Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A new year, a new start...

I have great hopes for 2012, though I think I said the same for last year -- and well, that could have turned out a lot better than it actually did. I wasn't nearly as productive as I'd hoped in 2011, so I thought I'd start this New Year out right by ignoring that tub of UFO's and starting something else.

I had Bali Pop leftovers from this quilt. It took me a while to find them buried deep in the stash, but I had an idea (and you know when I get an idea, I have to run with it) and needed to see how it would work. I did a little reorg/cleaning while I was digging, so it was worth the effort.

There was about 30" left of each strip, so I had a fair amount to work with. The middles are pieced however I felt like it -- it's a stretch to call it improvisation, but let's just say they're all a bit different. I also added some satin and shantung silks for a pop of shine. Blocks are 4" square.

So far, I like how it's turning out. This batch is only the first third of the pieces I cut, so I still have a ways to go.

Here's to new beginnings for a New Year!