Thursday, April 11, 2013


March was a very exciting month for our family. With Boston's 6 month mark it meant we got to accomplish a lot with finalizing the adoption. First order of business was our court date. As a very devoted Judge Judy viewer I was psyched to actually get to go to court, even though our caseworker told us not to expect it to be like that.  :-)(Thank goodness...I guess!)

Ready to go to court!
We were told to get to court 30 minutes early so our lawyer could go over everything with us. We got there and waited...and waited...and waited...I was getting so frustrated. Finally 10 minutes before our court time I had Kory call our lawyer and make sure she remembered. She hadn't changed her office clock for daylight savings!!! I was so panicked!! Luckily she got there with 5 minutes to spare.

Court was very official. We had to answer lots of yes and no questions about our understanding of being responsible parents. The judge then had us each talk a little about what adopting Boston means to us. It was a very special experience.

We were so lucky to have a cool judge that allowed us to take pictures!