Ok my last post has disappeared into cyber space !! So here i go again .....
I was tagged last week by Kathleen, you have to list 7 facts about yourself so here goes....
1.My christened name is Katherine but only my Nan who passed away years ago has ever called by that name.
2. I have mild OCD, which cause some amusement in the house at times. I have to always check the cooker is off before i go to bed, stand there twizzling the knobs for the hob, up and down a few times !! I also have to double check i've turned the GHD's off before i leave in a morning and can be literally heading out the door then run back upstairs !!! It seems to be worse when i'm stressed or very tired but i'm thankful i dont have it that bad compared to some poor people, it really can rule your life and be quite limiting.
3. I'm VERY ticklish !!
4.My favourite time of year is now when all the leaves are changing and the weather is cooler but not cold
5.In my teens i used to compete every week at disco dancing competitions all over the country, the whole sequin lycra thing,loved it till i was 16 and i discovered boy's were more interesting............for a while anyway.
6.My first job when i left school was at a Hairdresser's, went on to qualify but after i had my son never went back to it.
7.I have a scar next to my left eye where my Dad dropped me when i was a baby !!
Ok now i'm supposed to pass this on so i'm going to have a scout round, it could be youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu xx
1 day ago