Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Rainy Day Pinterest Day

This weather is so weird... It was raining today so we decided to stay inside but only so much will keep my very busy, very active kid occupied (especially since I told my husband I would do better at not turning the TV into my free babysitter...). So I went on Pinterest and found some fun stuff for us to do today!

Baking Soda and Vinegar Art!!

You're supposed to use a little syringe but I couldn't find any... we used a spoon instead and I told Peyton to use little drops. Little. 

But honestly, how many 2 year olds will follow your directions?

Still listening to mommy!

I feel like this face says she has a great idea coming on...

And there goes all the yellow....

By the end of the hour, all we had was a gross mess of brown... Oh well, she had fun!!