Friday, February 26, 2010

Eat Our Bubbles

"Eat our bubbles" is maybe what you would call smack in the competitive swimming world for kids under 12. Kelly has never really bought into the saying but I think it's kind of funny. An appropriate phrase to open the day with because this morning Kelly and I are off to Madison for the State Champion Swim Meet. We are new to the whole experience so I'm a little concerned about parking and seating. Kelly on the other hand is crazy excited! Being young in her age group she has some personal goals for the weekend, but really what she is most looking forward to is three days and two nights of nonstop fun with her teammates.


Thursday, February 25, 2010

Looking Back

Old photos are such a treasure. And even better is when someone in your family organizes them and documents all the details. My dad (the one to the far right in the picture above) has been scanning and organizing all the old photos he has accumulated. It has been fun to look through them with him and hear the stories.

Viewing the collection of photos has made me realize that back in the day my grandmother was a really good photographer. She filled the frame, got down to the kids level, and was great at capturing the moments that made up her families crazy life with five boys.
I think it is endearing how on the bottom of each photo she wrote the boys names, always ending in "y". Don't they look like a handful? Makes me wish she was around to give me advise about raising my boys. Or at least to have her here to smile at me and tell me that no matter how naughty they are things will be ok. She would be able to give me advise because when it comes to life, the little things stay the same. And that is why I made this little book for CHA.

The mini album is one of the favorite projects I have ever created. I compared my current day photos to the retro photos in my dad's collection. It was surprisingly easy to find images that were similar. The book was featured this past Tuesday on the Bella Blvd Blog. If you would like to see the entire project you can go there and scroll down.

Here are some of my favorite parts of the mini.
I like how Connor looks so much like my dad. Both tall and lanky, with their mouths hanging open.
And these pictures of Delaney and my Mom getting all pretty really show that the little things never change.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Officially Middle Age

Look at my new granny reading glasses!
I finally gave in to the realization that some things stop working as they get old and worn out.
The eye doctor said I am right on track.
Yippee for me!

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Sports are encompassing my world lately and I am enjoying it all as much as I can make time for. The Olympics, an action photography class, and of coarse my kid's athletic events. Oh, and does me going to the Y count?

Last week I completed an action photography class. I learned a bundle. It was a good class, and I especially liked the hands on portion at the Pettit Ice Center.
I learned many things about panning, and white balance. I learned that if I had an extra $1000 to $2000 lying around I could purchase a 2.8 lens that would make it much easier to take the perfect action photos. But since I can't find that pile of cash, I learned I need to play around more with my camera to figure out some settings that will work. And this weekend I had plenty of opportunity to practice.

With 4 basketball tournament games, 3 sessions of a swim meet, 3 regular season basketball games, and one tap dance class we spent many hours in poorly lit rooms to watch our kids move. A ton of action that challenged what I learned in class. Here is some of what I discovered on my own.
Out of hundreds of pictures the best one may tell a story and not have any action at all.

Keep your camera on burst mode and in one picture she will have her head out of the water.

And finally I found that my kids know that I am the one with the camera, and know where to look if they want to ham it up. And although trying to get that perfect shot can be frustrating, it is rewarding to get just those few photos that capture a moment that may not be perfect, but are the ones only a mom would love to have to help her remember.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Time for a Dishwasher

Tonight as I was doing the dishes for the third time today I stated a thought out loud..."My grandmother never had a dishwasher."

Ricky's reply..."She never had a hobby either."

Oh, Touche!

I guess life is good if you have a dishwasher that makes time for your hobby.

Monday, February 15, 2010


So I do believe gremlins have invaded our house. After yesterday's microwave troubles, today we had another appliance go on the fritz. I was in the kitchen when all of a sudden the dishwasher decided the hard wood floor needed a cleaning too. And following the trail of water, the basement received a dousing also. As you can see, we have a bit of a mess going on. After some investigation Ricky discovered that a little $40 gadgety part needs replacing. But the old (and let me add, noisy) girl has a few other problems, and tonight she is getting kicked to the curb.

Not to mention we received an offer from my parents that we can't refuse;) Thanks Mom and Dad!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day Goes Bust!

Here at our house Valentine's Day is not celebrated with romance. The indulgence is all about our love for sweets! So it has become a tradition that we celebrate the day with a special treat. We also prepare to share some love with our friends at school. This year was no different. I had big plans to make V-day something special. But like usual, things don't go as planned here at the McElvain house. Read on for the rest of the story...

I was inspired by the Studio Calico blog, to make heart shaped crayons with Kelly to give to her classmates. A messy project, but the first crayon turned out swell, so we were on our way to making 25 more, until....

The crayon pieces melted right through the bottom of my mold. That made for more of a mess and an end to the crayon project.

The craft would have inevitably ended anyway, since Ricky had to take apart the microwave when it went blank and decided stop microwaving.

But wait, I have more valentine ideas. To use my Kohl's coupon today and surprise the kids with a Cuisinart ice cream/slushy maker. That way we could instantly make some yummies. But here is Kelly sitting with our new appliance informing me as the time up approaches, that our soda is far from becoming slush. Come to find when I read the directions that the canister was to be frozen for 6 to 22 hours. Go figure?

So my last minute Valentine's plans went bust. But we all got a good laugh. And I was reminded that there is always one thing that I can count on a day like mom, she made us a delicious cake. Also, there are always those Pillsbury break and bake holiday cookies. Even I can make those to perfection!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Sweatpant Day

Getting ready for state in a couple of weeks Coach Mark planned a"sweatpant day" for swim practice. Swimming in sweatpants with hand paddles...owwweeee, my shoulders just throb thinking about it!

But this is how Kelly and her friend Leanne described it:
Mushy, itchy, annoying, ugly, funny, draggy, wierd, mermaidy, wetish, balarinaish, cloberish, and all around AWESOME!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Not Organized

Delaney this morning:
"Mommy I have a problem...My hair is feeling not so organized today."

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

After the Storm

Today is a bright sunny day, following the storm that covered us with 14 inches of snow. I thought I would share some of what we woke up to...
Eeeek! Looks like someone spooky is peeking in our window

Wow! there are some beautifuly sculpted snow drifts.

And oh boy!
Looks like another week where the old tanenbaum is not going to make it to the dump.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Snow Day

It's days like today when I am glad I am not a dog. When the snow is 9 inches high and your little legs are only 3 inches tall. If you do the math it equals a chilly hind end when you have to go outside.

But on the other hand that white fluffy stuff was like a dose of medicine today. It seems to have an effect on the dogs. They get all wild and frisky when they start bounding around. Even old Mable showed the enthusiasm of a puppy.

Some people may look at a February snow storm like a dog with short legs, as nothing to be appreciated. We have to shovel out, it's difficult to reach destinations, and the kids were disappointed that they did not have the day off from school. But today, like for the dogs, the snow was a steady dose of good medicine. I was fortunate to be home watching the white layers build outside. After I picked up the kids from school, it was so nice to witness the boys lend a hand to a neighbor who needed help shoveling out, and then to watch the girls play in the snow with Ricky when he arrived safely home from work. I saw that God gave us a gift today. Our part of the world feels new and fresh and beautiful.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Just Like the Old Days

Today as I am in the kitchen sitting at my computer I do not hear the usual talk radio show that I listen to every morning. Instead I hear the singing, and squeaky voices of the children's shows on PBS coming from the living room.

A flashback to a year ago. Those sounds joined with the image of a little cutie pie sitting in the chair under the TV, eating her breakfast is the image I started almost every day with a year ago when she was still home with me.

But today she has a ear ache and we have a change from our normal routine. Instead of her getting up and going off to school, instead of my going to the Y and running errands, we are taking a trip to the pediatrician, maybe a little grocery shopping, make some lemon bars, and spend some time snuggling.

I think we are both OK with the whole thing!

Friday, February 5, 2010


This morning I was awoke by the phone ringing at 6:15, getting the call to substitute for Delaney's class. A very exciting offer since today was the 100th day of kindergarten! Woo Hoo!!! Funny that all my children have been in their class for 100 days, but no other grade celebrates the 100th day of school. Maybe it's because no other children would be excited to wear silly paper hats, or eat a mix of food made of 100 pieces of every assortment of snack items imaginable. But the kindergartners have a blast!

Another thing to celebrate today is what I am holding in my hot little hands. Ricky took me out tonight to buy my new Nikon D90!!! Wish I could type symbols for jumping up and down and cartwheels on the key pad (well actually I wish I could still do a cartwheel) because I am soooo excited!!!! And although this purchase was made with some deep thought as to if it was warranted and feasible...I am spoiled!!! And very grateful! Thanks Ricky!

Flattery Will Get Me....?

So here I am at 1:15 am lying in bed. It is way past time to go to sleep but I keep thinking about what a wonderful generous husband I have sleeping next to me. There are so many things to boast about him. He is a real cutie, good natured, and supportive. He is so hard working (and did I mention generous too!) fact last week he put in 84 hours at behind his desk. Wow!

And tonight he was kind enough to watch the kids so I could take a photography class. That class confirmed what I already thought, that is, that I need an upgrade in my DSLR camera in order to overcome some of my photo challenges. Hmmmmm, did I mention what a wonderful, supportive, generous, hardworking husband I have?

Hint Hint...
Love you Ricky:)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Grocery Store Guy

Yesterday I had to go to the dreaded grocery store. So I dragged my stuffy nose out into the cold and off to Sendik's to load up the grocery cart. After paying my $150.62 to the cashier for a cart full of nothing I proceeded to the parking lot to unload. While placing my bags in the trunk, so as to not squish anything important, I noticed the guy behind me in line had already finished putting his bags in his car, and had returned his cart. I was finishing up my load as he ambled past me.

But on his way back, he stopped by me and asked if he could take my cart and return it to the rack. I was shocked by his polite nature, and quickly said "wow, sure, you can...thanks" I have always liked to be treated like a girl in that old fashioned way. I like when men open doors for me, pull out my chair for me to sit, and how Ricky steps out of the pew at church to let me go by first. So that little gesture by that stranger just made my grocery shopping a little more bearable.

Then on the way home I started to think. I thought, that is the type of man I would like my boys to grow up to be like. And that they definitely are fortunate to have the main two men in their lives (Ricky and my dad) emulating those values.

Then I thought a little harder about the age difference between the guy at the grocery store and myself. He seemed to be in his late 20's or early 30's, quite a bit younger than myself...hummmm, so maybe he was being kind to his elders by taking my cart....did he see me as an older lady that he should help out?

I should have probably stopped wondering about the situation five minutes ago because that thought led me into the next... that being...then heck with manners! Leave me alone, I can do it myself! And so much for making my day!

Oh boy, I guess I will go back to the happier first interpretation, and hope that my boys grow up to have good manners and treat women with unexpected kindness.

Monday, February 1, 2010

A Day Off

The kids had off from school today.
This is how my 14 year old's day went...
  • Woke up to a Riley's phone call about 10:30am.
  • Shower
  • Dropped off at Riley's house
  • Hang out a while with Riley and Vito
  • Dropped of at Sports Authority with his pals
  • A little dodge ball in the isles of Sports Authority
  • Walk to the Sleep Store for a 10 minute rest
  • McDonald's for lunch, that being a chocolate shake
  • Pet Smart to visit some creatures
  • Office Depot to call home and ask to hang out longer (answer..."No")
  • Stop at Greenfield News and Hobby on the walk home
  • Drag his feet back to Riley's
  • Picked up to go to bball practice
  • Complained all the way there that he was so tired from all the walking
  • Couple hours of practice
  • Picked up and off to the 8th grade girls bball game to meet the Krickaberg twins
  • Bummed a ride home
  • Dinner, chocolate cake, TV
  • To bed about 12 hours from when the day started
And my day...
  • Woke up by Delaney about 9am
  • Drive Connor to his friend's
  • Drive Delaney to her friend's
  • Pick up a treat for Kelly
  • Pick up Connor
  • Take Connor to basket ball practice
  • Pick up Kevin from his friend's
  • Take Kevin home
  • Pick up Connor from practice
  • Pick up Delaney from her friend's
  • Drop off Connor at Basketball
  • Ricky takes Kelly to swim practice
  • Finish dinner
  • Pick up Kelly from swim
  • Study with Kevin
  • Put everyone to bed
  • Park the car in back...Goodnight!