Thursday, October 11, 2012

Weekend in KC

 Chris had a conference in KC, so we all came along and made it a long weekend.  
The big kids and Mom and Dad at Fritz's.  (Caroline stayed home and came the next day)

 We took the big kids to Wonderscope.  

 Then went to dinner at McCormick & Schmicks.  Yum- seafood!
 Then Mima and Pops came (brought Caroline) and we went to Kaleidoscope at Crown Center.   
 Caroline enjoying happy hour at the E Hotel (Embassy)
 Sunday we got to see Cousin Beau.  We were there when he woke up from his morning nap!
 While Daddy was at his conference, the big kids and I went to Lego Land!
 The 4D movie was fun.  We got rained on, we felt ice fall on us and it got windy - all during the movie!

FUN weekend.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Baby Girl

*pics from August*
 Kisses for Daddy at 5pm.  
 She loves her silky.

 Practicing her walk.  

Monday, September 24, 2012

Going backwards

Some days I want to keep up with blogging.  Some days I don't.  And most days I just don't have/find/make the time to.
But, until I figure out what I'm going to do...
I'll post some randomness from this summer.

The girls in Vegas (back in June)

stayed at the Wynn.  Nice.
 This is Jordan.  Jordan was in my very first fifth grade class (2002).  We met for lunch this summer in Lawrence where she's going to KU!  She was and will always be one of my most favorites students.   She's in school to be a teacher. I'm so proud of her.
 This is my son Isaac.  He's naked in the van.  I'm not so proud of him.  (he had peed his pants while we were out and about and I stripped him down- yes, his shirt was even wet.  brother)
And why he's writing with a Shout pen is beyond me.  

My cousin's daughter Katie came to stay with us for a couple of days this summer.  The kids loved it and so did I.  She was SO MUCH HELP.  I really didn't want to let her go back home.
This is all of us eating ice cream at the soda fountain. 
 And this is Caroline.  Just sunbathing on the side of the pool.  {yes, there was an adult in the pool, just not in the view of the pic- don't call SRS}

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Prettiest Barn Around

My Aunt Susan designed and painted this barn quilt as a gift to my parents who purchased the family farm six months ago.

This is called a barn quilt, they are very popular in Nebraska.  We are pretty sure this is the first on in Kansas.  Hopefully this will catch on in Kansas.

Here's a description of the barn:

Featuring a striking design and earthy colors, you canʼt miss this barn quilt located just south of the intersection of 6th and Oregon Street in S, KS. The artist, Susan (Scoby) Strahm of Pender, Nebraska, created this piece as a memorial to her parents, Harold and Darlene Scoby, and as a gift to the farmʼs new owners, Gary and Leslie Scoby. The green colors symbolize the legacy we have as stewards of the land and the blessing of rain to bring crops of corn, soybeans, and milo. The green winter wheat colors symbolize the fall season. The gold represents Kansas wheat and draws our memory to the hot harvest days in July and the fall colors at harvest time. The red in the center represents faith in God and the love of family and friends as the most important things in life. Lastly, the scattered red triangles of the quilt remind us that no matter where we live, our hearts will always turn to home and family. 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

A Mac Post

Wahoo.  Success.  Last night after a successful download of 20,000 pictures from our external hard drive we are in luck, back in business- blessed and so lucky that our external hard drive did it's job.  Please please if you don't have an external hard drive- get one.  Now.
I hooked up the Rebel to the Mac and it was a successful marriage.   
We're back in business baby!  Now, I just have to find the time to blog.   

Saturday, September 1, 2012

A Year Ago Today

My sweet baby was born.  It's simply unbelievable she's ONE but she is and we love her so!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A big accident & a big switch

Our sweet baby used our computer tower as an assist to get up into standing position.  Annnnddddd... the tower slammed into the floor - hard.  The computer is dead.  Dead.  (it wasn't in the "best" of health anyway)  So... this has prompted- the big switch- from a PC to a Mac.  My knowledge of the Mac is very minimal at this point.  It will probably be nill by the time it gets here and set up. In fact I might want to have my Dad run over it with the tractor a time or two.  But, in the meantime- I'm just hoping (and praying) that our external hard drive did its job and backed up everything.  I'm quite nervous. 
Until then... no pics, no posts (b/c I hate posting w/out a pic). 

About Me

Kansas, United States
Wife to high school sweetheart, mom of a spunky but sweet 4 1/2 year old, an ornery but cute 2 year old and a "sweet" baby girl.