn't mean that we cant stay in touch. We will just miss seeing you on Sundays!! We are happy thought because our church now goes from 10-1 instead of 1-4. It makes Sunday so much better. The other good thing is that our church is now 10-15 minutes away instead of the 25-30 minutes it took to get to our old building. Oh yah here are some pixs of our mushroom burgers.

We made a creation, these are our portabello mushroom burgers. They were pretty good. just a little to wet.


We thought that it would be fun to go back to Stone Mountain because they had all of their Christmas decorations up. I was telling Kris that I was having a hard time getting into the holiday spirit because it just still seems like fall to me here. So when we went to Stone Mountain it made me feel like the holidays were here because they had lights up and we were able to go into a 3D show of The Polar Express although Abi did not last long in there it was still fun to see. Kris left with about 5 minutes left in the show with Abi and I stayed in the theater to watch the rest of the show. Then we walked around to a couple more buildings where they had some concerts going on. One we went to was Elf's singing different cultures Christmas songs and then we went to one more concert and it was just a group signing. They had one act though that was way cute! they had a black background and then these giant florescent reindeer's came out and sang a song. It was way cute I wish I took a picture of it but I didn't, silly me. Anyways here is one picture of Abi before we went into the 3D show.


Who ever reads the headings???

Well hello all and welcome to our updated blog. I was talking to Kris and asked him what type of background I should put on and he said he wants Turkeys so here you go hun. :D

I think it is so crazy that it is already the second week in November it seriously just seems like yesterday that it was August and we were moving in. Time has flown by for us here. Kris has two finals within the next week and a half and we are starting to cheer because that is one semester down. We have also received some other good news. On Friday I received and email from our realtor stating that the buying people want to close on our home on Wednesday!!! WHOO lets just pray that it goes through. I think that is one of my biggest fears if it doesn't but we have to think positive right?

So here is a few pictures to sum up our week. Enjoy...

Abi all ready for church. This is the first time she has worn tight and they were the tights that grandma bought for her for her blessing. She is finally fitting into them he he he.

One day Eliza and I deiced that we would go for a walk just to get out of the house. Half way through the walk Peter deiced that he was tired and didn't want to walk anymore so I asked him if he wanted to sit in Abi's stroller and he did. So I took Abi out of the stroller and let him get in. As we continued to walk we noticed that it had gotten really quite and this is what we found. Gotta love it when the kidos fall asleep.

Peter fast asleep in the stroller.

Aaron fast asleep in his carrier.

So Friday this week i went outside on our back porch to talk on the phone to my mom. As I walked out this is what I found on the wall right behind me. I told my mom it was a geico (like the insurance company) ha ha ha I think they are really called Camellions. I deiced to take it on me to call him Fred the Cameliion. You can tell from this picture how big he really is He is about as long as my hand but not as wide as my hand.

So have you ever asked yourself the question. Is Kris going crazy studying all the time?? This picture should answer that question for you.

Okay so it is not just him. One night Kris and I were really tired and grabbed the camera to see who could make the best face. I know I know the weird stuff people do when they don't have to much money to go out but want to have a fun night laughing. I guess it is the little things that count right?

This is a picture taken today. I loved this dress Abi had on so of course I had to get a picture of it.

So this picture I find really funny because lately this is the face she pulls all the time. She has learned that if she presses her little lips together that mommy cant shove food in my mouth. She has also found out that she can laugh through her lips with this. We tell her to smile and she makes this face. She is such a little stink, but we love her lots! She is such a joy!!!


Lots of Pictures of the week and Abi's 1st Haloween

Here are some pictures of our fun week & Abi's 1st Halloween

Halloween Dinner Mummy Calazone Abi after eating sweet potatoes.

Abi happy about package from home. Abi's First Trick-or-Treating Candy.

Eliza, Aaron, Em and Abi out getting candy.

Mommy and Abi out Trick-or-Treating

Yummy sugar cookies from home!!!

Smiling Abi after she blew the cereal at me.

Here is a video of Abi scooting on the floor.