Larsen Family Fun
Friday, April 8, 2011
To Blog or not to Blog?
Thursday, November 6, 2008
I LOVED MAMMA MIA!!! And the vacation in Vegas. I am glad most everyone could come and hope the next girls day is as much fun as this one was. Just don't believe any stories you hear that happened. After all what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas!
I also love the Abba songs. Luke will sing with me.... Mamma Mia, there she goes again. Then he will say, "mom you like mamma mia?"

Julie, Jodi, me and Kirstin
Who Needs A Ladder???????????
Who needs a ladder when you have chairs, a table, an old chest of drawers, and a train table, not to mention the two kid chairs, that you can stand on. Kary has been working very hard with the limited tools he has. I told him to go buy a ladder, but he is waiting for his little giant ladder to magically show up???? Needless to say, I am very impressed to actually be seeing some walls (or what are going to be walls soon).
The laundry room and hallway leading to the bathroom, 2 bedrooms and storage room. The framing is almost done!!!
Such cute little helper boys.... I call them my 3 sweet boys!
Luke is always willing to help his dad. This light is our extension cord and main light in the corners of the basement. It is always being moved to the saw, to the drill, to light something up etc. I said Kary we have another extension cord, but he doesn't want to use it cause it is too big. Silly guy.
Who needs "Joe the plumber" when you have a man like this? He pounded out this hole with a sledge hammer one day. I tried for an hour, but only made a dent. He did it in a few hours and made a big hole. He has been very ambitious lately on the basement. I have even helped out a little. After all "working together gets the job done" according to Bob the Builder.

Sunday, November 2, 2008
September with the Larsen Family`
Luke and his "Friends" Carsen and Trevin. He calls all his cousins his friends.

Me cleaning up the flood. We had a little, by little I mean medium size flood in our basement. Someone (not saying who) left the water running in the bushes. Jack and Gracie went downstairs to get a popsicle and came up yelling the basement is full of water!!! I called Kary and he came home and together we cleaned it up. Working together gets the job done!! It was a mess though. Funny to look back on.
My Latest Cakes!!
Just thought I would post some pictures of my latest cakes I've made for my boys.
They think it is the greatest thing to have a "cool cake" on their birthday. 

Jack and School

Jack's first day of school - He did great... I was crying. Life goes on, they are only getting bigger!
Well I thought I would try again and see if I can figure this thing out. The kids say such funny things, I think to myself that I need to write them down. So here goes the blogging on some funny things they say.
"I am impressed with that house (Sheila Olsens) they decorate in the summer and for Halloween.
"I went to puters today". I said computers, he said "computers, but I can still call it puters, I'm just a kid you know".
"Mom, you make money, when you go to the store you ask for cash back"
"Mamma Mia she goes again"
"Bob the builder (he was for Halloween) she goes again" (I listen to Abba a little too much)
But the best things they say lately is that when is family night? I like doing things as a family.
I love my boys
Sunday, August 24, 2008
First attempt
Hello everybody!!! Going to start blogging if I can remember my username and password!!!
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