Friday, November 19, 2010

Just rambling

Well my iphone is not working. I have spent 1 hr and 1/2 working on it. I am now in the process of downloading a bunch of software. I don't really have much to do while I wait so I thought I would do a many update. The last month went by super cute.

There was Halloween the gang as always dressed in theme. This year the theme was avatar.

How cute is everyone.... We will be looking for ideas for next year so if you have anything please leave a comment.

DUCKS. Really this probably deserves a post all by it self. Last minutes our friends offered us tickets. OF course we quickly found a babysitter. Thanks Dad and Tina for the last minute help. Cam and I had a blast. I got to watch the #1 ranked Ducks. It was amazing and so much fun.

Then there was hunting season. It was one of Cam's first time in a very long time hunting. We are so excited for him but I don't have any pics on my computer right now. I will have to post pictures later. Thanks Honey for always taking care of us. You are truly amazing.

Then Curtis Salgado, My mom came and Cam and I spent the night in Florence. It was wonderful. I don't think Cam and I had got away since Haley was born she is now 2 1/2. The concert was so so but we had fun. I was looking forward to waking up at 10:00 nope 6:30 for this girl. Oh how I wish I could sleep late.

Then the BLAZER GAME. I was offered court side seats to the Blazer game. My initial reaction was that it's a school night and it just isn't going to work. When I talked to Cam and he acted like I was crazy for not taking them. I got them back!!!! We got caught in traffic and missed a portion of the game :( we also forgot our camera so my sweet sister met us so we could take pictures. We were in the fourth row and it was AWESOME. At one point in the game Cam leaned over and said "this is way better then Curtis Salgado!" One time a loose ball bounced over to Cam and guess who got to throw it back to the refs yes my husband. He did it so well. LOL!!! I said to him "Camelo Anthony, has touched that ball." Lame I know but so much fun and so out of character for me.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Taylor the sleep walker

This is really Cam's story to tell and I won't do it justice but at the same time I have to document this.......

A few nights ago Cam came home from the gym. It was late so the kids and I had all ready gone to bed. Cam thought it was rather wierd that I left a light on. He thought it was even stranger that I left a box of egos out in the front room. The box had become rather droopy from the waffles defrosting. Cam went into the kitchen and opened the freezer. There was another bag of waffles and some wierd water all over the bottom of the freezer.

He came up stairs and asked me what happened. I replied with "thats wierd Taylor woke me up and was half naked"

As Cam came back downstairs he began to put the events together. He stepped over Taylors PJ and underwear on the floor. He headed back to the freezer where my son opened the door and PEED. We have giggled about it now but Cam was quite disgusted with the half frozen pee that he had to clean up in the freezer. I was just glad that I could laugh about it because it wasn't me that cleaned it up. (What a good sport my husband is).

Thats right my son sleep walks. In the middle of the night Taylor gets up and heads to the bathroom. The bathroom has ended up to be the dirty laundys, his shirt drawer and now the freezer. OHHHH that boy.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

The end of Summer

I was thinking the other day that I am really not very good at this but I am sure that I will at least be happy that I have documented some of our lives even if it is every other month.

August brought a lot of fun. I spent a week in Atlanta at conference and then got to visit North Carolina. I absolutely loved North Carolina. It reminded me a lot of Oregon beautiful and Green. It was an absolute blast and the trip was so very much fun. When I told Cam all the fun things we (Megan and I) he asked me if I was back in high school and yes a lot of it was very High School.

Cam plays softball every summer and played in a tournament down in Roseburg. They placed 2nd but had a great time.

We went to three M's Games this summer. Super fun. Cam even had a bbque with some guy friends and went to the game while I was out of town.

Max and Morgan came down from Portland for our yearly raft trip. It was an absolute blast. You have to love the Rogue River. We ended up not camping because time just did not allow it but we had a blast and played hard. We went to Florence and hung out there.

We saw Amy for a brief moment at Wikiup camp ground where the family had a little memorial for Grand Dad.

Haley turned two. How did my little baby get so old. I don't know but she is quite precious. She can communicate really well and is the absolute princess.

We rafted over Labor day with Dad and Tina. It was fun. I will say my favorite part is the warm cinnamon rolls. :) YUMMY oh and I also enjoyed the cold pizza. I think that is going to be a new tradition. Camping was awesome but a little bit funny. Thanks Mom for taking Haley I will admit I enjoyed the day to myself reading and laying in the tent. But the night now that was interesting. One night Taylor woke up completely disoriented. I am sure he just needed to pee and go back to bed but the events to probably follow woke up the whole camp ground. He was sleeping in Jason's tent and started coughing. Jason afraid of puking got him out of his tent where he decided to take off running. Taylor then Screams to let him go and starts talking gibberish. (this happens at home we pee and he goes back to bed no biggie). I wake up and say get the car keys lets put him in the car (to muffle the noise not steal the kid but I am sure if you are waking up to this kid freaking out you might think otherwise). I finally get him calmed down he practically pees on Jason and falls instantly back to sleep. The next day he was a little embarrassed. I told him to hold his head up high it was not biggie.

Then September begins our first day of first grade. He happens to be in a 1/2 blend and was a little bit worried because most of his friends happened to be in the other classes. He was super excited when he realized that he still got to have recess with his friends.

Cam is enjoying getting back into the routine of things and Haley is loving the gym "Play" is what she calls it.

I recently got a promotion to Director of Finance. Pretty excited :) It is amazing how blessed our family is.

Well we hope all of you are having a fabulous September.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Well I obviously suck at blogging. The problem is I spend all day sitting in front of a computer at work and I had promised myself that when I was home I was going to be home so thinking about turning my computer on after I get the kids to bed just doesn't seem like anything I want to do. Especially because of summer it is usually after 9:00 pm. (Don't worry though I am heading to Atlanta in August I am sure I will post everyday for a week).

Cam at graduation. June 14th. University of Oregon Sociology in the Student Rec Center.

The family, and I think I look prego in this pic. I am not! It must just be the shirt.

The cute cupcakes Brittney made for Cam's party.

Graduation was awesome. Cam looked absolutely amazing and I was so proud of him. He has worked so hard and I just hope he knows how thankful I am for all the sacrifices he has made for our family. Thank you again for all the family and friends that came and celebrated with us. It was truly an awesome moment.

My baby sister graduated high school. Erin you are awesome I love you and remember you can do whatever you want.

On June 24th I turned the big 30. I tried hard not to think about the fact that at 30 you are officially old. It was hard but we made it through and I actually have loved this year so far. My mom came up to celebrate my birthday and the perfect birthday would end with voodoo donuts of course. I got two being the birthday girl a yummy maple bacon bar and a chocolate, rice krispie peanut butter donut. UMMM is it my birthday again. Maybe I'll have to celebrate. Cam got me the awesomest present. New running shoes and the NIKE + sensor. LOVE IT!!!! I was so excited I took them on my relay the next day. I figured if I am going to turn 30. :( I might as well prove to myself that I am in decent shape for 30 so I ran the EPIC Relay from Portland to Eugene (170 miles all together) with a group of people from church. It was awesome and I had so much fun and I ran pretty dang fast (well for me at least). My goal was to try to run a 9:30 pace. My short runs were closer to 8:30 (Boo YA) and my long run was 9:15. I was super proud of myself. I signed up to run the Champoeg half again in September. If I am not mistaken last year I ran 11:11 and than I ran the pear blossom with my pace at 10:00. My goal for champoeg 9:30 but I am going to really push for 9:15.

July 3rd was awesome. We had a barbecue up at some friends house with a few other families. Haley run to the tramp and said Jump, Jump, Jump. They live in the Coburg Hills in the most amazing home. It was so much fun and at the end we had fireworks. Cam and I haven't bought fireworks in years. I hate the ones you can buy here but luckily we got to see a lot of beautiful fireworks. Haley was a trooper and stuck it out. July 4th we spent at my dads letting off fireworks. We had fun and of course we played water balloon bombers, water balloon baseball which I think ended up in a water balloon fight. Erin and Gabe (Erin's boyfriend came over). It was a blast. We had a couple scary moments with the fireworks but we all survived. Lots of people near my dad's have real fireworks so there is always a good show.

July 5th - I didn't have to work so Cam and I decided to take the family on a hike. It was nice and cool and the kids did awesome. Haley walked a good portion of the hike and then rode on my shoulders for the remainder. At one point Tay tells Cam that he has to go number 2. We were not prepared for that. But because Cam is the bomb he totally knew what to do. I loved being in the wilderness with my family.

Taylor's Bike Accident Don't worry he was trying to look like he was crying. And the best part about it after about a week he got right back on.

July 10th - Taylor had a jamboree which he rocked at. Oh it was for T-Ball again I need to post pics. But he loves baseball so much. Many times when I come home from work Cam and Taylor are out in the yard playing catch. (Which reminds me Taylor finally learned to ride his bike and he is amazing at it. WAY TO GO SON!!! We also have had our first bike wreck.) After T-Ball the girls (Jenn, Erin, Alexis, Stacie, and Melinda) all went to go holler at Jacob in Eclipse. And he didn't disappoint.

This is Haley at the jamboree chowing down on some cheetos. UMMM Cheetos.

Taylor playing catcher. He rocked it up at any position he played.

Taylor getting his trophy from Coach Steve.

On July 11th - Grandma and Grandpa came to visit. They haven't seen dad in almost 18 years. I guess they met Erin when she was 3 months old. Isn't that crazy. Well we had a good visit and I am hoping that we can stay connected.

Well in a nut shell I think that is everything I had missed blogging about.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Graduation Parties and Other Fun Stuff

Cam's graduation party was a complete hit. Thank you for all that came and celebrated with us. Thank you to all who helped with desserts and food. It was a little bit stressful with me literally flying in Friday night to begin this big celebration. But it was awesome and was just perfect. While Cam and I were at the party I remembered a conversation that Cam and I had. Taylor was supposed to talk in church on Sunday. YOU CAN IMAGINE MY PANIC. I had Sharing time today, we had a few things to get ready for actual graduation, a birthday party for Tina, myself and fathers day today, and now a talk. REALLY Could I add anything else to my crazy day. BUT because I am a complete pro. SHARING TIME was awesome and Tay helped me write his talk and it too was awesome. Cam took care of a few things regarding the birthday party and graduation. We fit it all in. WOO!!!!

Okay so for a few funny things and some awesome things regarding Tay's talk.

Taylor was super excited about giving a talk and when I asked him what he wanted to talk about he said when Jesus walked on the water. So together we wrote his talk. He was playing on my phone and calling Haley and talking to her. He wanted to call Grandpa and so the next time I heard him. He was talking to my dad telling him about his talk and that he wanted Grandpa and Tina to come and hear him. What an amazing little missionary. I was so proud of him. As he gave his talk today he was a little nervous but he did such an awesome job.

He is just such a sweet and funny boy. When he say the water skeeters at Camp Creek yesterday he said "They walk on water like Jesus."

Today Taylor was telling Jennifer and I that Jennifer was his fourth favorite girl. I was proud when he said I was first. YEAH. Isabella was 2nd and the third was........uncle Jason. WHAT?????? I guess Jason is a girl. Cracked us up.

Well I am trying to catch up on some work so sorry it was quick.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Day 4 in DC

I have had a fun trip. Well if fun is what you call sitting in class and learning lots about yourself. Ultimatley its been good. I had to write my life value today. I am pretty goal oriented so it wasn't too hard. I do think it was good to write goals that I have and hopefully look at them over the next five years. I am going to review them monthly to make sure I am still in line with long term goals. The best part of today is that it is the end of SLP. Awesome!

That's today and I am moving on to tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


My presentation was good. It wasn't perfect but we accomplished it and the feedback which was not all positive was good and I learned a lot. Which is really the most important part. The reason I didn't post yesterday was because we had a super long day. First we left the hotel @ 7:45 and didn't return until 10:30. I spoke with my kids and then went to bed. In the evening we spent time wandering around the presidential momuments. It was the perfect evening. I thoroughly enjoyed Washington, Jefferson, Franklin and the Lincoln memorial. Of course because I am in leadership development seeing these monuments for these amazing leaders was truly .... inspirational.

We saw the vietnam war memorial again truly inspirational. It is amazing what others have done for our freedom.

We also saw the white house. AMAZING! I am not a huge history buff but it made me want to learn everything I possibly could. Luckily that desire quickly left but the desire to visit the area with my husband lives on. He is an amazing historian and could fill me in. Here are some pictures of course my dumb phone was dead and so I only got two but it was still amazing.

I was missing my family. I am so glad that I will be home in a little over two days. I love you Taylor, Haley and Cam.