Monday, February 4, 2013

~2 Year Old~

Seriously where does the time go.  I can't believe my little Brynn is two.  Everyone always talks about how time just moves faster and faster and I am not liking it so much.  When Kambri was little I remember thinking when she gets bigger we can do this or that. But now that they are all getting bigger I think they can stop for awhile!  Bennett always asks when he is going to be a undult (love that him and Kambri still say that)  He wants to be big like his Dad!

Brynn is so much fun and I have said it once but I'll say it again. I can't believe I got a little blondie.  I really have always wanted a baby with blonde hair and blue eyes like Brandon, and that is Brynn.  My family is so dark I thought there was no way, but it happened!  She had such a great birthday party.  It is always chaos when we have mine and Brandon's families there. Lot's and lot's of people.  But I love that I have a great house and backyard to put everyone.  I went pretty simple with the cake this time around.  I am still a little new to fondant so I will have to try that next time.  She did a pretty good job blowing out her candles with a little help from Kambri.  
 Family pic minus one little boy. And don't you love Kambri's glasses. She found them in Brandon's old stuff and decided she wanted them. That kid cracks me up with her fashionista business. 
 Oh I love my Brynnie boo. It might not look like it here, but she is the only one that really looks like me. I really like it when people tell me that since my other two look their Dad.  

She had so much fun opening her presents, with lots of help from her sister and cousins.  She got lots of fun new stuff for her kitchen and a lot of dress-up clothes.  
Brynnie loves her Papa's!

A new B!  I'm hoping she will attach to this one since her other ones are pretty worn and tearing. Such a perfect day for my little 2 year old's birthday!