Monday, September 8, 2014

Scrappy Blog Tour

I was tagged by my friend Laura Vegas to participate in the Scrappy Blog Tour. I met Laura through working with her on the Bella Blvd design team but have been a huge fan of her work for years. She is the master at working with lots of photos and I just love her clean style. And her photography is amazing. I am so honored to be chosen by Laura.

As part of the Scrappy Blog Tour I will do a little Q&A and then tag 3 scrapbookers who inspire me.

1. What am I working on right now.
Right now I am working on my layouts with my September Scraptastic Kit. It came just before the long weekend and now that everyone is back in school I am going to get my scrap on!

2. How long does it take me to complete a project?
Hmmm…this really varies. Its also hard to say because I tend to come and go from my layouts. I'd say anywhere form 1-3 hours on average.

3. What are your favorite things to create with at the moment?
Oddly enough I am really into my circle and square punches lately. They are probably two of my oldest supplies, from Creative Memories. Some of my recent layouts I have created with these punches:

4. How does my writing/creative process work?
This really varies as well. Like Laura, sometimes I start with photos that I really want to use, usually my most recent. But sometimes I have new product and will find pictures to work with that product. Over the past year I have been fortunate to be able join a few design teams. I design for Bella Blvd, Jillibean Soup, Scraptastic Kit Club, and Come On Get Crafty. Since joining these teams my process now usually starts with finding photos to product/assignment. Sometimes I even have a design in mind before I even know what pictures I want to use. But usually I start with photos because when i have photos and a story to tell I find my pages seem to come together around them. Once I have my photos/story I then always start with patterns paper design. When I have my patterned paper design figured out I start playing around with embellishments and stickers and decide if i want to add some stitching (which I usually do). And finally, I always add my journaling last.

5. How do you become inspired and stay inspired?
Pinterest, Pinterest, Pinterest!! Pinterest has definitely been my go to lately when I need some inspiration. I've been really inspired by quilt designs lately as well as advertisements and art pieces. I also love checking out blogs and online galleries and am so inspired by what other people are creating. I definitely go through ruts were I lose my mojo. That is usually when I ask my family for some photos…I am very inspired by new photos.

6. What is my signature style?
I love color and playing with patterns. I think my layouts usually have clean lines, I use lots of grids. I usually use 2-3 photos but sometimes I like to do collages with lots of photos. I use little letter stickers a lot for journaling. I like big titles. I like to use pop dots for dimension. And I almost always add stitching. Here are few more examples:

So there's a little about me and now I'm going to tag 3 scrapbookers who inspire me. I'm going to tag Nicole NowosadLeanne Allison, and Jennie Mcgarvey. I love seeing what these ladies come up with…constantly inspiring!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

June Scraptastic Kit

Hello everyone! Today I want to share with you my projects from the June Scraptastic Kits. This months I got the This Life Noted Kit and the Sail Kit and add on.

The Sail Kit won me over at first sight:) Living near the coast I have so many pictures togo with the nautical theme. Here are the 3 layouts I came up with.

Then & Now


The end of the school year always makes me super nostalgic an I do a lot of photo comparisons to see how the kids have grown. I especially love looking at photos of them taken in the same location years apart which is exactly what I did in their layout. Hard to believe even that "now" picture is two years old:)

For these next two layouts I pulled out my old punches.



Loved working with that Sail Kit!

And her is my This Life Noted Spread for June…Week 10:

Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Favorite Friends *Bella Blvd*

Earlier this week I had a layout up over on the Bella Blvd blog. It was for the Monday morning challenge which this week was monochromatic. Here is what I cam e up with:

Favorite Friends

So I might have cheated a little with this assignment by adding my pops of red. But I love the look of a monochromatic layout with the pop of another color. I gathered lots of different yellow patterned papers and cut them in strips and then created a kind of chevron background. I popped up a couple of the columns with pop dots to add a fun, different effect.

I then added some yellow embellishments and journaling along the chevron.

And the title is a Silhouette cut from Kerri Bradford Studios.

Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

May Scraptastic

Hello everyone! Sharing my May Scraptastic layouts and This Life Noted spread.

I got the Daylight Kit. Here is what I came up with:

Oh Summer, Hurry Up:

This was for the no photo challenge hosted by LG and I:

And for the next two I decided to play around with my beloved triangles again:)

This Kid:


And last but not least my This Life Noted spread

Once again, so incredibly impressed with these kits and how jam packed they are.

Thanks for stopping by!

Jillibean Soup May Projects

Finally getting around to sharing my most recent Jillibean Soup projects. Here is what I created in May.


I just love how this one came together. I am still loving triangles and I used lots of them here. And these old pictures of my boys…be still my heart:)


The Birthday Bisque line is perfect for, well, birthdays! I used  a diamond design for my background. The "joy" is a Jillibean Soup Silhouette cut.

And my cards for the month:

Thanks for stopping by!

New Bella Blvd

Ugh…where does the time go?? Have I really not updated in a month?? May was a busy one and June is proving to be the same. I have been scrapping away though! I'm going to share my Bella Blvd May projects using the new Mini collections...Summer SqueezeScattered Sprinkles, and Classic Calendars.

Week 16 Project Life Spread:

The new mini collections were perfect for documenting our vacation to Florida.


How fun are those papers and embellishments?? I am in love with these new mini collections!