Wednesday, May 27, 2009

second to last

So this is the 2nd to last e-mail that I'll send. All is well and bem; yesterday I talked to an American and tried to teach him in English. MAN, that was hard to just start talking to him--he was cool. He is here doing a study on public health, he is a student at Corneal University--that was cool.

Yesterday we also had a baptism, a flood in the church, and two birthdays. It was a big day. We didn't teach anyone and well, to say the least, it was a hard day. But life is good and all is well, have a great day!

love your little sister felt

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

wind rain

Dear family,
How are all you? Here life is good! We are nearly freezing to death with all this rain and wind but I think that I will survive. You know, it was like 70 degrees yesterday. That is not all that cold but add the wind and the rain and it is really cold!!!

Anyway, next week is Stake Conference and it should be interesting. They want to have two buses, this branch here is in a state of "emergency". I guess the gospel of Jesus Christ is always an emergency but now the members want to do something about the work. The stake president told them that they could not move in to the new chapel until they were a ward. The branch needs five more people at sacrament meeting and 10 more men baptized and holding the Melchizedek priesthood--they want to do this in two months!!! I am all about baptizing 10 men but I doubt any one of them would be ready to receive this responsibility within a few weeks of being baptized?!?!!?

It's great that the members are willing to work for it. We will too and hopefully I will meet my goal before I go home.

All really is well here, we are seeing many new miracles happen and yesterday not on purpose I sort of burned the Elders with my training in district meeting. It was supper funny because I really didn't know that they had been working in another town and not where they live. It's in there area but it is just another city. Anyway, I was reading Alma 8 to teach that we have to do it the Lords way and they were like, "oh man, that was just for us." Anyway, it was sort of funny.
Well, all is great!

Love you all with all my heart,
Sister Felt

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Dear family,

Thanks for talking to me that was way fun; I love you all so much you!
Life here is still going well, we have a tone of work to do and not enough hours in the day to get it all done.

Have a great day I love you all
Love you little sister felt