Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Busu Buy Busy

What a week and it's only Wednesday!

So far

the twosome made their first reconciliation :) last night, then we went for a counter meal at the pub which they loved

the dancing queens have had 1 dance class with the second today, Thursday is full dress rehearsal, Saturday is their concert.

We have had 1 guitar lesson, violin is on Friday

I have worked and I did a class yesterday

I have made 2 wall hangings both for us, but 1 is going on loan to the shop for a wee while when its finished (buttons & binding to sew down)

I am having fun checking up on UPS as I have an exciting parcel coming from the Fat Quarter Shop, its currently in Denmark and is due for delivery Friday :)

So that is our week. Flat out

I am looking forward to Sunday :)

I hope your week is as fun filled as ours :)

Friday, October 23, 2009

Resizing Photo's help needed please

I used to resize my photos in Photoshop 7 to 700 pixels x 700 pixels

then my computer had some corruption issues and I lost PS 7, and couldn't find the disk to re load it so I am using Elements 6 now


I cannot for the life of me work out how to resize in pixels I can only do it in inches so all photos are resized to 6x4 in which means they take AGES to load into blogger.

Can anyone assist me or suggest an easier program to use...

I am getting frustrated lol

Our House

in the middle of the street

Welcome to our home, we hope you enjoy your tour!

we have views of Mt Barrow and Ben Lomand (sp)

The side part of our deck which wraps around the back of the house

Our Deck, a great place to sit on a warm summer night with good friends, good food and great wine :)

Part of our garden, I planted camellias along the fence just before we left, fingers crossed they are still alive

the rest of the garden, the lower level was all grass so my dad and I removed the grass and extended the top bed, its full of azaleas, rhododendrons bulbs, fruit trees roses

My kitchen smallish but practical unless there are 4 adults in there, then its a bit squished

more of the kitchen

the master bedroom, the wall opposite the window has built in wardrobes

the twosomes room

the sun room, which when we left was the dining room

the littlest girlie's room, when we go home she will be downstairs with her sisters in the spare bedroom and this room will be sewing central and the NRL watching room

the rest of the living room, it was at one stage the dining room too

the living room

the upstairs bathroom, loo is hiding behind the door

downstairs is the laundry, 3rd & 4th bedroom, storage and the back door
We are 5 minutes walk from the girlies school, we are 10 minutes walk to the shop, we are 20 minutes walk from the centre of town and we were a 10 minute walk from Gumdrops and Frumpa too, now we have 60+mins walk to them.....
Can you see why I love it?
Oh and I found the missing tarts they were hiding out in my pattern drawer, and I found DH's missing since Christmas mobile phone, he will be a happy chappy tonight when I tell him.
Today I am working on PIF gifts, for Deb and Darlene :) with a bit of tiding, bed making and washing to do also. FUN FUN FUN
Have a great Friday :)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Fabulous Giveaway

I was blog hopping and found a link to a fabulous giveaway on Amanda's blog

Go visit Pumpkin Patch Primitives Quilt Shoppe.

My Tarts

are missing :(

I have been doing, oops, collecting Sue Daleys, Pie's and Tarts BOM, I have 8 months worth of papers and fabric here, tonight I decided I needed to get stuck into it so I went to grab the Tarts from month 2 only to find I couldn't find them.......

so I grabbed month 6's, papers and fabric and did some cutting...

The girlies are great, girlie # 3 has swimming everyday with her school, today was day 3, she is absolutely exhausted, this afternoon she had the BIGGEST bags under her eyes and was very quiet, so we missed dancing today so she could rest.

the removalists are officially booked, we are going home in just over 12 weeks......

so exciting

the clean out will begin shortly (toys, clothes, linen, kitchen etc) there is no better way to have a major clean out of excess everything than to move and I just want to unpack each box not have to sort it out as I go when we get back into our house.

I'll show you around our home soon I found photo's of it :)

Stitchers Angel gift is going postal tomorrow I picked up a couple of little things to add to it today :) I hope she likes it.

Have a great Thursday :)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Our Sunday

Trackside flowers

A dead tree at the homestead.

There were so many of these gorgeous Banksia's lining the sides of the track

3 crazy girlies in the FREEZING water

a not so happy passenger

Moir Homestead (I think) or whats left of it

A Kangaroo Paw, this need for this photo caused the next to happen lol

Oops bogged to the axles

Monday, October 19, 2009

Feeling hot hot hot

29 degrees on Saturday

36 degrees C on Sunday so we packed up the girlie's and headed for the beach, unfortunately DH neglected to tell me it was a 15.8km sand track that had me hanging on tightly with my eyes clenched shut.

We have now decided that I need to attend a 4 wheel drive toughening up the passenger course, does any one know of any???

The beach was gorgeous, we saw 3 dolphins, collected shells, ate a picnic lunch, read a book, fished and relaxed. Our drive back out was interesting and I kept my eyes open the WHOLE way lol.

I have some photo's to come.

My day off today :) I have a date with the vacuum cleaner and the washing machine...........

I'd rather be sewing.

Hoping to get my stitchers' angel gift into the post this afternoon fingers crossed.

Have a great day :)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Ta Da its 100% finished and its night number 3 with it on the bed.

the quilting lady did the BEST job on this quilt, I absolutely LOVE it.

The leaves have been quilted into EVERY white block

I love this quilt :)
there are more pics somewhere bu its way past my bedtime so I'll save them for another time.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


is something I am lacking today.

I need to have a shower & get dressed tick

I need to load the dishwasher and the washing machine tick

I need to call into the hardware shop for some clothesline cord aka 5mm rope tick

I need to get off the computer tick

I need to get to work tick


the house is so quiet and still with just the fridge humming away, the sound of birds outside and a slight breeze, it is overcast though. The girlies are at school, dh is at work, the kitty's are sleeping that I want to stay home

maybe tomorrow instead

additional photos will be added this afternoon WST currenty doing :)

Have a great day

Ta Da

Quilting on the backing fabric

Have you ever wondered what 10 000 curved quilting pins looks like....

look no further, that my friends is what 10 000 quilting pins look like, and we only have 5 500 left to bag :)

Fabric for a new shop project, it looked so pretty fluttering in the breeze

There are more to come but I am having some connection issues. Will continue with the pics asap

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

They're Back

to school today :)

Which means I am back to work too :)

which also means girlie # 1's christmas present will be waiting the big question is will she get it early or can I wait.........

So I know I have been promising photos and hopefully this afternoon they will get out of my camera onto the computer so I can share.

I do have a new quilt on my bed :) as of yesrterday now I just need to find a pair of white european pillowcases and I will be happy!

Have a happy happy day and I will be back later with photos

I promise

Monday, October 5, 2009

Lots to share

but today I am up to my armpits in hot glue and sequins and can I just say that I hate both hot glue and sequins lol

I am just waiting for my hot glue gun assistant (dh) to get home from work so we can finish off the dancing costumes...... YAY

otherwise I have 1 complete quilt top and 1 finished quilt to share with you all, hopefuly later today/tonight if not tomorrow :)

Hope you all had a great weekend we did :)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Almost Finished

these are blocks 5, 6 and 7 for playing with angels

I'll upload the rest of the blocks sometime tomorrow. The girlies are getting their hair cut then its home to sew. I have to put the top together, applique block 9 down and add the borders and its done :) :) :) then its on to the littlest girlies 'big' quilt for her bed.