Monday, August 31, 2009

Bunch of Bella

It is so fun for me when I log onto the Bella Blvd blog and I see my Creations. Today was one of those days. I am always inspired (an a bit intimitdated) by those creative gals that make up the Bella Artistas. If you would like to see more of what they did with those great Bella products check out the blog. For now, here are my most recent Bella Blvd layouts....

The Good Life...Even At 7:30am

This is my view from my front window just moments ago at 7:30. If you haven't met him already, that is Bob....he's my dad. He brings a lot of happiness to my life.

Today he is driving my kids to school. He has done that for years. But today it is different because he is not doing it so Delaney can sleep in, I am the only one home. So here I sit in my jammies, all alone, thinking of how blessed I am.

Since this morning he has been so kind as to give me the gift of some extra quiet time, I think I will say a prayer for him.

Friday, August 28, 2009

So as we all know Delaney started school this week. I am sure her first week in kindergarten is like many things in her life, filled with excitement and drama, but I'm also sure she is having fun and learning some valuable lessons. That's not to say that much can be learned outside of school. This week was proof of that. Her are some new lesson's Delaney has learned at home....

Wednesday's lesson: Eating corn on the cob is an excellent way to put change in your pocket.
The first bite into dinner on Wednesday was filled with panic, when Delaney saw blood on her ear of corn. Shock was soon over come by elation, when Ricky placed in her hand, her little baby tooth. The rest of the evening was filled with anticipation of the tooth fairy's first visit to her pillow.

Kelly commented on a lesson that Delaney may learn in the future. That although this time the tooth fairy came for Delaney on the first night, that in the future she may have to be patient. Kelly knows from experience since earlier this week, that tooth fairy was so busy and tired, that it took her three nights to get Kelly her due change under her pillow for a tooth that she had lost.

Thursday's lesson: never sit on a bee, especially when you are in your swim suit. Delaney learned that if you do, you will get a big OUCH right in the tush! I learned how loud Delaney can scream. As for the bee, he was worse off than her little butt.

Tonight's lesson: stay tuned...
I don't know what it will be, but if I learned anything, it's that if it involves Delaney, it will definitely have some drama.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


For the last 15 years my job, almost 24/7, is being a stay at home mom. Yesterday, for the first time, all four kids have gone off to school for the whole day. That leaves me wondering if my job title has changed? 

Maybe now the STAM acronym changes to.... 
SAHC=stay at home cleaner
SAHO=stay at home organizer
SAHGS=stay at home grocery shopper
SAHDS=stay at home dog sitter
SAHB=stay at home blogger
SAHE=stay at home exerciser (only on a really slow day)
SAHWP=stay at home weed puller
and lets not forget SAHS=stay at home scrapbooker

I guess the list could go on, and that is just during the day. I realised yesterday when the kids got home I was fully thrust into the SAHM roll again. I had to help with homework, get snacks, take to practice, give hugs, listen to stories and just be there for the four of them. 

And  today, my first day fully home alone, I've come to the conclusion that while they are away, they are still so much a part of the things I do during the day.

SAHM is inclusive of all of the above. The job is mine, always evolving, and I am blessed to continue to have the title!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

First Day

The first day of school for Delaney. She is so proud and excited to be dressed in the plaid that she may someday despise.

And Connor, on his first day, of his last year in that uniform. 

The other two kids...somewhere in between. But all happy to be starting school. Have a great year. I am proud of all four of you!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Got It Covered

The lost art of covering books with paper bags has been recaptured tonight if you are the parent of a St Matthias student. If you are the parent of four St Matthias students you could be crowned Queen of the paper bag covered books. Let me announce...I am the Queen. 

Much to my dismay, our school has banned those easy to put on, colorful, fun, stretchy book covers, that a plan ahead parent may have already purchased. So tonight I was on an unexpected flashback to my grade school days of cutting, and taping, and folding to cover my childrens' books.

Kelly was my only child who was disappointed that she does not get to adorn her books with the fun stretchy patterns we had already purchased.  I will admit that the scrapbooker in me empathises with her and thinks all that craft paper needs some colorful embellishments.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Wake Up

This morning I woke up about 6am in my own bed, uncomfortably sandwiched between Delaney and Kevin. As I looked over at Kevin he gave me a sleepy, heartfelt smile and whispered "I wanted to snuggle with you on your birthday, is that ok?" Of coarse that's ok...who needs sleep on their birthday anyway?

When I was a kid my birthday always seemed to mark the conclusion to summer. School had usually started, and the days seemed to be getting noticeably shorter. So today, as Kevin quickly fell back to sleep in my bed, I lay there at 6 am wondering where the summer had gone.

The days of sun and fun have gone by so fast. I realize I spent three months wearing flip flops, but never found time to paint my toes. There were many memories that I wanted to post on my blog, but couldn't find free minutes to sit at the computer. Looking ahead...the September calendar is already filled with sports, and school (hope I get that renewal to satellite radio for my birthday; looks like I'll be spending a lot of time in the car) The near reality is that we will have to wake up early, and once again be tied to a schedule. There will be no more time for sharing a book in a tree. The kids will be back behind the desk....and I will be home alone with the dogs....Hmmm.

Friday, August 14, 2009

State Fair Breakfast


That combination makes for a nutritious breakfast.

What great concept....that I don't have to go to the fair to get a cream puff. Just call ahead, set my alarm, drive 5 minutes, and pick up our treat without even having to get out of my car....I could have stayed in my jammies.

But even cream puff picking up is not without controversy...

Here is the story...Never picking up cream puffs before, I didn't realise that the line of traffic on 84th street was for the drive thru. As I inched my way up I saw the opportunity to jump in line. A SUV with girl on the phone left a nice gap for me. As I slid into line I heard a BEEP! I waved a thank you to the girl behind me still on the phone. She waved back, but only with her middle finger. it really necessary to be so angry while picking up cream puffs?

The funny part is today, the perky girl who was cashiering for the drive thru was unexpectedly handing out two free State Fair tickets when you picked up your order. She informed me with a big happy smile on her face that I got the last two tickets for the day. I might have felt bad that the girl behind me missed out on the tickets because I skipped in line; might have, if she wouldn't have been such a big grump!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Scapbook Therapy

Lately we have had some tough days at the McElvain house. Surprisingly it has not been caused by my children, but a small group of misbehaving adults that are the parents of volleyball players at our school. Being the volleyball coordinators, Ricky and I have to deal with their warped sense of competitive spirit, and it is leaving me with some additional gray hairs and a few sleepless nights.

So I am thankful for my Bella Blvd assignments this summer. They force me to scrapbook and take my mind of the angry parents and silly controversy. It forces me to think about the people and things I love most! (And the Bella Blvd products are just yummy)

So here is the latest....

I've always wanted to make a page about my girls and how different they are physically and socially. This summer they have spent a lot of time together. Some days it can be....let's say.... tying for them (and me). But there are those moments in between the arguments, the pinches, and pouts that I can see that they love each other.

I should hang this layout in their room to remind them!

Anyway you can see more about the layout and the designer sketch challenge on the Bella Blvd Blog.

Monday, August 3, 2009

What's Missing?

Look at this picture....

Now this one.....What is missing?

That's right....Connor is missing.

We are also missing the loud stomping of his feet going up and down the stairs.
There are no new dirty hand print marks on my ceiling.
I don't have that someone who always has something to talk me about.
The chair and the entry way, where I usually find a pair of his socks, is now clean.
There is no one here to tackle Ricky or compare his height to us....

It is a different home without Connor....

Now Kasey, and Grandma and Grandpa get to experience him for a week....Good Luck!
Love and miss you Connor!