as of late, things have been going completely crazy. ever since right after new years my life seems to getting dimmer and dimmer. i am physically, emotionally, and totally spiritually drained. i can't explain it, especially working at a'd think we wouldn't be like that. i have only been here since june, and my life is a complete wreck now. (okay, maybe a bit over dramatic, but it is alot different and yeah...) but i am tired of fake people...and people not really caring about me. 2 year olds care about me more than the adults here do. and it's really funny when clara comes into work, makes me laugh (she's 22 months) and then continues to cuddle me and hug me for the next 20 minutes...just what i needed.
i don't have any desire to do anything. the only things i get excited about are my day off (if i get one), soccer on wednesdays and thursdays, and teaching on tuesdays. that's what really keeps me going, because working here i feel like i am bound down, and not being able to use any of my gifts. once in a while i'll get to do an art project or two, do photography for brochures/online tours, and run the rock wall...but those projects are so few, it makes me lose hope that i'll get to do anything i want/am gifted in. i know, kinda am being a bit selfish, but when you work 60+ hours a week at a ministry, i feel you have a little right to be selfish...pour into yourself a little. maybe?
sometimes i feel that a year long committment was the wrong thing...that i should have only stayed through december/the new years conference. and honestly, things were hard that semester, but definitely felt a peace about being here - i learned alot. however, now, i don't feel a peace about anything. my prayers are frequent...but more something along the lines of - "help me...i don't know what i am doing". i thought that my dream job was basically just handed to me on a silver platter - obviously i had to do interviews and stuff, but all of a sudden they stopped talking to me. i don't understand, i don't know why, but that was a major shock to me and really put me down about what i am really supposed to do.
through all of this, there has been alot of snow. winter is tied as my favorite season with fall. i love the cold, i love the snow, i just do...can't explain it. well, it has snowed nearly every day since the day the new year conference has ended, and for 5 straight days it snowed all day and night. very fluffy snow, but lots and lots of it. i have really enjoyed walking to and from work in it/going to different parts of camp throughout the day. it is such a comfort to me. just this morning, it started to snow as i got into work. i sit at a front desk all day and can see it beautifully falling. it's pretty nice. i feel it's God just hugging me through something awesome. i find myself looking at the snowflakes on my black coat and looking at the intricate details of them...or when they fall on my deep blue/purple's beautiful. and it's funny, other days when i cry or just lay on my bed and think, "why? why am i here still? what is there for me?" it starts snowing and i take a walk.
with my dreams of being a coach and running programs, i have really pushed aside other things that i like. for one, life guarding. two, working with kids full time. yes, as a coach/program director i would do that...but i realized that i don't want that responsibility yet...i would like to just be an assistant for now. also, employers really haven't taken me seriously because of my age - which is frustrating. "you're just out of college, what do you think you can bring to the table of people over 30 who have been doing this for a while?" here i think i answer that question quite nicely, they nodded in approval, but i guess not? in what i like, i know alot. i always look things up, research new books, and learn as much as i can because that's how i do things.
in december, it was said to me that i should become an ER nurse. it was said because i am so very bored here, and love the human body and am fascinated by it, and really need something that has adrenaline in it somewhere - and also use my skill of level headedness in a really ridiculously our of control situation. i am good at that kind of thing. i shut things out and get the job done...something that they don't like where i work now. i like to get things done right, and do them fast, and it's completely frustrating when i have a team who is ALWAYS slow and we could have done something in have the day but it took all day - uber frustrating but i can't say a word, i just deal with it and move on.
anyways, with all that said, and also with the point of me just wanting to gain experiences and always will have 2-3 odd jobs at a time, i am wanting to get back into the church life...and that comes with other fun things. first, i just want to say that a year commitment to a ministry sounded great at the time because i was spiritually in a great place, and feeling good about everything, and just had the euphoria of graduating. now, i have realized that that may have been a bit stupid because i had really jaded myself of how things are outside of not going to church hardly ever and how that would really effect me. well, i am ready to go back. and i really believe that all of the snow is just something to comfort me until that may sound stupid, but that's how i get through my work days.
anyways, back to experience and everything. in the last few days i have been thinking of that ER nurse comment. it makes me smile when i hear it...and before college i had thought about doing EMT school. well, in kenosha where i would move, there is an EMT/Paramedic school. reasonably priced...and my wheels got turning. "instead of looking for a crazy full time job, why not just get several part time ones that make you happy?". hmm...good thinking brain. so i get online and do a search: lifeguarding, fitness center child care stuff, and caribou. i have sent my application/resume into many places...and am waiting to see what happens. i don't know where i will end up, but wherever God wants me, i'll go. i can stay here through may...but that wouldn't be practical and some of the damage that has been done here is going to take a bit to change...seriously. i am not myself anymore...i have been squashed in my thinking and living.
my dreams and aspirations have kinda been put aside - til now. i want to go back to school in august for my EMT basic...then move onto paramedic. i want that...that's me. coach on the a paper at a coffee place a couple times a week. anything...i want my love of life to come back, i want to stop crying because i have no friends i work with. i want to join a soccer team in kenosha if i do move - i love my soccer team here, but staying for them will just make things worse here at work. i hang out with them about 3 times a week, and it's great, but i am still the only christian. i loved being in that secular environment, and now i am just scared because i have really forgotten how to defend my faith. now, how did that happen? being here for this long with no mentoring or teaching...that's what happened.
in all, the snow has been my lifesaver through this. and now you are caught up on my thinking...i may also apply for a paper route...that'd be fun, and i'd have my alone time! perfect. and get to go to church again. perfect. and have awesome christian friends who really care about who i am. perfect. finding myself that has been totally squashed and pushed down so deep, it was almost lost. it'd be perfect to be me again.