Monday, January 31, 2011


Poor little Henry cat

with all the bodies in the house last week

and people/princesses being in his face

he took to spending alot of time

in hiding

he was neglected

nobody but me likes Henry

they say he is just not a nice cat

he doesn't like being picked up, petted or annoyed


Harry is all visitors favourite kitty because he likes
everything but being picked up

so after the girlies and I dropped dh at the ship,

we popped into Calico Crossroads for some house goodies

we popped into Kmart for a dvd (the girl who played with fire)

and the supermarket for dinner bits


I hit the sewing room

so did Henry

he hopped into my current project fabric basket

and hasn't moved since

and tonight he gets his side of the bed back lol

he will be a happy kitty by the morning now there are no

princesses invading his personal space lol

Sunday, January 30, 2011

A Beautiful day for a Picnic

It was a beautiful summers day today

31 degrees

and spent up the coast with a BBQ at latrobe for lunch and then onto the beach for the girlies to have a swim

after lunch chatting with my parents, aunt, cousin, husband, brother and his
'lady friend'

feeding the ducks with their cousin

miss S

Miss E

my baby Miss I

and all four of my babies together

Princess flies out tomorrow YIPPEE

she will be gone before I wake up

ds flies out tomorrow mid morning :(

dh joins his ship lunchtime

tomorrow is shaping up to be a perfect day lol

Shite really hit the fan here friday night

I had a major meltdown at ds

a very deserved meltdown

I got all my frustrations out

did it make any difference NO

but hell I felt so much better for it lol

I think I will make a shocker of a mother in law lmao

oh well its a new week tomorrow

a week of just the girlies and no crap to deal with

PERFECT really

Thursday, January 27, 2011


I found this in the newsagents when I went to get the paper

and out of it I have made



and all made from fabric in my stash :)

I need to make 2 more then I will make  a new
table runner for the dining table

and poor Henry has resorted to sleeping where ever he can in my
sewing room while ds and 'princess' are here

the couch is covered in their clothes and crap
so he has to sleep on a pile of quilts stacked on the
back of the couch.

Roll on Monday :)

I am off to Calico Crossroads tomorrow
for a stitching day and after the week
I have had so far I honestly can say


My plan is to get Block 6 of

finished so I can start block 7.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Onwards and Upwards

I go

here is Miss S's much longed for new quilt

well the quilt top

she loves it

well so she says lol

Miss I's quilt is on the cutting table some cut, the bulk

Princess and ds are out, neither were impressed when
I started cleaning the house at
9am, and she was even unhappier when I told
them both to get their lazy ar*e's up (9:45) make the bed and
pick up their sh*t, so I could clean my sewing room.
Princess took herself and ds downstairs to Miss E's room where
she promptly put herself back to bed and made ds hold her
hand while she slept....

I personally want to slap her silly......

I just keep reminding myself its only until Monday morning

but with dh going back to work on the weekend, for princess
monday might never come.....

we are off to a bbq at Grandma's
to celebrate ds birthday which was yesterday

I have cooked chicken wings, made hamburgers, made cream puffs
just have a salad to make and we are good to go.

Girlies are happily playing and dh is putting some steps in down the backyard....

I am heading back into my sewing room to cut out
some more fabric for the next quilt and to watch some
more of The Good Wife.

Happy Australia Day

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Bad mama moment

but bloody hell that felt great.

ds arrived on Saturday night, so did 'princess'

'princess' is a demanding, spoilt little girl who has my son WRAPPED tightly around her finger, to the point that I have spent a grand total of 45 minutes with him on his own.

Well I just lost it, told him exactly what I thought of his behaviour, told him I would not accept it anymore.

that I didn't fly him home to be ignored nor to have to pick up after him nor the princess.

and that didn't sit very well at all, he took 'it' and walked out.

So I am now about to drown my sorrows, well as soon as dh goes to the bottle shop for me and hopefully they wil spend very little time in my presence until next monday when they leave.

I know that I am probably over reacting but I haven't seen him for over 2 years, she sees him every day

Monday, January 24, 2011

Civil War Quilt blocks

these are the two I have done

North Star is supposed to have a different colour centre
but I just couldn't do it lol

as soon as I can get to my sewing machine and cutting table
I am going to attempt to make it 'the right way'
and I have to make the new block

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Today in pictures

Grandma and her best boy

the young lovebirds

The Caledonian Pipe band

Miss S after her sulk

Miss W and Miss E

Miss I mid sulk

Grandma and Grandpa

The Birthday Dog, 4 today
and his blueberry muffin which he inhaled in a nanosecond

Saturday, January 22, 2011


is what I am feeling tonight

for the first time in over 2 years I have all FOUR of my babies asleep under my roof

and it feels WONDERFUL.

So in preparation for the arrivals tonight I cleaned  purged some of the contents of my sewing room, I cleaned and sorted and put away and rearranged and did some sewing until 12:15 this morning.

So Miss S and I took a drive to the tip with the purged side of my sewing room, dropped a crate off at Grandma's, bought home some agapanthus's and I went back to the sewing machine, I am pleased to report that as of this afternoon and 5:55pm Miss S's quilt is in strips, that just need to be sewn together and borders added. Then I will start on Miss I's and the Miss E's quilts.

While cleaning last night I found 1 partially made quilt using Park Avenue fabrics and 2 kits from the Fat Quarter Shop,  guess I will be busy for a few months with all of those lol.

We Mister J and Miss W (the girlfriend) and I are off to the markets in the morning, then going to the park for a picnic and to listen to the music session for this weekend.

On the 6th of Feb there is a free concert at Albert Hall, with a Brass Band and the pipe organ, so that is in the diary form Miss E's benefit as she is joining the local Junior Concert Band this year.

Lots of photos to share but its late and I am tired so I will save them for another day :)

Have a great weekend :) :) :)

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Miss E had band camp, it was her 2nd last day, then she bought a new friend home for lunch and a play,

Miss S went to Miss G's for a sleepover

Miss I just had to hang with me.

I started weeding the back gardens, we have either a melon or a pumpkin vine growing through the top garden bed, I had to cut some of it back as its was just invading to much. pulled some huge weeds out, just have the lower bed to do and I am done for another couple of weeks.

Then after I collected Miss E and Miss L from band camp, I made a start on cutting  Miss S's new quilt from the fabric I got the other day.

Then once that was all cut out

I made a start on the free Civil War Quilt blocks, I have sewn the 1st 2 blocks, and I am still deciding whether I will do the 3rd....

I will share photos tomorrow when the sun is out.

Miss E has her band camp concert tomorrow afternoon, so I will have to get sewing in the morning on Miss S's quilt.

only 2 sleeps til my biggest baby is home.

how exciting

we also got some not so good news. As soon as WE know what is what I'll talk about it, just keep your fingers crossed for us please, we desperately need some luck at the moment, and don't panic its not health related.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Down in the Garden BOM

Block 5 is done and dusted

so this afternoon I traced and have sewn

block 6 together....the stitching starts tonight :)

block 7 is in the mail so I am caught up


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Fabric Shopping

I bought the most divine Amrican patchwork magazine last month, it was rather expensive but I found the perfect pattern to make 2 new quilts for Miss E's bedroom,

here is the fabric for her new quilts

Central Park By Kate Spain for Moda

and here is the picture of the finished quilt

Then I have been checking in at Esmes each week to see what new fabric ranges she had in,
today I hit the jackpot

this is the fabric for Miss S and Miss I's new quilts

Manchester by Nancy Gere for Windham fabric
(reproduction heaven)

and this is the picture of what the finished quilts will look like

so these 4 quilts will be keeping me busy as soon as my biggest

baby and his girlie leave at the end of the month

he arrives on Saturday :)

Monday, January 17, 2011

A finish

1 Gardeners' Journal

Quilted, Bound and hanging in the hallway

on the quilt rail man of the house put up last week

I love it

Saturday, January 15, 2011


I am wondering what I have done to deserve the run of totally bad luck I have been having

first was the major plumbing issues

now its a leaky deck, we went to my parents for dinner last night, and sent the girlies off to bed when we arrived home, then the bunkers came back upstairs to say there was water all over their lamp table,

the big crack we came home to last year obviously didn't want to be water tight yesterday so it started to leak,

Today I have had a good portion on the deck ripped up, some waterproofing stuff painted on and tomorrow a leveler thingie will go on, not a new problem but one that has just progressed more and more which the man of the house has put off and put off.........until today and as I said to him, it was cheaper for it to happen now than when he is away because then I would have had to get a builder in to fix it and the girlies ceiling

he is due back at work this week (yay) so when he gets back in 7 weeks, we will be pulling out the bunkers ceiling and re plastering it........ and I can see lots and lots and lots of tiling being done outside very very soon.

Fun Fun Fun

then today I bought a new lamp, its a gorgeous lamp, a mother and child lamp


it has to go back on Monday because, when you turn  the mother lamp on there is an instant stench of burning and a buzzing noise in the control box thingie.............the child lamp is fine though

so by my calculations that is my 3 and my luck should change now....

fingers crossed please

Friday, January 14, 2011

Great Stitching weather

its raining here, not a solid downpour but constant drizzle.

Nothing comapred to what Queensland and now Victoria are facing

Parts of Tasmania are flooding and roads are closed, but for my family to be flooded in we would need a flood of biblical proportions. We are safe up on the hill.

there has been alot of Connect 4 and Uno being played and today we
have some new DVD's to watch
 it's perfect stitching weather.

this block of Down in the Garden just needs the verse stitched and the flower centres done

then I will move onto Block 6, which means I will be caught up
with this BOM :) as block 7 will go in the mail on the 17th of this month.

Don't forget my Flood Auction item, details and your bids can be found/made here

please bid, all money goes directly to Queensland.

and I have to say I am so proud of my parents

My dad is getting ready to head to where-ever the Red Cross need him,
they contacted him yesterday

mum will be off  as soon as she has made a full recovery from
her fall.

Thats means we have her home for another 2 weeks.

which I am very happy about.

My biggest baby arrives in 1 week and 1 day

I can't wait to see him, and the girlies will be sooooooo

excited to see him, as we haven't seen him since September 2008......

Stay safe, stay dry and remember to bid on the many auctions that are

happening in blogland.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Flood Appeal Auction Item

A complete kit to make

'Twas the Night Before Christmas'
designed by Helen Stubbings

the auction rules are as follows

1. Bidding will start at $ 50 Australian

2. Place your bid by leaving a comment on this post with the amount and your email please

3. Postage for Australia is FREE and $35 for international postage

4. The Auction will start NOW and will END midnight Monday 24th January

5. I will notify the winner at closing

6. Winner will pay direct to Premier's Flood Relief Appeal

7. Once proof of payment has been received the Kit will be posted.

8. Please ensure that you leave an email address so that I can contact you should you be the winner.

Remember that every single cent goes to those people who need it in Queensland
good luck and please dig deep,
Queensland needs all of us to help in anyway we can

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Qld Flood Appeal

Bloggers Unite

Toni at Make it perfect is organising an online auction

and the Gum Tree girls have put out the call too

I am heading to my sewing room tomorrow to help the Gum Tree girls

I also have a complete kit by Helen Stubbings that I will be auctioning for Toni

photo to come tomorrow

please help if you can.

A Shopping Expedition

for school shoes and sneakers

man of the house bought some new shoes and offered to get me some

I told him I would prefer a quilt rack

a trip to Calico Crossroads and I had my new 'shoes'

and this little sign

I choose the smaller one as it had to fit into a
smallish spot between my bedroom and
the living room

it holds 4 quilts and has a little shelf at the bottom

where Henry will sleep once he works out
how to get into it, he has been studying
it since it arrived home

we are off to see grandma a bit later, I have cooked her a
quiche for her dinner, she just needs to do a salad.

We are not to sure how long she will be home for, before being sent
back to Queensland, especially after the devastation of yesterdays
inland tsunami that hit Toowoomba and surrounding areas

Other than financial aide I feel a bit helpless and my
heart breaks for the families of those who died yesterday
and for the many who are now missing.

May they rest in peace.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Wounded Warrior

thats what my mum is,

she has been in central Queensland for the past week with the Red Cross at an evacuation centre doing her thing, unfortunatey she now looks like she went a couple of rounds with Mike Tyson while she was away.

Mum is sporting to black eyes, a swollen knee (sof tissue damage) and a huge split lip with 6 stitches. She had and I will quote her 'a little fall' at the moment she and I are both concerned about infection as she fell in a contaminated area so she is off to her doctor tomorrow

But she is home and she is safe and she will heal so we are all happy

although she didn't want dad to worry so I got the job of telling him the truth before we went to the airport to get her.

I have a photo but she would absolutely KILL me if I shared it, I did have to show the girlies at her insistance so they wouldn't and I'll quote her again 'be afraid of her' when they see her tomorrow.

My poor mama

oh my biggest baby arrives home in 13 big sleeps, grandma and I are very excited :)

Down in the Garden progress and Treasures

I am almost caught up....ALMOST in the Down in the Garden BOM phew, there have been a few late nights while I stitch away but I have to admit, I am rather enjoying it.

Block 1

Block 2

Block 3

Block 4

Block 5 (working on this one ATM)

I still have to do the little dresdan plates to do and applique the butterflies on and
add a few stem stitch centres, once all the stitcheries done and I will add the
missing applique bits
and my treasures....

remember on my New Year post I said I found a treasure but forgot
the photo, well here it  they are

I found this little sailor boy who is now

a companion for this little sailor boy, who has been
in the family forever, my grandma received this one
from the crew of a ship she and grandpa sailed on,

here they are together

and Dolly, well she has been in my mums family forever
Grandma passed her down to mum, who when I had Miss I in 2003
passed it on to me.

she has 2 left feet

and dangly earrings

we have no idea how old she is, where she originally came from or her worth,
but to me she is priceless and I feel honoured to have her.

I just need to decide WHICH of my girlies receives her when the time is right....

Called in to Calico Crossroads today to collect the next 2 installments of
Friends for Christmas (not that I have done the first 2 yet lol) and I found the
perfect quilt rack, which I am going to buy for myself, very very soon :)