Thursday, January 12, 2012

I'm "Too Polite"

I work at a treatment center that gets a little crazy... ok, a lot crazy. I've been called everything under the sun. I've had curses put on my family. I've had death threats. I've seen girls (and this is gross) poop, smear it all over their arms, and then eat it. I've had girls try to kill themselves and have had to stop them from doing it.... Needless to say, through all of this, I really feel like I am good at my job. No, I'm great at my job. I don't want to sound prideful... but I really do take pride in being able to do this exceptionally well. Almost 3 years down the road, a position opened up that I felt was perfect for me. I felt like I was ready to take on more responsibility so I applied!

And like all the other many jobs I applied for.... I didn't get it! AGAIN?! I won't go into details because I could go on and on but I won't. I'll save you the theatrics and give you the basics: I am one hundred and ten percent confident that I was the better, more qualified applicant.... and just about everyone else on my shift agrees with me. The hard part is that the person who received the position is my friend... who I trained for 6 months. Sigh...

The reason why I didn't get the job? I'm "too polite". Oh well....

After talking with my supervisor, she feels like I AM ready for more responsibility so even though I didn't get the position, I will be put in charge of some programs that will hopefully give me the edge some other time. So I guess this all works out??

Monday, January 2, 2012

Welcome to the End

  We wanted ugly Christmas sweaters but they were $60+ online and the ones we found at the stores weren't ugly enough.... so we made our own sweaters!! (Except Peyton... ) 5 ugly sweaters for $20? 
Yes please! 

I figured since the world is supposed to end sometime this year, I better come up with some really good goals, right? haha

#1 - Read scriptures and pray DAILY. I feel like I need to make the gospel a bigger priority in my life. A friend of mine who is on his mission said "if you don't feel it, find it." I plan on doing just that!
#2 - Go to the temple at least once a month.
#3 - Join a fitness class (either kick boxing, jiu jiutsu, yoga, pilates, or spinning) with my friend Tashi (her sister will babysit Peyton) and go once a week... at least. Classes are offered 3 times a week. (aka. get into shape...and here's how I'm going to do it because now I have a friend to go with and no excuses!!)
#4 - Pay my bills... on time. Don't judge. I just forget!
#5 - Blog!
#6 - Make memories this year! And I know I will be! Things to look forward to: Riena comes home from her mission, Glenn will go on a mission(!!!!!YAY!!!!!), Kalilimoku reunion in Washington, Ben's hiking trip to the Grand Tetons, going on a cruise with Cassyie, buying a house, Peyton turning 2 (T.W.O!!) and hopefully so much more!!

What are some of your resolutions??