I swear this kid is trying to kill me off. He has hated sleep since the day he was born. Daylight savings threw a wrench in our schedule and he has woken up in the middle of the night since then. Two of the nights he has been up at 3 and then my pregnant body can't get comfortable and go back to sleep. He never has a reason for why he gets up. No nightmares and he doesn't need to go potty.
We have tried every suggestion that people have given us and nothing has worked. Our pediatrician said this is just habitual and we need to break the habit by always taking him back to his bed and making it clear that it is time to sleep. I have been so good about that...except today. After 4 nights of him waking up, my previously mentioned pregnant body couldn't do it again. I let him get in our bed and then he woke up with my alarm so he was up for the day. This makes for a super grumpy and super whiny boy!
Just when I was getting to my breaking point and about to lose it on him, I hear in a tiny whisper voice, "Heavenly Father, please bless that I will go to sleep soon and please bless that mommy will be safe and happy at work today. Amen." How could you stay mad at that? Motherhood is so hard, but so rewarding at the same time.