Tuesday, April 21, 2015


It snowed on the 15th. It was a really light winter but we have had late snow storms too. Kinda crazy. Go from shorts to winter stuff.

Chalk drawing Damon made in school.

My midwife told me when I had an ultrasound with Lyla that her feet were touching her head. She said when they see that they say that this one will be a dancer or gymnast. I thought that was interesting because all babies are pretty squished in there and probably do that. But it has been very apparent as she has grown that flexibility and strength is a normal thing for her. She does splits pretty often.

This little one was down for a nap when I heard him crying. I went in and he was not in the bassinet. My heart dropped. I looked all over the room. He was nowhere to be found. His crying was a little muffled and I ended up finding him under our bed. He was pretty stuck. Amazing he got out of his bed and under there without me knowing. Crazy little guy is growing up to be like his siblings.

 For my birthday Kyle took me out. We had deep fried artichoke hearts. Perfect 30th.

He also tricked me into getting my hair done. I only get it cut once a year, never colored, and he had me do both. Its a good thing he chose what to do cause I can never decide anything let alone what to do to my hair when I don't really change it. It was super shocking to look in the mirror. Glad I have an amazing sister in law who does amazing things.

We finally got to one of Breanne's volleyball games. She is so good. Love watching her play.

Chalk sharks

Monday, April 13, 2015

Lyla's Birthday

This sassy little thing turned 2. 

We went to McDonalds with my mom and Breanne so they could give her presents and play. She loved it of course. And she got totally spoiled.

We discovered that we get the best smiles out of Lyla when Kyle is doing the chicken dance.

She decided to give us a fun little dance of her own.

Birthdays are really the best.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

General Conference

I always loved how my parents made General Conference an enjoyable experience. We love food so much that we just ate the entire time. We would have a huge buffet and just listen and eat. Pure bliss. So I have done that in my family. It works really well.

Except when your brother is in the way of your favorite food I guess.

I am so sad I missed out on the party! We were sick so I missed our Johnson family night this month. But the cake looked amazing!

This little one can do no wrong. And that tongue...

 She finally got into my makeup. I knew it was coming. She painted herself a pink eye.

And because it is super awesome, here is Damon's talent.


Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Cutting down trees

We borrowed my dad's chain saw and went to town on the dying but still thriving trees. 

We have and will have to cut out much of the stuff in the yard. But I have loved this bush. Its a flowering almond. I just love it. So I bring it inside every few days.

It took a few days but we got the west tree down and cut into smaller pieces. Then we moved to the apple tree.

It had so much dead on it and the trunk was actually partially hollow, and the part that wasn't fell out like sawdust. We will miss the fruit but it had to go.

Swung to sleep.

Took the kids to the castle park. It is big and they liked it, but they loved exploring more. There is a little path down a ridge close to the park. Jo had to hug the dragon first.

 We had to take like fifty shots to get one good one, but I would do it again in a heartbeat. These little ones are my whole life. My whole world. I am happy I have a way to remember this day.

Thursday, March 19, 2015


Kyle found this picture in an album at my moms. He think I look like Jonas. 

We got to hang out with Luke for a bit the other day! It was so fun, Lyla was magnetized to him.

Damon drew the Mario crew. 

We haven't planted anything at this house yet but we keep reaping the results of others. Thought these little yellows were so sweet.

When we moved in the cubby under the stairs had an old bookshelf in it. The shelves were covered in this contact paper. I guess it was what my grandma had done. We junked everything in the cubby but I stripped the paper to keep. Fun remembrance.

My dad's siblings got together the other night and some of them came to see the house. They brought these fun pictures with them.

And my Aunt Margo took a picture with me. So fun to catch up for a bit. 

These little rascals keep me on my toes. Lyla will be sad when Jonas starts school. They are best of friends.

 She has tons of bracelets, but she likes rubber bands better.