Men's Health Night Run 2012

Before I leaving for the run, I bumped into OP Komeng my neighbour. He asked me what's the distance I'm going to race tonight. I told him it's only 11.8km run. Then he said, I thought you will never take part in anything lesser than half marathon. Well, sometimes we have to run shorter distance to really enjoy the race. That is exactly what I had in Men's Health Night Run... fun fun fun & nice goodies bag :) I drove to Putrajaya together with Hafiz (my BIL) and Helmi (my nephew). They are still newbies in running but they are doing it with passion. We started 5 minutes late because we went for Maghrib prayer at nearby mosque and the Iman recited very long "surah" during the prayer. Thank God, Allah blessed us with a good run afterward. I ran very fast for the first half before came across "G" girls Nana, Selly & Azu. We ran together until the last stretch to finish line. Although I missed top 500 medal, I'm glad I had an enjoyable run w...