Sunday, November 23, 2008

I Still Bleed Blue!

As much as I wanted the Cougars to win this year, I had a feeling that Utah would take it... so I wasn't surprised when they did (although I'm pretty sure that it would have been a much closer game had Hall not given them a few touchdowns....oh well, at least the Mountain West gets a BCS and we'll finally get the recognition that we deserve, right?).

I'll just let you all know that this has been the BEST football season I've ever been to... and I've got pictures to prove it!

This is one of the last football games we went to. *Sigh* I will miss those front row seats....

What I love about our seats: we get to touch the BYU flags every time they run past us when we score a touchdown, trying to get all the camera men and reporters to talk to us, hearing the defensive coach yell lots of fun things at his team, looking at Pace's eyes (mmm), talking to the players, getting tons of pictures with Cosmo, getting on the big screen/tv/newspapers/etc.....

But my absolutely most favorite part of our seats were these guys:

This is our friend Fred and he's part of the chain gang. During the half, the whole chain gang would get a boxed lunch... most of the time it was disgusting, horrible things that these poor men wouldn't eat like chicken crescents, a bag of chips, an apple, a bag of vegetables, and a bottle of juice. They would give out whatever disgusting thing they didn't want to eat to whoever the craziest fan/the best pouty face.... we usually won that contest. At the last game of the season, we snuck in 10 bags of Neimann Marcus cookies and gave each of them a bag. They gave us their entire box. Oh yeah, and we made t-shirts that said we loved the chain gang... this pic below was on the back of the shirts. The picture above this extensive paragraph is Fred showing off his #1 fans (aka. us) and their t-shirts to a fellow chain-ganger.

The whole gang (see also: hard core, intense, front-row fanatics, cone heads, etc.):

Yup, it was a crazy, super fun season... I really REALLY want the same seats next year but we'll see. Go BYU!! (and no, Max, I don't blame you)

Friday, November 14, 2008

My (attempted) Green Thumb

Ben and I decided to try our hand at our 2nd year of having a garden... and this year we EXPANDED! We had tomato BUSHES (seriously, so many...), strawberries, corn, peppers (thanks Mary Anne), string beans, and 2 different types of winter squash. I was just looking through pics and thought how funny the difference between a few months are.

This was taken in July/August. Everything was so green!

And then 3 months later.... Everything died. Dead.
(Sorry the pic is crooked!)

Point of the story: I already am sick of the cold and want the sun back...
But I don't want to miss Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Why can't we have them in the summer?!

Why Would I Have Voted Yes on Prop 8??

That's why.... How cute is he?!

I know, I know... everyone is probably sick of hearing about Prop 8 but I have to just say that the craziest part of this whole thing was to see everyone else's reaction to Prop 8 passing!!

I was looking at different blogs/sites that I usually look at and I found this blog that really just bugged me the wrong way. It was a site for people who call themselves LDS members to apologize to all their gay/lesbian family and friends for the Church's request to support Prop 8. Some of the things people were saying were unbelievable.

Ugh, okay... end of my rant! :)