Monday, December 27, 2010

Baby Stuff

 Peyton and I have our morning routine down. I feed her, put her in her bouncer then go to the bathroom to get ready. I heard her crying the other morning and saw this......

So this is why they have a seat belt on these bouncers..... 

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Dont Worry Peyton....

Look closely......

Yes, this is a picture of my baby's belly.... not the best quality because you can't see the blue permanent marker all over her. See, Peyton has a onesie that has a list of things she loves: hugs, kisses, mommy.... oh yeah, and....

I guess daddy was feeling a little left out so he made sure Peyton knows that daddy is one of her favorites as well....

Oh well, it was funny to say the least and at least now she will always remember.... permanently.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Dear Bristol Palin ....

Sometimes (keyword: sometimes) I feel embarrassed for you when I watch you dance but I honestly hope you kick trash next week in the finals just to show everyone that you CAN do this. Good luck!



Loved the music for this dance!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Family Photos

Since our little family is growing, I thought it would be fun to get some family photos done. My neighbor did them when we took Peyton's newborn pics and I love them! I don't have them yet but before you think that you wasted your time by coming to my blog, hang on a sec. This IS worth your while because this post has pictures! Lots of them! Here are a few family photos that I dug up..... online..... and completely unrelated to me at all.... I'm just crossing my fingers my own family photos are a little less awkward than these.

** Thank you for all the pictures (and to Ashley for introducing me to this absolutely amazing, completely time-wasting, incredibly hilarious website!!) Here are just some of my PG-rated favorites. Enjoy.

And if you go to the website, be warned... these are PG, there are some others that should be rated R for nudity except they are covering their who-whos and the ha-has.... you were warned!

So many hands....

*Sigh* Try to keep up...


No, it's not a bird or a plane....

And I was worried about what MY hair looked like....

He was obviously not the favorite....

I guess there just wasn't enough room on the couch..for...her...

Clearly a win-win situation....What says success more than your knocked-up wife AND your dead turkey?! (And this was the most family-friendly picture of the pregnant wife that I found... there are a lot more not-so-family-friendly-but-absolutely-hilarious-and-completely-ridiculous pictures of pregnant women and their rather eccentric husbands..... Hilarious...but naked)

So there you have it. Awkward family photos.... Hopefully mine won't be this bad :) and yes, I will post the real ones as soon as I get them!!

Monday, September 27, 2010

I thought I had to poop but had a baby instead...

If you want to read about the birth, then here you go (but I won't be offended if you don't read it... this is mostly for me to put it down in writing):

So Saturday morning I woke up (around 7:00am) to regular contractions like usual.... only these were just a little more annoying than usual. I laid in bed for about an hour and then decided that maybe if I poop (yes, I said poop.... I'm just going to be honest, people) it'll feel better. So I went to the bathroom and tried... and couldn't poop. It actually hurt a little more to try and push. I think I went to the bathroom twice to try. Finally I laid back down in bed and debated with myself whether or not to go to the hospital. The thought crossed my mind that maybe it was the baby's time to come but I told myself that (1) Dr. Dewey said that she wouldn't come for at least another week, (2) it was Sept. 11th and I didn't want a baby on this day, and (3) I was probably just a wuss who couldn't poop and how embarrassing would that be to go to the hospital and have them tell me I was constipated?! So I basically made a deal with the Big Man Upstairs and told him that the next time I had a contraction and the thought that I should go to the hospital came again, then I would go BUT if there was no thought about going to the hospital, then I would just pull up my big girls pants and deal. Well, the thought came so I told Ben that I wanted to go to the hospital just for them to check and if anything, they could give me something to poop this massive poop out. So I get up and I have to poop SO bad now and what's Ben doing? Getting ready. Like, really getting ready. He's doing his hair, getting out his nice clothes, taking his time.... Um, I feel like I need to poop a basketball and Ben's excuse is that he needs to look nice for pictures! I'm not having a baby today Ben....

Finally Ben looks picture-perfect and we go to the hospital (10:00 am). We get in, sign some things and they put me in this huge room. The nurse is SO amazing and relaxed.... until she checks me and all of a sudden she's on the phone calling for a bunch of nurses and whoever else. Then she tells me that the reason that I feel like I need to poop is because there's a baby on it's way and I'm dilated to a 7!! (Um, I was planning on getting the epidural when I was dilated to a 5...)I asked the nurse what that meant and she said it meant I was going to have a baby today.... WHAT?! I was not ready for the baby to come today.... So it's rush, rush, rush and people are coming in and poking me in random places and telling me not to push and then all of a sudden, it's just a bunch of waiting. The epidural was AMAZING. I think the guy thought since I was dilated so far, he'd give me a huge dose... and it was so nice.

The nurse came in and at noon, I was dilated to a 10 so she called the doctor. He told her to call him back when my water broke... an hour later, I was still at a 10 and it didn't look like my water was going to break anytime soon. We waited another hour and my nurse said she just wanted me to start pushing and we'd see what would happen. My first push and our baby threw a water balloon out of me and at the nurse (at least that's what Ben said it looked like). We push again and we can see her little squished head coming out so she tells me to stop pushing and she's calling the doctor. So I can't push for a few minutes.... that was hard. My doctor shows up about 10 minutes later and as soon as walks in, I tell him I'm going to push so he said go for it.... he's basically still putting on his gloves and outfit and my baby is coming out. I push through one more contraction and that huge basketball poop just slides out. Then, I realize that I just had a kid.... That's it?! Is that all? I seriously pushed for 4 contractions and just had a baby?? Where was the screaming and the sweating and the "You-did-this-to-me?!"....

I think the hardest part of the whole thing was when the nurses come in and push on your stomach AFTER the baby is out.... OUCH! Where was the epidural for that?! :) But even then, the whole experience was amazing and the result? I can't even describe how amazing and perfect our little baby is. She weighed 7 lb 4 oz and was 19 in.

Now, after her 2 week appt, she's 7 lbs 7 oz (she lost a pound really quickly so the docs were a little worried but she gained it all right back!) and 21 in. She had high levels of jaundice so we had to put her on lights for a few days but the doctor says we don't have to worry about anything anymore.
Love this little girl!!!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

April Freakin Fools....

So looks like we're having a baby GIRL and not a boy..... A few weeks ago my stomach started cramping up pretty good and I got worried so we called the doctor and the doctor said.... Let's schedule you for another ultrasound and Bam! Girl :) And just when we decided on a name for a boy. Oh well, we are even more excited that it's a girl.... and we'll have a closet full of baby clothes for a boy OR a girl. Yay!

Friday, May 21, 2010

WIN-CO and baby Wheeler

Winco is seriously one of my favorite stores.... if you've never heard of it, picture this: Costco and Walmart had a baby, and that baby's name is Winco. We had one in Oregon growing up and I have no idea if this is how they got their name or not, but we always thought it stood for Washington-Idaho-Nevada-California-Oregon.... and now, Utah can be added to the bunch (Winco'u (we made it a Hawaiian name... haha)). The best part about Winco is that because they are a Western states-based store, they carry lots of dairy products from Tillamook.... which means Tillamook ice cream!! Ben said that Blue Bell carries the best ice cream even though I am the ice cream expert in our family and so we just HAD to buy Tillamook.... and I think his vote has changed :) If you're out here, go try some... it is seriously so good! (and fattening.... which is probably why it is so dang good!)

While we we there, I got a watermelon (I've decided that if I were stuck on a deserted island and could only have one food on that island, I would get watermelon). While I was putting it in the cart, Ben said, "Trina, go put it back!" I was really confused why and he basically said that we only needed one watermelon so I should put the one under my shirt back..... Jerk. But it was pretty funny. And no, I don't think that I look like I have a watermelon under my shirt.... maybe a small cantaloupe....

Last appointment, we found our little squirt is going to be a boy! We also found out that my due date is pushed back.... only a week but still! So that puts me right at 20 weeks....The same thing happened to my friend who's about 2 months ahead of me and her doctor pushed her due date back a whole month! So I guess I can't complain too much.... actually, I don't think I can complain at all. So far (knock on wood) this pregnancy has been SO easy, I love it! I think there was something in the water at work because there was 4 of us girls at work pregnant at the same time and after watching them/hearing their stories, I'm super blessed.... I think I've thrown up a total of 3 or 4 times (definitely not more than 5). The nausea part stunk but as soon as I realized that if I ate something, it'd go away, I was fine. The only thing that is annoying is that I'll get mad really easy and then start crying cuz I feel so bad for being a jerk.... until I saw my friend get really mad over a really small thing and then all of a sudden just start BAWLING. She seriously couldn't stop for 30 minutes.... So basically, everything in this pregnancy is going pretty easy! :)

Oh! And I thought of a name (McKay Kalilimoku Wheeler) .... Ben was iffy at first but now he likes it. The only thing is he's saying it's not a first-child type of name..... Um, I'm sorry. I didn't know there were certain first-child names you needed to use so if anyone has that book, could I borrow it? :)

One more thing! Should we do a pregnancy class at the hospital? I'm on the fence with that one....

Saturday, May 8, 2010

It's a .......

k.... So the doctor told me that I'm not as far along as he thought I was so the baby isn't as far along as we thought I would be. As far as we can tell it looks like our first is going to be a boy!!!! We're super stoked and now you know!!!!!!!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Blue or Pink?

Actually.... Ben and I were hoping for a puppy but instead it looks like we're going to have a ....

ok, I can't put it up here yet because I've been waiting for Ben to call the rest of his family and let them know before everyone else reads about it but Ben hasn't called yet..... so yes, Lauren, expect a call tonight :)

Isn't there some kind of unwritten blog rule about this stuff? I don't know.... but here's a hint: I have NO IDEAS for baby names yet!!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Oh My Baby!

First of all, since I found out I was preggers, I've already bought my unborn child tons of clothes and other very important, very necessary (Ben doesn't think so) commodities. Yes, my child already has his or her first pair of indoor soccer shoes.... baby size! Our family is going to be stylin'. It is seriously so hard not to buy stuff for baby (or me) when I go out shopping....

In other baby news, the next time I post, I'll let you know what we're having.... we're hoping for a puppy (or a boy or girl...) AND I've been feeling the baby move around (I'm 16 weeks right now but I felt it around 14-15 weeks!!). It feels like there is a bubble in my stomach that I need to pop but I refuse to pop my baby bubble. And I feel like I'm showing but everyone says I'm not.... everyone lies.

Finally, I'm sitting in the computer lab at BYU and there are some hecka-funny people in here. The couple to my left are both sitting at separate computers, listening to Lion King music on YouTube (separately) but totally rocking out at the same time.... do you not realize how retarded you look? And for funny person #2 (I'm going to type fast because she's sitting right next to me....), this girl is seriously right up on the computer screen reading whatever it is she's reading.... seriously, her nose is touching the screen and I'm not lying cuz I just checked again.... and, yup, touching.

The end.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I had to go to the doctor.......

I haven’t been feeling that good for the past couple of months. I’ve been sleeping a lot more, feeling a little nauseous, not able to eat a lot, and even throwing up some. I thought I could just handle it all by myself (trying to be tough and all) but Ben and I figured it was about time I went to the doctor to see what’s up. Basically I have a small growth in my lower abdomen area and it’s only going to get bigger and bigger. No, it’s not cancer so don’t worry. There’s a heartbeat to this growing phenomenon (I’ve heard it twice!) so it’s definitely something alive. According to the doctor, I’ve had this growing in me for about 12 weeks and believe it or not, this is something normal. Looks like I’m going to be stuck with this… growth… for at least another 6 months but hopefully it’ll come out sometime in September, so the doctor says. And I have to go back and see him in a month just to make that everything is ok… But so far, so good!

Oh yeah, I guess what I have is something called...Pregnancy?

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Embarrassing Moment #534

You know that awkward phase when you are semi-new at work and you do lots of embarrassing things?

Here's Embarrassing Moment #534 (since I've done plenty of embarrassing things...)

Volleyball season. It was my first practice with the girls and the coach wanted the girls to be able to play while the fans/other team yell mean, awful things at the girls.... I was playing with the 2nd string girls on one side of the net while the 1st string girls were trying really hard to concentrate on the game and not at what the 2nd string were yelling at them. These girls are from the streets. They know how to talk and diss and get under people's skins. I couldn't think of anything to yell so I was pretty quiet. Finally, I get my courage up when the coach brings in the 1st string for a huddle. I yelled really loud something to the effect of "You girls have really big butts!!" right when it was completely quiet.... Is that really the meanest, most hurtful thing that I could say to distract them from the game?! Everyone laughed (at me).
