Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Here is cash at 22 months old.  He is really growing. 

Monday, May 17, 2010

It has been three long months since I last updated. Needless to say there is a lot of fun things that have been going on at the farm.


She finished a great Spring season of soccer! She is amazing. We love watching her. She is really becoming a great player. She is being recruted to play on an out of town tournament team. She is a great student and excited for the end of school so she can officially say that she will be a fourth grader. She is a beautiful girl. She is a lot of help. She is in that stage were she wants to know everything. A little annoying but we will keep her! She is doing 4H this year and just got a new pet...A PIG. I know, but she loves DAISY. Disgusting yes, but a good experince as Ryan tells me. She is also showing her horse. Everyone is invited to come to the fair!


He has been a busy boy! He was wrestling and playing soccer. He did a great job wrestling and learned alot. He has started baseball and I am affraid that he has fallen in love. He wants to play constantly. He has hit a few homeruns and we have not heard the end of it. He is also an outstanding student and reads at a third grade level. What a kid. His dad loves that he not only looks just like him but acts like him, too.
Well he made it! That is the school accepted him into the Dual Language program. I do not know that they know what they are getting into, but lucky them. I said I officially have had my last uneventful parent teacher confrence. Next year I am affraid will be more like principal parent confrence...watch out Luticaga here comes COLE! He is also played soccer and wrestled. He is now playing T-Ball, he is really doing well just a little board. He is growing like crazy! He weighs as much as his big brother and has started growing up instead of just growing out. We love this kid! He keeps us laughing and yelling and everything in between.

What a good boy. He is such a fun kid. He wakes up with a smile and only crys when Cole won't let him on the tramp or play catch. He wishes that he was playing baseball. Unfortunalty he has to wait a few more years. Life is not fair when you have two big brothers! Recently he has decided that he does not like to be called anything other then Ledger. We use to call in Ledge, The Sledge, Baby Wedge, you name it we called him it. He quickly corrects us. "I am not dude, I am Ledger." He also loves to sing. He does a killer rendition of Me and My Gang and I Am A Child of God.
He is a jack of all trades. He has been landscaping (planting gardens, grass and the like), farming (planting pasture for the horses), irrigating (daily moving water), coaching (soccer, wrestling, and baseball), construction (remodling our bathrooms), and equin lover extrodinare(spending any extra time with the horses). Like always he works hard so we can play hard. What a good Dad! He is going to start showing our colt Cash at horse shows and has worked hard to get him ready. He loves it!
I was able to go to Women's Confrence with my sister (although two were missing). What a great time! I have continued my schooling and that is keeping me busy. I am on my last month of PTA and Preschool and look forward to SUMMER! I plan to relax but know there will be little of that with four busy kids.
Ryan and I celebrated our tenth wedding anniversary in April. It is hard to believe that it has been that long. What a blessed life we have!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Is the party over...yet?

It never seems that life slows down. We finish one activity and move right on to the next. We finished celebrating our holiday season with a fierce bowling game on Ryker's 7th birthday!

What a kid he is! He is the spitting image of his father and acts just like him. He loves sports and excels at all he does. He is a great student and is learning to speak Spanish. He is mischievious and stubborn and can dance a mean robot. What an honor to be his mom.

Hayden has started playing basketball and enjoys it. She is having a tough transition from soccer to basketball and in the middle of her game when the ball fell on the ground, she kicked it. She is also getting very helpful around the house and thoughtful in all she does.

Cole is Cole; still wrestling and going to preschool. He loves to eat and is growing upwards and outwards. When we took him to the doctor he told us he was going to be a giant! That excited him and he proceeded to tell anyone that would listen that he was going to be huge. What can we say he is a Keele!

Ledger is potty trained! Almost, he is still wearing diaper at night. He wanted to go potty like the big boys and has done great. It is the end of an era for Ryan and I and it is one that I am happy to see go!

Life is good and busy. Ryan is back on the night shift. It is difficult but we adjust. I have started to drive every morning to Moses Lake to go to school. I enjoy school and the classes, but I do not like being away from the kids in the morning. Luckily Ryan is a great sub mommy and the boys love play time with Dad.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Merry Christmas

We celebrated Hayden's 9th birthday on Saturday. We went ice skating and ate pizza! She was spoiled, it helps being the only girl! She is such a great girl. It seems like only yesterday that we had her. She has grown into a smart, talented, athletic little lady that we are so blessed to have in our family. She also danced in the Jr. Drill team and did awesome.

We also celebrated Ledger's 2nd birthday. My baby is not a baby anymore. When we ask him how old his is he says nine! I am so glad I am his mom. He continually makes us laugh by saying things like "you want a piece of me" followed by him putting up his dukes, or singing "we will we will rock you." We love our "litttlest" boy. Watch him grow!

As for the rest of us we are all doing well Ryker and Cole are still wrestling (although they have not figured out that you are suppose to pin the other guy.) Wrestling is just not in their blood. Ryker continues to do well in school. Cole is continuing to grow both outwards and upwards. Ryan and I are busy chasing them and enjoying every minute!

Merry Christmas to all of you and may the real reason for the season bring comfort and joy in the new year!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Celebrating Cole!

5 Reasons we love him!
1. he makes us laugh
2. His big brown eyes
3. He loves to eat
4. He loves to play
5. His big smile

Cole is Five! We celebrated his fifth birthday on October 29! It took me back to Springville Utah, life with only two little ones, and delivery of the biggest baby I had 9 pounds 6 ounces! He is still an big kid and is slowly taking over his big brother in weight. He is a true joy and one that brings us many smiles, a few headaches, but lost of fun. We love him and are so glad he is ours. We celebrated with friends, played lots of games and got a lot of great gifts.

We also celebrated Halloween! Hayden was a peacock, Ryker was a vampire, Cole was a mummy, and Ledger was a scarecrow. We went to the trunk or treat and had plenty of goodies! We came home and put on our new PJ's (thanks grandma julie) and ate clam chowder and watched a movie.
With fall here we decided to take advantage of the leaves, after church we headed out to play! We had a great time and took some great pictures.
The kids have finished soccer! What a relief, but the boys have started wrestling! They are enjoying "fighting" and we hope it will cut down on the fighting done at home. Hayden did a drill team camp and enjoyed dancing. It was really fun to watch her.
Ryan had the chance to attend BYU homecoming, but it was on a sad note, one of his teammates at BYU passed away unexpectedly. Naki Maile was a great man, one that we would should all aspire to be like. Many of our memories are shared with Abby and Naki; halloween at the hotel, the bowl game, senior night with the girls, just a few of those we treasure. We count our selves blessed to know them.
Ryan also recieved a promotion at work and we are excited for the new opprotunity. He is such a hard worker and we are lucky to have him as our dad!
School is going well for me, I am excited to see how I do! It has been a challenge to juggle life and school, but we are getting the hang of it. All is well on the farm!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Autumn days and good bye-

I know that it has been a long time since I have updated, but September has been even busier than August! We started the month by sprucing up the kitchen with paint and new tile. We got the paint done, but before the tile could be laid we had to head to Idaho unexpectedly. My Grandma Belva Hill passed away. Its was an extremely sad day, it felt like and end to many of my most treasured childhood memories. However, I know that she was so happy to go and be with Grandpa again, that I was excited for her. I will miss her, but treasure those memories and am glad my children got to meet and know her.

We came home just in time to can some peaches and veggie soup and get ready for the fair. My Mom, Megan, Sam, Jack, Penny, Ty, Addi, and Cy came to experience the Adams County Fair and all its glory? We had a great time, we just wish we could have had more time in our day. The kids won several blue ribbons (and a few reds), participated in every tractor pull they could (Cole and his Cousin Isaiah pulled the most in their age groups, over 200lbs and 300lbs) Hayden, Sam, Ty, and Addi all held their own. We saw plenty of animals. We ate plenty of greasy food , and rode many nauseating rides (ask Addi). We watched a wild cow school Ryan and Uncle Gordy two nights in a row. We had a great time!

Unfortunately, our week ended much worse. Our little filly Emerson, got hurt and by the time the vet came, it was too late. She died on Sunday. Needless to say we were all shocked and devastated. It has been much more difficult than I ever thought it would be. We had waited so long for her to come, we just could not believe it. Hayden was very upset, Emmie was her horse. We are so glad we still have the others and continue to enjoy riding and spending time with them.

Ryan has been busy working and also started to ref football games. He loves the horses. He also sang at the fair and especially enjoyed that. We were in charge of the Karaoke Contest and he hosted it, he did a great job.
I am staying busy with PTA, preschool, subbing and I just started school again. It has been a long time since I was the student, but I am really enjoying my classes, now if I just had another 2 hours everyday to fit in the reading and homework.

What a girl! Last week she was named student of the month! She is a great student and her teacher never has enough to say about her. She is also excelling on the soccer field. She is really and animal. Her team just played a tournament and played in the championship. She is so quick, she amazes me!

Last week he also got an award for being the best Math student in the Dual Language first grade. He has not been loving the dual language, because he doesn't know what they are saying, but every once in a while he will say mom do you know what this is in Spanish, and then proceed to tell me. He understands more than he lets on and his teachers say he is doing well. He is also playing soccer and is so much fun to watch. Ryan's dad often calls him Ryan, I think that Ryker reminds him of his dad!

Cole has actually started playing soccer! We are so excited that it is not so much work to get him in the game. He has scored several goals and is so excited to play. If he has a game that day he will were his uniform, cleats, and shin guards all day even though the game is not until 5pm. He is also enjoying preschool. Some days the teacher will say "Cole had a rough day" but over all she tells me what an exceptional student he is this year (after last year that means a lot). He also loves to eat, for me that is great because I love to cook. His dad said "I am afraid he is going to go through a heavy phase" he already weighs as much as Ryker. I just don't know how I will be able to keep all of my boys feed!

What a fun boy he is. He is starting to grow in to a little boy, talking like crazy, copying anyone, and trying to do what the big kids do. He loves Cole! (scary). He loves nursery. He really likes to help me, sometimes it is not that helpful. He loves the animals. He calls the horses by name and loves to ride with his dad. We are working on potty training because he will not keep his diaper on, it is definately a work in progress

We love this time of year! The harvest season reminds us of what we are most thankful for. We love our family and friends. We hope our next post will not be so far away, but until then!
See ya!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

What a Week!

This week has been so busy! Ryan worked five 12 hour shifts in a row! The kids started school. The PTA had a back to school BBQ. I cleaned thousands of toys at Cole's preschool. I taught a lesson, went to two soccer games, rode the horses every day this week. I am sure there is more, I just cannot remember. Sometimes it feels like I am drowning, but then the kids do something to make me realize the sweeter things in life and that they are the reason that I stay so busy.

Started 3rd grade! She is so excited to be in Mr. Halls class. She also started soccer. She really is an amazing athlete. She plays defender, but some how scores more points than the rest of the team. She is so beautiful and helpful. She helps me so much, especially when Dad is working!

He was so excited to start 1st grade. He is in the Dual Language program. He is excited to learn Spanish. He is also playing soccer. He is now on an older team that travels to play games. He is the youngest on the team, but holds his own and makes his dad so proud.

Is so BOARD! He is stuck at home with me and Ledger. He starts preschool next week and can not wait. He and I have spent a lot of time with the horses and he really has a love for them and they for him. He makes me a little worried because he thinks he is so big. I forget that he is only four. He eats enough for two and weighs a few pounds less than Ryker. I do not know how I will ever feed all of these boys?

He is acting more like Cole, which makes us all scared. He is a happy boy who copies everything that anyone does or says. It is so fun to watch him pick up on things and become such a little boy. It is also sad to say he is no longer a baby. He hates to keep his diaper on, so we are going to try and potty train him slowly. He has started to use the potty and we are all so proud! (The kids get so excited.)

The most exciting thing is that I am going to go back to school! I start in a few weeks. I will be getting my teaching certificate from Central Washington University. I don't know how long it will take but I am hoping in the next 2-3 years. Here goes nothing!