
Half-Ironman 2008.... yes, i did it !!!

Long Distance Race 2km Swim 90km Cycle 21km Run Sprint on 2nd day

Fun out with my kids

About 3 weeks they were staying with me. During that time our bonding grew stronger. I like the feel being greet by them when coming home from work . They ran straight toward me when I open-up the door and start talking of what was happening today. And every night before we sleep, I did bedtime story telling. I really sad being alone again :( I wanted to take care of them but my ex insisted them to be sent to her parents in JB. I worry they will slowly forget about me sooner or later. She said this is for their own good. Hope she did the right thing.

Ian & Dmi

For the past 2 weeks, I feel so happy. Why??? Because my kids are with me now. When I at work I always look forward to go home to see them. Earlier my ex & I decided to send them to JB to stay with my in-laws. But now I have second thought of doing that. Since I already lost my wife, I don't want to lose my kids too. If my ex doesn't mind the kids stay away from her, that's her problem. In fact the kids are happier with me. Although my parents take care of them when I at work, most of the time they are with me. I shower them, I have breakfast/lunch/dinner with them, I teach them homework, they sleep with me at nite, I take them out for fun, etc. Maybe if I get a daycare maid, my mom can relax a bit. The kids need a father, I can see that every time we talk. Syukran, Ian & Dmi

PD Triathlon - 20 July 2008

Good race & great trip :)

Ipoh Century Ride - 13 July 2008

The longest ride in one day. Finished in 6hrs 48mins but I was suffered...... I cannot imagine, in Ironman after cycle 18okm, have to run 42km... ohh before that swim 3.8km... giler la.

Start all over again

A friend tells me to change my blog from black, dark & gloomy to other colors which is more vibrant & cheerful. So, officially to show that i'm bouncing back on my feet..... i chose green color as my new template. It looks very fresh. To start fresh, forget all the past and hope for the best.

Mc Donald's Run or Larian Olimpik

I never saw so many people started to run at the same time. Altho there were 10 diff categories, the organizer let go everybody at the same time. The road was jammed pack and i had to maneuver between the people. Ran together with Ala & his brother Chip. He brought along his parent and his sister in-law to run the race. Very active & healthy family. My timing....hmmm shame la to tell. For 7km run, we did 50 mins..... loser!