Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Hey todo mundo! How are you?

I know I am one day late, and I am sure everyone noticed because you wait for my emails every Tuesday. But yesterday was a holiday hear called São Joãon and everything is closed, so hear I am, not on my p-day sending you an email.

So this is a cool holiday, they have fires in the streets and tons of fireworks that are mainly just really loud and ridicules firecrackers and there is square dancing and lots and lots and lots of boooooos. The whole world is completely wasted, even our investigators :( even the one that last week asked me to baptize him. At that time I was sad to tell him that I can't baptize him, now I am sad that he can't be baptized. aaaaaah. Anyway it's a little scary but kind of cool too see all the fire everywhere and drunk people, no that part is not cool.

Um, last week was cool, we had the last conference with President and Sister Souza and I was put in charge of the special music number. But instead of singing for the crowd the whole time we turned and sang for Sister and President Souza and we organized it that for the last verse everyone stood and sang for them. It was cool!

Sister Souza cried I cryed and well, it was cool!

Yesterday I cut my bangs and I gave the lesson in district meeting. These are the only things out of the ordinary. Life is good I am happy to be hear on a mission right now and serving the Lord.

Peace Out
love your little sister felt

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Oi familia,

Um,... So I have like five minutes to write really fast, my comp had problems with her email today so I used my time to help her.

So life is good, we had a good week, my district is really different now and miss the people that went home. This is the first time that some one I really knew went home... how sad!

I don't have much new to write nor the time to write it so, have a great week everyone! Feel free to send me a note or two.

love you all

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Transfer, ... nope not me

Dear Family,
Well, once again I am hear writting you an email. It has been six weeks and time for new transfers, transfers have started and I am still hear in Camaçari, which is great. How cool would it be to make it nine months in the same place! That's what will happen if I am not transferred the next transfer which may happen because we are getting a new president. But that could be cool.

Jon I will talk to you for a second in response to a letter that I got yesterday. You are not dry, you are Jon and a history professor. If Katelynn wants someone that is not dry just write your normal stuff and throw water on it, that is all it will take. And speaking of Jon and Cami. Cami´s cousin is my new LZ, that is cool. I talked to him once, it was fun I am excited to know his Dad's name.

I don't think I have any really cool stories, I think that it will be great to start a new transfer. Yesterday was a better day than we have had since Sister Gonçalves came into the area. I think we can continue to build up momentum and make it a strong six weeks. I know it!

We are getting a new sister in the house and that will be fun, last night we had a party for my companions birthday. Friday Erickson will go away, so I'll have some movies I am hoping to download on to Chrisy's mac thing.

I think that will be cool for you, most of it's in Portuguese so Chrisy and Will can translate, well really is is just like English I know what Chrisy was saying now, it really is not all that hard now.

Ummmmmm. I don't want to end this email but i just can't think of anything else to say. I used to always write things during the week so I could remember to share it with the family, but now it's just life, don't know what else to say, we talk to the same drunk people all the time. Ok, well that is not true, we have our fun with the drunks on Sunday night. Um yeah life is good.

I love you all and, oh also the gospel is TRUE!!! I just wanted to add that part in.

And have a great day,
Love you all,
And you rock, or houk,
Your Sister Felt

Tuesday, June 03, 2008


Hi family, this is going to be short and boring. Life is good, next week is transfers I am unsure of how this will affect me. Last week was not the best week of my life but the next will be better. Congratulations to you all, you have made it 6 mos. without my gracious presence in your lives. I just hope you will all be ok for another 12 mos.

Well I think that is it tchou,
Love your Sister Felt