Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Superbowl Sunday

and of course....

Hope you had a great Superbowl!! 

We just had a small group of friends (Ezra and Ariel, Toshi and B, Ben and me) come over but we had lots of food and fun! Thanks guys :)

Goals Revisited....

I'm definitely the type of person who makes New Year's Resolutions and keep them for 1 - 2 weeks.... and then that's it. So I decided that I should make them New Month's Resolutions and at the beginning of each month, I'll revisit the goals and see how I've been doing!

#1 - Read scriptures and pray DAILY. ----- Sorta check. I read the entire books of Moroni, Ether, and Mormon (each in a day) and then that was it. I definitely slacked on that part. BUT! I have been praying daily... personal, family, and with Ben.
#2 - Go to the temple at least once a month. ----- It's all about honesty... so no, didn't do this! Its just so easy to forget! I'll do it this month though!
#3 - Join a fitness class/get in shape. ----- I went with Toshi and it was so much fun! This month we're going to kickboxing and pilates! Also, if I don't go with her, I'll do sit ups and push ups during commercials while I watch all my favorite TV shows! That counts, right?
#4 - Pay my bills on time! ----- CHECK!
#5 - Blog! ----- I'm working on it :)
#6 - Make memories! ----- In January, we got back into the groove of working and living here in Provo without Glenn. We definitely miss him but I'm so excited that he's doing so good back home in Oregon.----- Mira went to Hawaii this month and brought back so many fun things for us. -----While she was gone, we were going to go to St George to visit Grandma Wheeler and Grandma Tweedie but Peyton and I got sick so we couldn't go. Ben took care of us and didn't complain once! I love him.----- Ben heard an ad on the radio for a job opportunity for a company called Cumulus Media.He thought that he fit the description perfectly and applied. A week later, he received a call to come to a job fair. It was really a group interview and he ROCKED it! They called him back the next day and asked him to come in for an interview. The next day they called him and asked him to call the corporate office for a final interview. We're so excited to see if this job will work out for him!!-----Peyton went to nursery! She's not quite 18 months but she's able to go if Ben or I are in there with her. And oh my goodness, she LOVES it. She could care less if mom and dad were there. But who could blame her? Other kids her size, food, toys, food.... she's in heaven! :)