It has sort of been a hard adjustment to life in the CTM. I am not sure how to put it into words but I think they are trying to cram my brain full of so many things that I am on overload all the time. But, I know that it’s all good and that it is going to all make sense someday. Like Pres. Carden said, he has seen thousands of missionaries come through and I will not be the first to not learn the language in the CTM, but I will learn the langue because all the other thousands have.
My companions name is Sister Thompson she is great and I love her. She is half black and so everyone thinks that she is Brazilian and that she can speak Portuguese, but she can’t, it puts her in funny situations all the time.
Today we went to the Campinas Temple it was beautiful!!! And I was grateful for the time to write some letters and to just sit and talk with my companion about anything but language stuff; she is really cool and very talented. The men that are in my district are great I am grateful for there fun loving attitude and the fun that we are able to have. Some times it can get sort of out of hand but it is no problem because during Mission Directed Study Time (aka MDST) SisT and I can go into a different room or go work on TALL (a language learning program).

I know that I am not so good with languages and that it is really just a blessing to get such smart and advanced people in my district, but it’s hard for me to see them to be doing so well and feel like I am behind. But it is good Tudo Bem !!!! I love it and know that I am doing what I am suppose to be doing.
I love you all way more that I could ever possibly tell you in just a letter or with words,
Love Kate Felt
p.s. best news ever !!!!! I don’t have to were nylons!!!!! Mutio Bem!