Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Last week of the MTC!

Whoot Whoot!!!

I have really loved the CTM but am ready to get out of hear! I know that I could spend more time hear learning portuguese but I think I will learn more not being in the CTM. It will be a process but I will not be mad about leaving in a week from today.

Last week has gone by really really fast. The highlight was that Elder Nelson came and I got to shake his hand... and so did everyone else but that's ok, I still feel good about myself. He was really great, he talked about three things. One, that we need to come back speaking three languages better: English, Portuguese, and I think the spirit, but he never got to the third one. The next thing that he did was tell us we are noble and great and the best thing that we will aspire to is the great calling of being parents. Because that is the most important and powerful calling that you could ever have. Lastly, he talked about 3 Nephi 11--baptism, doctrine and not having contention. We concluded that we need to baptize but only after we teach the doctrine.

The other thing that has been going on is that it has been really cold; today it has been really rainy (chover: to rain) I think. Well, we have had a lot of that. It's going to be fun when I am out in the real world and have to deal with that any time it rains--man, doesn't that sounds fun!!?!?

Um. well thanks to anyone that sent me a little email saying they were thinking about me; I might add, this thanks is not to anyone that is related to me!!!!! Do I have to sick Alma 60:6 on you all!?!?!?! Maybe the problem is that I have not extended a commitment to any one. Will you email me a small email next week?

Well, have a great week and I love you all a lot even if you forget that I am in Brazil doing the Lords work and that you will get extra blessings for emailing me and you get even more blessings for writing real letters.

Well love you ,
your Sister Kate Felt

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Hello Famila,

Life is way good; last week was fun and fast. We got new roommates I really loved our last ones but the new ones are better for us. I think because one of the Sisters--I am not even going to try to spell her name--talks to us and makes us talk to her in Portuguese, she is so funny. Last night she was lamenting that she was missionary because she saw the most beautul American missionary that day, she said that he looked like one of the back steet boys. She really craks me up.

There is another Sister that came that is not my roommate but she is a Brazilian coming to Salvador with me the same day that I am going. That was not all that unexpected, I knew if a Sister was going to come with me, she had to enter the MTC last week. Also, Chrisy there are some Sister's that are going to Cabo Verde, which is cool that they just come to the Brazilian CTM because they don't need to learn a language.

We got a new president of the CTM President Woodwar, he is really cool. It will be weird not having President Carden or Sister Cardon around anymore; they are amazing people. They left toddy.

The reality of me leaving the CTM hit me this week, so I am sort of freeking out about that. I get to be a real missionary now, I'm playing for keeps now and I want to keep them all :)

Last Friday proselytizing was amazing, we had a goal to bankrupt the teacher's supply of pass along cards and BOM's. We did it with an hour to spare so then we just started to get referrals.
We were going up to people, teaching them a little bit, and getting there address. That was way scary and amazing all at the same time. My amazement of the Brazilian people still continues to grow, they are all so loving and amazing. There were times when we would be teaching one person and another person would be walking past and stop and listen to us and take a card and just look so interested--it was unbelievable! Then there were other times that people would listen to our message and be like, I am Catholic, my whole family is Catholic, but thank you so much for your message. It is unbelievable, they are so just kind.

So last night my companion and I were minding our own business doing work for Missionary Directed Study Time (MDST) and a teacher came in and asked us to teach the first lesson to her class in Portuguese. She was like, "They have only been here a week and they are sort of nervous. You will do great--just show them that they can do it." and so I was like OK, they wont know when we mess up because they have only been here one week right?.... Well, we get to the room and it's a class of Brazilians, what the heck! But really, it was so good for me to do this, and they were wonderful to help me with the language.

My favorite Brazilian Sister left today she was a small little ball of joy. She has only been a member for one year and she is on a mission and she is going to be so, so, good. I just wanted to tell some one that story it's good huh? I should tell it at parties. -- brincadara (joking)

Um, I know there was something else that I was also going to write... oh well. I do want to tell you all that Gale and my friend Christie (I know that is not you spell her name) sent me a letter through "missionary ties" and I don't know how or what they did but it felt like it got here really fast, so that might be a good idea for getting things to me in a timely manner. Anyway I need to go, have a great week to all!

I love you all, muito, muito, muitissemo
I learned that slag this week does that work in Portugal portuguese?

Any, anyway love you tons,

Sister Kate Felt

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

brush your hair, brush your teeth, put on makeup

This week has really been so great, we are in the third trimester of the CTM, whomb!!!!

So, last Wednesday we went to the national police so that we could all be finger printed and get our visas extend so that I don't have to go home six months early. We had fun, it was fun to get the group of missionaries we came with back together again.

We got matching ties for our district and I thought it was cool, Sister Thompson and I just put ours in our hair to look like a head band. But one of the teachers got mad, well not mad, but we sort of got in trouble. Don't worry, they havn't told me to pack my bags just yet. The Elders have also started making-up, and doing stupid magic tricks; this is a sign that we've been in the CTM way too long.

Last week as a district, we decided to start praying for each other. We started praying that we would have an open atmosphere so we could talk about the things with which we are having problems. I am not going to lie, I think it's worked so well for us to do this because I feel like as a district, we are at the point where most districts are all getting sick of each other. It's been five weeks but instead of getting mad or frustrated with each other, I think we've grown in love for each other. It's amazing!

This Sunday we watched the Joseph Smith movie it was amazing. I love that! And I love JS and the amazing things he did for us with Heavenly Father. It was amazing!

Yesterday I got a letter from my mission president. This was epic for me. I have sort of been feeling bad that everyone had gotten a letter from there MP and I hadn't even heard from him. So when I got it I was way happy and so I opened it right away. And it's all in Portuguese!!! Gurrr, so I have to try really, really, hard to read it and even get some help. This is what is basicaly said:

Sister Felt,
We are so excited for you to come to our mission you will be coming on the 5 of Feb 2008. We will bring our camera to take pictures of you at the mission home. We will have a nice meal and dessert when you get here.

• brush your hair
• brush your teeth
• put on makeup

It's important to look nice.

Love, President and Sister Soza

OK, first I think it's funny because it's practically saying you are not going to get any good food hear so I'll feed you, your last good meal--ten to one says it's beans and rice. I will tell you once I have this meal. The other thing is that it was so short and they told me in bullet points to brush my teeth, and hair, and take care of myself. I don't know if you all think it's funny. but I think it's WAY funny!

Anyway this Friday we are proselytizing, so pray for me and my companheira.

Well have a great week, Thanks for your love,
I would love to hear from you all,
Love you,
Sister Katherine Felt

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Boa Tarde

Oí famíla,

This week has been really great for me, on tuesday we had a talk by President Cardin. It was on being a maissionary of mighty faith; it was really AMAZING. I think i am getting a better idea of what it is to be a good missionary. You all did not warn me that it's a very difrent way of thinking. When you are a missionary you never really do anything for yourself and that's when the faith comes in. Everyday you obay all the rules not because you want to all the time but because you have the faith to know that this is not your time. Sort of weird when you are getting use to it.

I was having a hard time this week, knowing that I'm not doing as well with my language as the others in my district, I don't know why this should be surprising knowing how my mind works. But I was talking to my companion and she was a great help telling me that we have been promised that we will speak Portuguese, which I know is true. Since then I have felt much better I know that the Lord is not going to tell me to do something and then let me fail when I am doing his work. That is another area where faith comes in.

Last friday I got to go proselytizing out in São Pãlo it was amazing, I loved it is was amazing how loving the people were and how open they were to listening to the message. I was almost sure the first person I talked to was planted by my teacher but no, I think that's just the way the Brazilians are. Sure, we had plenty of people that were not willing to listen but an amazing number really were. I think that's just the disposition of the people, that's what makes the field so white and ripe for harvest. President Hinckly told the Brazilians a year or two ago that the number of baptisms need to double in Brazil, which is amazing considering the numbers of people getting baptized. Every missionary has two rules 1. Never go to any church meeting with out an investigator and 2. never miss a meeting. I don't think that's possible everywhere but missionaries all over Brazil are doing it. It's amazing!

There was one girl that we were talking to and she was so happy to listen and looked so interested that I also added my testimony to my companion and gave her the BOM it was soo cool I felt really great. I can't wait until I get to discover all of the stories of these people when I get to meet them, and teach them, and understand them. It's really amazing.

Today we went to the temple in Campinas, it's so beautiful I loved it. It's so clean. I think everything inside the temple is designed to reflect light and so the whole thing is just glistening I love it. Well time is up.

One addition is that my roommates are so amazing, I love them and they really crack me up every night, I am greatful for them and I am really greatful for my companion.

Have a great day I would love to get letters, hint, hint or if you are family emails.

Love, Sister Kate Felt

Wednesday, January 02, 2008


Feliz ano nova! ok i really have no clue how to spell that?

So today is p-day and as you know, that means that last Tuesday was also my p-day. But, not only did I not get to email, but also you thought I was going to be able to call. Humm, that apparently was not the case. But if you think about it, it will be cooler for me to call on Mothers Day because then i will know more Portuguese whereas right now I really don’t know anything, like I do, but at the same time, not really.

New years was crazy last night it was (A.) so hot that it took a good hour to fall asleep and (B.) the fireworks were so, and i really mean, SO loud that I thought maybe there was some sort of war going on. It was sort of cool.

This last week sister T and I got roommates, they are from Brazil. Where you ask? We don’t know, they talk really, really fast and I don’t think it helps that we are not completely up to par on the geography of Brazil. They are really cute though; I am going to try to send you pictures. There are sort of funny things that happen when you cannot understand one another.

The Elders in my district still crack me up, they just came into the tie shop that we are in. We are getting matching district ties that are orange and sister T and I are going to where them on our heads.

One of the Elders is so funny, he never really says anything and than come up with the most hilarious things to say. Like one day we were eating dinner and a kid came up and was being really funny and sort of a brat. When he was walking away the Elder that never says anything said, “What a miserable little man" this may not be funny to you, but it was really funny coming from him.

Anyway, got to run. Love you so much, the gospel is true and it’s great in Brazil, and really hot.
I think that baptizing in Brazil is so high because people need to cool off in the font. Haha ha, just kidding. Well, I do really love you.

Have a Great Day
Sister Felt


my MTC address is:
Sister Katherine Felt
Brazil Salvador Mission
Brazil Missionary Training Center
Rua Parre Antonio D'Angelo 121
Casa Verde
02516-040 San Paulo SP

And the pouch mail is no longer in service so once I leave the MTC, you'll have to send stuff to the mission home:
Sister Katherine Felt
Brazil Salvador Mission
Av. Antônio C. Magalhães, 3247 sala 402
40275-000-Salvador- BA