As you can tell, I don't sugar coat anything. Never have, never will. Yes, my kid has public meltdowns. Yes, I am that person with the screaming child in the grocery store. It happens. I'm told "it's just a phase." I sure hope so! I refuse to be the parent who says their kid is an angel at all times.
On the other hand, with all that 'tude comes lots of love and silliness that only a parent could truly appreciate. She runs down the hallway and into the garage to greet me when I get home from work, she randomly comes up to me and give me a kiss, she does Dora's "I did it" dance and yells out "I didet," she points to the cuckoo clock and cuckoos with the bird every hour, she chases Pepper around the house giggling up a storm, she tries to help me put the dishes in the dishwasher, she sits on daddy's lap and watches Dora in the mornings, she impresses me with her signs/words daily, and, overall, she is just a good kid. One of her good days outweighs about 2-3 sassy days. Easily.
This stage is fun, but it is challenging because not only is she testing me, but I feel that she is frustrated that she cannot fully communicate with me.
Finally, on to the stats! She's still our little peanut.
22 lbs (20th %)
30" tall (10th %)
She got one immunization, but I can't remember which one. I'm pretty sure she recognizes the nurse who gives her shots because the minute she walked into the room to measure her and take her temp, KK had a meltdown.
The minute Dr. Campbell walked into the room, KK was at ease and was such a good little girl. She gave KK a flavor stick which KK loved! I need to find some of those online!
Dr. Campbell even said that typical 18 month olds do not sit that still while being checked out. We were surprised she sat still too! We asked Dr. Campbell about KK's cough (that she has had since December!) and Dr. Campbell gave us some Singulair to try. Hopefully it will clear up the cough.
KK officially started daycare this week. Ty starts school next week, so I decided he deserved a week off. So far so good with daycare. I come home with art every single day and KK seems to enjoy interacting with other kids. The carpool lane is another bonus for me!
Up next...18 month pictures. I need to get an appointment scheduled...perhaps next weekend.