Friday, March 28, 2014

Five on Friday

Time for Five on Friday

1. I took this picture last night after Casen enjoyed some lasagna.  It made me think of the e-book I bought earlier this week called Spaghetti Shots by Courtney Westlake.  She is the writer on this blog and I have been considering buying the book but hadn't.  Well it is on sale for $1.99 and today is the last day.  I have not read it yet so I can't give a review, but I am hoping it is just what I need to take great pictures of my boys with my nice camera.

2. Casen LOVED his lasagna.  So much so that he confirmed what I thought a week or two ago.  Casen knows how to sign 'more'.  If you don't know what to expect you might think he is doing a clapping motion, but when I ask 'do you want more' he follows with that motion.  One proud momma right here!

3. Do you remember my post about finding a good spanish rice?  Well in 3 weeks we have tried 3 flavors.  Of course the microwave versions are our least favorite and both of us had a strong no to the one this week.  And of course our favorite so far is not a common brand.  I want to keep looking because I would love to find one that I can suggest to everyone. Because I know you are all just dying waiting for me to find a good one for you. To be continued....

4. My April challenge with a coworker is 'No Elevator April'.  We were on the 6th floor and we are going to pretend the elevator doesn't exist.  This will be the hardest in the morning when I am carrying in various bags and half asleep. 

Have I told you that I have a fear of falling down stairs?  Have I told you that I fell down the stairs one day last week and luckily I was holding on to the railing and caught myself leaving just a small bruise.  Luckily no one was around.  Of course if I was seriously hurt I would probably been there for a while before anyone found me. I am laughing out loud at the thought.

5.  This little cutie was practicing his front roll all over the living room last night.  I even caught a quick video.  I was impressed with how well he did.  He was very disappointed that he missed tumble bus yesterday because of his doctor appointment.

That is all I have for you! Happy Friday!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

ENT Check Up

Today Cooper had his 6 month check up with the ENT to check on his tubes.  We dropped Casen off at day-care on the way so I got some one on one time with Cooper.  This doesn't happen very often for Cooper and I.  Normally Kyle will take Cooper and I will take Casen if we are splitting up to run errands or something.

My boy wanted to wear his back pack and I swear he looks ready for kindergarten.

I wanted to take a picture of how big he looked and he wanted to turn and smile for me.

Ugh this boy has such a tight hold on my heart.

We stopped by the bathroom for a quick potty break.

Cooper climbed right up to the chair like it was no big deal.  The nurse asked him questions and he (male nurse) was very impressed with Cooper being so chill about being at the doctor.

Watching the nurse type notes on his laptop.

The doctor came in and he asked 'do you want to hold him in the chair, mom?' Cooper said he could do it and sure enough he did.  He sat perfectly still while the doctor checked his ears, nose, and mouth.  The doctor even listened to his lungs.  He asked Cooper to take a big breath and I don't think Cooper knew exactly what that meant, but once I showed him he did exactly that.

Once again the doctor said multiple times at how great he was and how he wished all of his patience were this easy.
Funny thing is we were told the same thing at his last checkup by a different doctor (his original doctor retired).

I am so proud of Cooper and plan to get him a surprise for doing so great tonight.

Plus he has a special treat tomorrow...Grandpa is picking him up early from day-care and he is spending the night with Mimi and Grandpa.

Weekend Recap

We had a pretty low key weekend.

Saturday we ran errands and did some shopping for Cooper some warm weather clothes. 

Cooper and I completed this puzzle several times and he just loves doing it with me.

That night my cousin Erica babysat our boys so we could go out with David and Jen.  We went out later on purpose so Casen would be in bed and Cooper wouldn't be far behind.

We had a good time out but Kyle wasn't feeling great and my eye was bothering me.

Sunday morning I was confident I had pink eye and also had a sinus infection.  So instead of going to Ennis to visit we spent the day at home.

Cooper tells Kyle that he wants to play 'ARGHHH' which really means wrestle and climb on daddy, but he growls as he does it which led to that name. 

I was holding Casen but he nearly jumped out of my lap wanting to get on the floor and play too.

Casen tries to jump in every time they play and it is just the cutest thing ever.  I just love how he isn't afraid to play and laughs the entire time.  He thinks his daddy and brother are the best.

I think it is obvious that they were having a lot of fun.

Casen also decided to start pulling up on the tub Friday night, the couch Saturday, and coffee table Monday.  He is acting like such a big boy lately.

I took this picture of Cooper Sunday evening because he helped me make the entire meal.  Once again it took longer, but he loved doing each step and he was so proud of our dinner. (not sure why the quality sucks but it was on my old phone).

And I did get a new phone!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Grandkid Pictures

When my sister, Angela came to visit back in October we arranged for my friend Jen to take some pictures of the grand kids.  My mom got these adorable dresses and ties the year before after Christmas.

We went to the Fort Worth Stockyards.

Cooper, Annelise, and MacKenzie (the older grand kids)

Mac and Tins

Annelise and Catelyn

I LOVE this picture of Babi and her grand kids (even if Cooper looks a little awkward).  The only thing missing is Grandaddy who had to work that day.

Doesn't my mom look gorgeous?

Babi and her first boy!

And her baby boy

This picture was a nightmare because all of the babies had trouble sitting up and not falling off the bench.  Jen did some heavy editing just to get this shot and the sun messed it up.

Annelise looks way too grown up in these pictures.

I sat in hoping to get some cooperation.

Look at that milky white skin! Little Michelin baby!



LOVE this one.  Annelise will be a wonderful leader (if those darn two year olds would learn to follow!)

Wow I am flashing ahead to senior pictures!

Love Tinsley with her big flower!

This is the best picture of the day because that is how she loves to smile!

Looks so much like here mommy

This one was tricky because he couldn't sit up by himself yet.


How did I get so lucky?

Isn't she gorgeous! And that naturally curly hair is the best!

Then despite everyone being ready to go.  We switched to their Halloween costumes and got some pictures! Again not easy with unstable sitters!

I have the cutest scarecrow and tin man ever!!

Then Jen did a fun little editing that you can't help but love.  I think they fit right in!

I am glad I am finally posting these pictures...5 months later!
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