Poor little Henry cat
with all the bodies in the house last week
and people/princesses being in his face
he took to spending alot of time
in hiding
he was neglected
nobody but me likes Henry
they say he is just not a nice cat
he doesn't like being picked up, petted or annoyed
Harry is all visitors favourite kitty because he likes
everything but being picked up
so after the girlies and I dropped dh at the ship,
we popped into Calico Crossroads for some house goodies
we popped into Kmart for a dvd (the girl who played with fire)
and the supermarket for dinner bits
I hit the sewing room
so did Henry
he hopped into my current project fabric basket
and hasn't moved since
and tonight he gets his side of the bed back lol
he will be a happy kitty by the morning now there are no
princesses invading his personal space lol