Saturday, December 31, 2011


How good it feels to be home. After that long drive the boys have just loved being free and able to roam around the house. Rediscovering old toys, seeing friends, making and eating goodies, and just being boys.
Damon's snowman painting. Damon decided he wanted to write a letter to Santa all on his own this year. It said: Santa, car car water, Damon Johnson. Straight to the point. (He asked for a car car crash last year, aka criss-cross crash, and when he saw a hot wheels water car track he knew what he wanted this year :)

We made gingerbread houses,

and snow globes,

and of course lots of food and sweets.
The Johnson side has a big Christmas eve candle light dinner every year, and since we couldn't be there we had one of our own. We sure missed everyone, but it was so sweet to just be with our little family.
Christmas morning was wonderful. We woke up to two excited little boys who couldn't wait to see what had happened at our home since the night before.

We got our stockings and saw what Santa had left for us. Damon was ecstatic to find his 'car car water' that he had asked for, and Jonas was happy to be right at his side :) (Yes, Jonas is playing with my rice cooker.)

Jo and his submarine.

We made some yummy stuffed french toast before leaving for church at 11.

Of course having Christmas on Sunday was a wonderful thing. Being able to have a spiritual lift to start the day was perfect to set the tone for a Christ centered holiday. It was nice to be back in our ward. We came home and opened our gifts from family. We were sure spoiled. We are so thankful for wonderful family that surround us on both sides. We were able to skype with our families and it was so sweet to see them all. What a blessing skype has become as we have lived far away. 

Whew. As I look back on the time we spent in D.C. it seems to have passed faster than expected. Then to think we have that much time left here makes moving and settling somewhere seem so much more immediate.  Three years of living in Nebraska and going to school are drawing to an end and I find myself almost unprepared for its end. But life does that. Pushes you into what you feel you are not yet prepared for. We are grateful for the gospel and the peace it brings when life and struggles are hard to take. Truly, I feel like the times that are hardest in my life are those that I eventually look back on and am most grateful for. It changes me, gives me experience, and hopefully makes me better. 

Now, my loves... 

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Driving home, Bringhursts...

After packing the car, cleaning the house, and making some goodies we were ready to go. The boys really had a great time hanging out while I ran around making sure I got everything. Jo is teething so he likes to stick this little doggie in his mouth. Cuteness.

Da loves puzzles!

Of course we have great adventures in the car. We can even make our sand buckets into fancy hats!

It took us about 4 1/2 hours to get to Sarah and Nate's house. When we pulled up to the house I just had to stare in awe...I absolutely LOVE that home. It is perfect.

What could be better than a red door?

The house was beautiful and spotless before we made our way through like a tornado. The high ceilings, wood floors, big windows, vintage door knobs and locks,...I could go on forever. :) It really is such an amazing place.

The kids made little Christmas trees with pom poms for the lights. 

 Isn't this the sweetest?

Sarah has of course done a magnificent job decorating her new house and made it feel so homey and festive. She is such an amazing homemaker, and so many of the things in her home she makes on her own! I love seeing everything she comes up with.

She made us a spread that was fit for a king. It was literally the best turkey I have ever had! Everything was amazing...seriously, to die for!

After dinner the kids decorated gingerbread men.

Yay for Christmas parties with family!

Ammon was already asleep, and poor Brenna was conked out too! We LoVe this family to death. :)

It was so sweet to hear how close Kaylee and Jayce got when they lived in the same was just as sweet to see how well these two got along. We were going to sleep at their home and leave early the next morning. These two cuties were having a sleepover in a little fort in the girl's room. They were giggling so hard and when we went up to see what it was about they had a little board book with pictures of little babies in it. What entertainment :) We ended up leaving at around midnight cause Kyle could not sleep, and even though it was not in the plans we drove all the rest of the 16+ hours home and are incredibly relieved to be here. It was such a memorable trip and one that we will never forget. Thanks Bringhursts' for an absolutely perfect day! We love you!

Friday, December 9, 2011

One last trip...

We are ready to go in the morning! We decided we needed one more trip downtown before we leave. Funny story, on the way to meet Kyle at the White House we were parking our car at the metro station when Damon accidentally locked my purse and keys in the car. Luckily the two things I had on me where the only things I needed. My phone and metro card. Since my camera was in my purse we used Kyle's phone to take the pics. SO happy we went. It was amazing to see D.C. at night, and the Christmas scene was wonderful. 
Riding the metro

So there is the big tree in the middle that is the First family's tree, and all the little trees surrounding it are the state trees. The ornaments are made special for each tree. I got pics of all the places we have called home...

Tree for D.C.

The awesome fire pit

Maryland tree

Nebraska tree

Utah tree

This was the cutest thing! I may have liked it more than the boys. :) Santa's workshop-and you got to see Santa at the end!

What a perfect way to end our last night here.