
wet-n-wild (okay, okay, hurricane harbor)

jay and i took a half-day yesterday and took off for wet-n-wild (by the way, i will forever call it wet-n-wild, b/c it is wet-n-wild to me, not hurricane harbor). may i say, that everyone should do things like this for yourself once in a while. plan in advance, take a half-day on a random day of the week, and do something hilariously fun. if you happen to live in the metroplex, i highly recommend wet-n-wild.

first off, growing up in arlington, you live every child's dream, literally spending every other day either at six flags or wet-n-wild, you are able to enjoy these spoils on a daily basis. so my memories are pretty strong in these joints.

all that to say, you know how in most instances, when you re-visit something from childhood, it seems smaller or less intimidating than you remember? that will not be your experience here. in fact, it is just the opposite. standing atop the der stuka (for those of you that don't know, it is a very tall, straight down waterslide) my first thought was WHY??? and my next thought was that it seemed taller than i remember, and while riding it, i had forgotten that your body actually is lifted off the slide while riding, creating a sensation that you are going to fall forward and plummet to your ultimate demise. BUT, all that said, when you get off the slide at the end and look back up at the beast you have just conquered, you get that same rush...and you get to feel like you are 9 years-old again.

it was really fun.


dallas farmer's market

jay and i both love going downtown to farmer's market. we've been trying to think of some easy ways to save money, and unbelievably in dallas one of those ways is to eat your vegetables! yesterday, in the high heat of the afternoon (the "real feel" was 103 degrees), we made our way through the aisles of fruits and vegetables, buying whatever we liked. we ended up with enough food for a minimum of 4 meals, snacks, etc. we spent $16.

i'm telling you, dallas folks, it doesn't get any better than this. i was on a high thinking how you really can eat healthy without spending a ton of money.

in a related story, we go out to dinner every sunday night, it's kind of a tradition in honor of that sinking feeling that work starts tomorrow, so we treat ourselves to a fun dinner. this week it was mi cocina, where we walk in, hear of our 30-minute wait, head to the bar, order up two margaritas...$16. oh well. it all evens out somehow, i guess. ; )


a weekend at the lake

this weekend we went out to cedar creek lake, an hour outside of dallas, to my friends, brittany's and jay's lakehouse. it was a great time, with a fun group of friends from college and our boys...oh, and the faithful yorkies, mckenzie and boomer.

but it was a great time, and i had so much fun spending time with the whole crew. i am thankful to have such great friends and so happy that britt and jay were willing to have the whole wrecking crew out there! nothing like a weekend with friends, relaxing on the water.

mols and katy Posted by Hello

 Posted by Hello

bakes, kt, mckenzie... Posted by Hello

i killed that dang flamingo Posted by Hello

 Posted by Hello

the waterhose got the best of me. Posted by Hello

mols caught the wet tuna Posted by Hello

HOT daaaaaaaaawgin'! Posted by Hello

uuum... Posted by Hello


ooooooooooooh my.

today jay and i went out at lunch and looked at some apartments downtown. i don't really want to give out my work (primary) email to these people, not knowing if i will be interested, and/or hounded...so i give my "safe" email. you know, that email you have soley for the purpose of receiving junk mail or "special offer" sign ups to, my yahoo address.

Leasing person: "Could I have your email address, please?"

Me: "Sure, it's katy_link@yahoo.com," I replied.

i watched, in private hysterics i might add, as rachelle, the leasing consultant, wrote out the address i had just given: katyunderscorelink@yahoo.com.

really?? REALLY??

i mean, come on, how many times a day is she probably given email addresses, and how many times has she done this? has no one told her, or has everyone been like me...laughing so hard inside you are scared to open your mouth, for fear you'd say, "you idiot, underscore, underscore, the damn symbol!!"

i'm sad to tell you, my friends, this was an exercise that once again proved to me that the average american is just not very bright...bless rachelle's heart.


random couples

is it me, or are there some random couples popping up in the media? i mean, call it being grossed out, call it jealousy, but katie holmes is sleeping with OUR childhood crush. i mean, tommy, aren't you just a little grossed out that she probably had the same "top gun" poster on her wall that we all had?

brad pitt and angelina jolie. poor jennifer.

oh, and in breaking news, jay's fraternity brother that came to visit about a year ago and was heartbroken about some model has now broken michelle tanner's, oh, i mean ashley olsen's heart. in this case i go by the same theory. how can someone who watched full house as a child actually date one of those alien babies? too funny. jay has some random college friends!


a fan's dream

last night was a fun night for me. it's funny how meeting some people, even as an adult, can make you giddy like a little kid. jay and i went to an event last night, a "sooner roadshow" of sorts. the speakers were: sherri coale (ou women's b-ball coach), kelvin sampson (ou men's b-ball coach), and the greatness that is bob stoops. and yes, we were thrilled to be there, got to shake each of their hands, get autographs, pictures, the whole deal. hearing them speak was so much fun and got me so excited for the fall!!! i love college football.

to top it all off, we stopped off at the loon after to grab a bite to eat and have a drink, walked in and the first person i see is none other than dirk!!! mavs and OU in the same night...it's a sports fans dream!!



i was reminded yesterday morning once again that prayer really works. through a beautiful, symbolic act of a friend, i saw my own prayers being answered right there in front of me. i know it sounds so cliche and obvious, but it is so true that God answers prayer.

"then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and i will listen to you. you will seek me and you will find me when you seek me with all your heart." jeremiah 29: 12-13



oh dallas. a city i love, a city i hate. that old erasure song, "i love to hate you," well, let's just say it displays my feelings for dallas. in the last four days, dallas has rejected a proposal that would have turned the city around simply because it was attached to someone they don't like. ahhh...what visionaries we are.

since moving to texas from the great city of tulsa oh so many moons ago, i have watched (in horror, i might add) the infamous dallas city council in their many debacles on the evening news. i've watched the news anchors try not to laugh as they cover these crazies and their antics. i've watched the city continue to crumble beneath itself, the city of $30,000 millionaires (by the way, have you seen sheer dallas...genius) seems to be proud of that...hmm. something is wrong. and now the crazies have won. yes, miller may have been one of them for a time herself, but i think she actually said it best at a debate i went to a month or so ago when she stated, "don't you want dallas to have the ability to attract someone better than ME to be the mayor?!?!?" enough said. oh well.


mollie, the whataburger parting gifts were a hit...jay and i actually got caught fighting over the last one! heehee, thanks mols and kevin, for a wonderful time. it was beautiful. here's to the burpos!!! Posted by Hello

julie and rob at mollie's wedding, i'm sure these recently engaged lovebirds heads were spinning...only 5 months to october!!! congrats to a wonderful couple! Posted by Hello

mols and kevin...off to paradise!! Posted by Hello