Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Best Way to End My Last Year at BYU!!


Oh goodness, the game was so intense. At the end of the first half, the score was 9 to 9. It was that low! The other team brought so many fans so it was a little intimidating. I think they had about 45 people... but we did have one thing that they didn't: Polynesians... and one Polynesian is about 10 times louder than the average haole and we had 5 Poly's. Anyways, the second half was so intense. All of our fans lost their voice just about... I think what helped us is that we subbed every 5 minutes (we had 4 subs and we put all 4 in together) and the other team only subbed one girl at a time. Our defense was awesome. They couldn't get any points on us and the only ones they did score, were from fouls from us. Anyways, it's a close game but we have the lead by about 2 points the entire second half. There was about 25 seconds left in the game and if we could score a 3-point, we would secure our lead. Sarah, a girl on our team, had the ball right underneath the net and she was guarded by 3 other girls. I was wide open at the top of the key and yelled for the ball. She passed it to me and I threw it up. As soon as the ball was in the air, I realized that I was about 3 feet behind the 3 point line...I was so far behind the 3-point line!! My first thought was "Crap..." and then...SWOOSH! all net :) How crazy is that?! So there's like 15 seconds left in the game. They bring the ball down and shoot... and miss! We threw the ball in ... pass, shoot, score! Again, they bring the ball in, we're in a full court press and BUZZ! The end of the game!!! our whole team was jumping up and down and screaming like crazy! Agh, it was awesome and probably the most intense game EVER (I even brought the ball down myself sometimes... that's a big deal! haha). Final score: 30 - 18.

And the best part?

We won the t-shirt!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Definitely not a basketball player and yet....

Don't ask me how... My sister's friend put together a basketball team and needed one more person. They asked me to play. I don't think they really understood me when I said that I wasn't a basketball player but I decided the exercise would be good for me so what the heck! We were/are in the absolute lowest division, and for good reason too! We have lost every single game in the regular season. Honestly, it's pitiful. We're lucky if we get more than 10 points the entire game!

Anyways, after our last regular season game, we didn't hear anything from our team captain for awhile. I figured that we sucked so bad that the Intramural Officials decided to save us the embarrassment of playing in the tournament... and that really didn't hurt my feelings. Our team was horrible. So then on Tuesday, my sister gets a call. We have a game! I was so confused at first because this was already one week into the tournament play. That would mean that we had to have won the first tournament game and I know for a fact that couldn't have been possible because Riena, her roommate and I didn't make it and the three of us make two of the best players on the team! Ends up that we had 6 players show up to the game and the other team only had 4 so we won by default. So on Tuesday night, by some sort of weird, freak accident, we won that game! We were in the top eight... It was a fun game. We scored our first basket in the first minute of the game!! (Trust me, this is super exciting because we usually score our first basket sometime during the last minute of the game!) They told us our next game was Thursday and that we were now in the final four!!

So tonight we all show up and believe it or not, we won again! Something is definitely not right. We're playing a whole lot better than we did than when we played during the regular season... either that or we're really lucky! I even stole the ball for a fast break! But we'll leave it at that since I don't know how to shoot.... Anyways, why is this such a big deal? Because if we win, then we'll win the ever-coveted Intramural Championship T-shirt. I think that this is the one reason why people actually apply to BYU... and it's within our grasp! :) Our championship game is either going to be Saturday morning or Tuesday evening. So if you can come to the game, come and watch us probably lose to the other team (we watched them play a little bit tonight... they're good.... and they have about a billion fans)! As much as we would love to win, I think the fact that this crappy Cinderella team made it to the Championship game is beyond amazing. Awesome.

This is my work team winning last year's oh-so-coveted t-shirt for softball...
But to win this t-shirt for basketball?!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Na Ka'ao

Here's some pics from Luau this year... I danced in 3 sections: Hawai'i, Tahiti, and New Zealand. It was so much fun but I'll be honest, it's nice not to wake up at 5:30 almost every morning :)


Kaliana, Me and Beth... the real Hawaiians in the group, lol

More Kahiko girls... we're supposed to be Pele, obviously that didnt work for some of us :)

Tahiti Finale

Wedding Dance... Front and Center

Single Long Poi girls

umm... there are no words for this picture

"Edem", Mr. BYUSA President

Joe Ahuna