Monday, October 29, 2012

It's terminal

Went to mum's big appointment today it's all gone to hell in a hand basket and the lung cancer has spread to her stomach and she has 3-5 large tumors, her specialist said her time is limited.
It was all to much for me and I walked out just after he started.

So very very sad tonight and I have to go home on Friday and tell my girlies about their Grandma

Not the news we wanted to hear at all
We are all very shocked tonight........

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Going Awol

I was booked to be flying home next week
now I am booked to be flying this week 

So I won't be posting until I
am home again on the 2 Nov.

Stay safe and I'll be back

Whales, Clamshells and More

As promised, here are the photos of
what I am sewing, whales and more!

The whale shots I have had to crop so you can see them
they were a fair way out and I obviously need a bigger
zoom lens for my Canon

The pattern I bought at the Quilt hanging
its all foundation pieced, love it

block 1 of  'mum's quilt' this is actually my block
I will collect hers when I am home next next

that it will look like finished, I have to make the 9 centre blocks 
and the triangles for her. 

3 more block for Erin's quilt

and clamshell progress, they are rather fiddly things..
not sure if I actually like making clamshells

so there you have it, thats whats in my sewing pile at the moment!

Monday, October 15, 2012

I'm Still Here.

Now that school has gone back .....phew
and dh is back at work after his 2 wks on the golf

life is returning to normal and I am sewing again

I have a little Christmas list to finish making

I have made the next blocks for 'Erin's Quilt'

I have started making blocks for a quilt that mum gave
me the pattern for, we were living in WA at the
time and I have been quilting for 6 months, so I have
been hanging onto it since 2008, but I do have a
good reason for starting it, she has asked  me to do all
the needleturn appliqué on her quilt, as its the last
grandchild's quilt (she has made 8),
and she is unable to do any
hand sewing these days due to issues from one
of her Chemo drugs. So I thought I would start mine
to get back into needle turn appliqué.

I have also started block 2 of Lancaster, it only took
2 weeks to arrive from Qld! Not happy Jan at all
so at my monthly sewing day today I cut out 60
clamshells and glued the fabric to the papers, and started
stitching mums quilt.

I have made my main SSCS gift, it just needs the final
touch and then I need to make the ornament, but I need some
wool felt for that, hoping I can get some while I am home.

I went to a quilt hanging on the weekend, and I bought a
pattern and sewline glue pen and refills, even thought they
had 35% off all fabrics and books, that was my
only purchase :) such restraint

Last Wednesday my baby girl turned 9,
sometimes I wish she still was that gorgeous, chubby
little girl who loved Dora the explorer.

Why do they have to grow up??

we have had email issue due to setting up a T-Hub 2, blogger
has changed my primary email address and won't let me change
it back...........

oh big excitement is last week I was able to do a spot of whale watching
from our yard, amazing creatures.

So I will be back tomorrow with photos of whales, sewing
new quilt, clamshells, Erin's quilt.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Going Home

I am going home towards the end of the month
as my mum isn't doing very well at all.

At her last PET scan after the treatment for her
lung cancer finished she had a few 'hot spots' appear in
her chest, spine and liver
the doctors were unsure if it was because the LC had spread
or it was the Non Hodgkins Lymphoma.....

fast forward 12 weeks

She has just finished her treatments for the NHL
and has her next PET scan in 3 weeks, and the final
results a week after that, which is when I will be there.

My sister rang tonight and said that she wasn't doing to
well and that our gorgeous dad is very worried about 
mum...... and if dad is worried we know something big is up
neither of them are eating properly as mum has 
significant problems with her hands and feet due to the LC drugs,
she is permanently cold, and is having issues with her
breathing sounds really wheezy all the time and I noticed
when we Skype that she has a constant cough, not good stuff
to have when you have LC

If you are the praying kind could you please pray for
my mummy, that her Pet scan gives us the news that we
all desperately want to get, and for my daddy who has had to
take the journey with mum over the last 10 months all the while
constantly reassuring us that she is ok I worry about him too

So I am feeling a little blue tonight, I had a little cry on dh shoulder
and I really just want to go home tomorrow and give my
mum and dad a big old hug. The last 10 months have been hard because
I haven't been there for any of it.

Life can just be so cruel sometimes!

Hug your loved ones close and let them know that
you do love them..... because you never know what is
around the corner