Friday, August 14, 2009

Take That Miss A

Well, today was it... my last day at work. Phew.

It was actually really fun. I made the kids these really lame yearbooks that they loved. We spent the first part of the morning signing them. Then we actually did some school-related things (but not much). After that, we watched The Secret Garden. Our class just finished reading the book together so I thought, what the heck... let's watch the movie. Found out that we're definitely NOT supposed to do things like that but oh well.... fire me, then. I gave them all a little goodbye gift (girls got those pens that you stick a flower on top and then wrap in floral tape and the boys got these really stupid foam pencil-animal things....) from me (again, lame and cheap... the gifts, not me). Oh yeah, and a little something sweet. And since sugar is DEFINITELY NOT allowed at school, you can count that as #2 on my list of things I shouldn't do on my last day at school.

So I'll miss the kids and teaching but good bye and good luck! (PS. one of the parents told me that her son was so sad that I was leaving! That was all he could talk about this past week.... He wants to go to another school now because he doesn't like Miss A and thinks she doesn't like him. I told the parent that he would do a whole heck-of-a-lot better at another school too. She gave me her number and wants to talk with me about it. She asked what school I was teaching at next....Take that Miss A. #3.)

Oh yeah, and I "forgot" to clean the fish tank.

(Yup, this is seriously how bad A I am....)

Friday, August 7, 2009

Someone Please Explain This One To Me.....

The difference between a lay-off and a "cut back".....

To put it into context:

Some random person who loves the kids, loves teaching, dislikes the management: "So am I getting laid off?"
Some equally random person who is just awful and lives to make the above person's life as miserable as possible: "You must be thinking of filing for unemployment. This is just a cut-back, not a lay off. We would love to keep you here but it is just not going to happen. Can we call you back in a year if the economy picks back up?"
1st random person (still loving the kids, loving teaching, still disliking the management): (thinking to herself) H*ll no (but saying aloud) "umm.... probably not."

Please. Someone tell me what the difference is. Dumb.