Monday, September 27, 2010

I thought I had to poop but had a baby instead...

If you want to read about the birth, then here you go (but I won't be offended if you don't read it... this is mostly for me to put it down in writing):

So Saturday morning I woke up (around 7:00am) to regular contractions like usual.... only these were just a little more annoying than usual. I laid in bed for about an hour and then decided that maybe if I poop (yes, I said poop.... I'm just going to be honest, people) it'll feel better. So I went to the bathroom and tried... and couldn't poop. It actually hurt a little more to try and push. I think I went to the bathroom twice to try. Finally I laid back down in bed and debated with myself whether or not to go to the hospital. The thought crossed my mind that maybe it was the baby's time to come but I told myself that (1) Dr. Dewey said that she wouldn't come for at least another week, (2) it was Sept. 11th and I didn't want a baby on this day, and (3) I was probably just a wuss who couldn't poop and how embarrassing would that be to go to the hospital and have them tell me I was constipated?! So I basically made a deal with the Big Man Upstairs and told him that the next time I had a contraction and the thought that I should go to the hospital came again, then I would go BUT if there was no thought about going to the hospital, then I would just pull up my big girls pants and deal. Well, the thought came so I told Ben that I wanted to go to the hospital just for them to check and if anything, they could give me something to poop this massive poop out. So I get up and I have to poop SO bad now and what's Ben doing? Getting ready. Like, really getting ready. He's doing his hair, getting out his nice clothes, taking his time.... Um, I feel like I need to poop a basketball and Ben's excuse is that he needs to look nice for pictures! I'm not having a baby today Ben....

Finally Ben looks picture-perfect and we go to the hospital (10:00 am). We get in, sign some things and they put me in this huge room. The nurse is SO amazing and relaxed.... until she checks me and all of a sudden she's on the phone calling for a bunch of nurses and whoever else. Then she tells me that the reason that I feel like I need to poop is because there's a baby on it's way and I'm dilated to a 7!! (Um, I was planning on getting the epidural when I was dilated to a 5...)I asked the nurse what that meant and she said it meant I was going to have a baby today.... WHAT?! I was not ready for the baby to come today.... So it's rush, rush, rush and people are coming in and poking me in random places and telling me not to push and then all of a sudden, it's just a bunch of waiting. The epidural was AMAZING. I think the guy thought since I was dilated so far, he'd give me a huge dose... and it was so nice.

The nurse came in and at noon, I was dilated to a 10 so she called the doctor. He told her to call him back when my water broke... an hour later, I was still at a 10 and it didn't look like my water was going to break anytime soon. We waited another hour and my nurse said she just wanted me to start pushing and we'd see what would happen. My first push and our baby threw a water balloon out of me and at the nurse (at least that's what Ben said it looked like). We push again and we can see her little squished head coming out so she tells me to stop pushing and she's calling the doctor. So I can't push for a few minutes.... that was hard. My doctor shows up about 10 minutes later and as soon as walks in, I tell him I'm going to push so he said go for it.... he's basically still putting on his gloves and outfit and my baby is coming out. I push through one more contraction and that huge basketball poop just slides out. Then, I realize that I just had a kid.... That's it?! Is that all? I seriously pushed for 4 contractions and just had a baby?? Where was the screaming and the sweating and the "You-did-this-to-me?!"....

I think the hardest part of the whole thing was when the nurses come in and push on your stomach AFTER the baby is out.... OUCH! Where was the epidural for that?! :) But even then, the whole experience was amazing and the result? I can't even describe how amazing and perfect our little baby is. She weighed 7 lb 4 oz and was 19 in.

Now, after her 2 week appt, she's 7 lbs 7 oz (she lost a pound really quickly so the docs were a little worried but she gained it all right back!) and 21 in. She had high levels of jaundice so we had to put her on lights for a few days but the doctor says we don't have to worry about anything anymore.
Love this little girl!!!