
life savings, gone...

i swear, buying a house really is all the trouble that people say. i've just gone through my first purchase, and it is a full-time job! that said, being in the home and making it yours is actually pretty spectacular.

making the actual move from dallas to fort worth was less difficult for me than moving last year from uptown to the m-streets...a 3 mile move! i was emotional and crazed about it...and this, well, it just felt right. no tears, just excitement.

i think i spent my life savings on closing costs and home depot purchases, but it's an investment, correct?!?!?

looking forward to all that is in store...now, on to planning a wedding!


CNN.com - Elections 2006

i took this little quiz (click on the link below), i thought i'd share the link for all. it might be helpful in educating yourself on who to vote for, and it's interesting reading the other points of view.

CNN.com - Elections 2006


Adrian Peterson 2005 Highlight Video

to follow up to the previous post...
Bush vs. Sanders

wow. these guys are amazing.

but i must say, A.D. could do this all day if he had an offensive line like that...and a healthy collarbone. ugh.


and isn't it ironic...don't ya think?

reading the article (pasted below) on cnn this morning made me think of that alanis morisette song, 'ironic'...talk about a freak accident! http://www.cnn.com/2006/US/10/19/stingray.reut/index.html

i think the stingrays are out to get us, people, so watch out! it's like a crossbreed of jaws and a stingray all in one!


reason # 7,486,321

dogs are the greatest creatures on earth. anyone that knows me knows i believe this wholeheartedly, greatly in part to my own mckenzie (yorkie) and norman (golden retriever).

today i read the reason # 7,486,321 (as if we needed another one) that cats suck and dogs rule.



fort worth

i'm sad to leave dallas and all of the wonderful friends i have here. however, i think fort worth will be a fun change, and only a short drive away! i found this today and it made me even happier...a first moment of pride shared with my new-found community!



i don't want to talk about it, so don't bring it up...the game is over and the wrong team won. thanks to our whopping five turnovers, we lost the game for ourselves. the numbers clearly show us as the winners, and we lost because of sloppy play.

i will say, all that aside, we had a fun day...


it's finally here

OU v tx weekend is finally upon us, and i am so fired up! i can't concentrate and i can hardly sit still because of all the anticipation.

sam moon is probably already at 110% capacity with large women dressed in crimson and burnt orange fighting over purses and cheap jewelry. i'm planning to cut out early and drive by just to giggle and take pictures.

tonight i am participating in creating extra insanity by meeting a large group at mi cocina in hp village (can you possibly think of a place with a more insane crowd of people). i think i might wear an OU jersey or "stoops for president" just to shake things up...giggle.

tomorrow morning at 10am, the official OU bandwagon crew is meeting at my house. we will do the fair: a corn dog, dog show, jack's fries, and then...THE GAME! i don't like to make predictions, so i'll just say BOOMER SOONER.

after the game half the city will be elated, half deflated. but either way, there will be massive amounts of partying, craziness and crowds. and i love all of it. the red river shoot out is the greatest weekend all year in dallas, and i couldn't be more excited. let the games begin...GO SOONERS!


july 29, 2007

the official wedding day has been reserved, july 29th, 2007. we are getting married in breckenridge, colorado at the top of the mountain, and we could not be more excited!!! the above picture is of our wedding site, at ten mile station.



well that went well (see below post). now i just have to start a new job (tuesday), move to fort worth (by the end of the month, lease is up), buy a house (pretty sure we're making an offer tomorrow), and plan a wedding (for next summer).

no biggie...
it's such a strange feeling sitting in an office, waiting to resign a job. especially one that you hate, but with a manager that you just love working for...that's what i'm doing right now.

oh crap, here he comes...wish me luck!


santa fe

jay, the dogs and i just got back from a wonderful trip to santa fe. we hiked everyday; in chimayo, all around the ski basin, and at santa cruz lake. we visited art galleries, ate at all our favorite restaurants (shout out to rancho de chimayo, the pink adobe, and a new favorite, senor lucky's), went to taos, met val kilmer, went to ray's wedding, and scoped out spots for ours.

it was relaxing, refreshing, and renewing. i fall deeper and deeper in love with that town with every trip...it has such rich history and beauty.



email dialouge from this morning:

mollie: "did you ever watch the show 'kids incorporated' in the 80s?"

katy: "hells yeah. loved it. almost as much as i loved "you can't do that on television" but not quite."

she then proceeded to tell me that fergie from the blackeyed peas used to be on kid's incorporated. i felt like i needed to do a little reconnaissance work and find out what my YCDTOTV peeps were up to now...i mean, that show was greatness, someone had to be famous now.

after doing a little research, i found a website and a section on "where they are now." as i scrolled through the list of names, i noticed one in particular that stuck out...

that's right, alanis morisette.


marathon weekend

my labor day weekend, in a nutshell, was a blast! i am exhausted. here's how it went down: departed dallas thursday afternoon for tulsa, spent thursday and friday with family. norman discovered swimming and let me tell you, he loves it. he even participated in the "sharks" game with my nephews and nieces.

saturday was opening day for the oklahoma sooners, and jay and i were in norman to see all the action live. we have great season tickets and can't wait to see many more victories this season!!

sunday morning we got in the car and headed for waco to see baylor take on tcu. although they did not win, we had an excellent time at the george's tent and i got to see so many people i had not seen in a long time. it was great!

after multiple tanks of gas and a few bucks, i am back in dallas and sad it's over. what a fun time!!! love me some labor day weekend!!!


what a morning

i'm trying to leave town this afternoon for a wonderful weekend. i had the joy of having an 8am meeting and as i pulled into downtown off of central, i felt it. buh-bum, buh-bum, clunk. a flat tire. my bright idea was to try to get to a safe place and air it up. by the time i had done that, the tire was coming apart and falling off the wheel. apparently the joys of dallas' growth (a nail from construction) had chosen to enter my tire and let the air slowly slide out.

i am happy not to be hurt, but annoyed right now. i'm so glad i payed for that tire insurance. i highly recommend it.


such confusion

i woke up this morning, was having my egg whites and hot tea, and watching the dogs play in the backyard. it was nice. then i glanced at the calendar on my wall. i noticed there was a holiday listed for today, monday, august 28th.

"summer bank holiday." keep in mind, i am employed by jpmorgan chase BANK. i was appalled. how could everyone not tell me?? after much deliberation on whether or not i should enjoy this UK holiday (yes, i looked it up, not only on the internet, but also our internal bank calendar...i thought maybe i had forgotten :)) i decided to come to work.

"someone's got a case of the monday's!"


last night, jay got down on one knee, presented me with a beautiful ring and asked me to marry him. after repeating, "what are you doing, oh my gosh..." several times, i of course said yes, and went on to have a wonderful evening with friends at nick and sam's. it was a magical night...perfect. we spent the day today with my family and have just started to rest and enjoy this exciting time together.

we feel so lucky to have found each other and are very excited and happy to start our new chapter. i just wanted to let all my blog-reading friends share the joy we both have...jay is wonderful and we are both incredibly happy! woo-hoo!!!!!!!!


norman's diet

this week norman (the world's greatest golden retriever) had his "manhood" removed. he was to go in no later than 9am and be picked up after 5pm. all pretty standard stuff.

at noon the phone rang. it was city vet. a very calm voice on the other end immediately broke into laughter and explained that before this procedure (by the way, it's laser now...geez), all dogs are given some morphine. it is very common for dogs to get a bit sick after the morphine, and norman had thrown up. a baby squirrel. whole.

she then said, "we've never seen anything like this happen before. (more laughter)" that of course, made me feel so good about my dog's behavior.

yes, yes, my friends, apparently norman has terrorized the squirrel population in the m-street area by EATING them. gross. very gross. squirrels, watch out for your young...norman's in town now.


sexy back

yes, yes, yes...justin timberlake never lost his sexy, but he sure proves it in this video. WOW.