Yahoo!! just set up my space - linked it to facebook - and if all went well, class reminders will auto post from Google Calendar :)) YIPPEE
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Redirection provided by Blogger to WordPress Migration Servicehas been moved to new address
KarmaWiredSorry for inconvenience...
Redirection provided by Blogger to WordPress Migration ServiceThousands of candles can be lighted from
a single candle, and the life of the candle
will not be shortened. Happiness
never decreases by being shared.
Yahoo!! just set up my space - linked it to facebook - and if all went well, class reminders will auto post from Google Calendar :)) YIPPEE
Yahoo!! just set up my space - linked it to facebook - and if all went well, class reminders will auto post from Google Calendar :)) YIPPEE
Labels: Buttons Bangles and beads, handmade, jewelrylessons.com, local artists
This is just so very kewl!!! I can't hardly wait for this class in Orlando Oct 15th through the 17th 2010. Of course she is visiting for a whole week in September too - Neener, neener, neener. :))
Labels: art, Hand Made, imagination, inspriation, pendants, Perri J, Shaktipaj Designs, tutorials, wire wrapping
Labels: art, Artfire, credit, ethics, Etsy, FaceBook, Hand Made, imagination, inspriation, pendants, tutorials, wire wrapping
Sunday September 20, 2009
Time: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm PST
Join The Jewelry connection for a live interview with guest independent jewelry artist Gordon Uyehara of Hawaii! Gordon is a well loved and highly revered teacher and designer in Precious Metal Clay.
From Mona Hair - Jewelry Connection "His interview will be incredibly informative and his review of work will no doubt be a marvelous experience. It's an honor to welcome Gordon to the broadcast room and I'm looking forward with great anticipation to sharing this experience with you!"
Time: 12pm PST 2pm CST or 3pm EST depending on where you are in the USA; if you're in Europe show time is 9pm except in the UK where it is 8pm
Labels: art, Gordon Uyehara, imagination, inspriation, interview, LiveVideo