Sunday, March 11, 2012

Color me Mine!

One of the many things we love about Mrs. Michelle are her monthly field trips!  In February the kids got to go to Color Me Mine in Ogden and paint a fun tile.  
Bennett and his cousin Nicholas.  
 Here are Bennett and his best buddies from preschool.  Davis, Jaygen, and Noah.  This is one of the only reasons I'm sad about leaving Riverdale.  All these little boys live in our old neighborhood. 
 Handsome little guy painting to his hearts content.  They had so much fun going to town on their tiles. The ladies that worked there were so cute and let them even paint the table when they were done.  

 Michelle has four preschool classes and here is the gang.  It's a little chaotic at times,but with all of the parents that go and help it makes it fun! 

Winter Randomness!

 You know how you take those pictures and you think they are so cute and then you never do anything with them? Well this is just the post for the random photos!  
Those of you who know me know I don't love to clean and don't let me fool you into thinking I actually clean my floors. This is how it's really done ha ha! I wish the pictures weren't so blurry. What is more fun than riding a train pulled by Daddy and in their footie jammies too!

 Mom I just want to go to school with bubas!  Please take me:)
 Oh my goodness this little angel is the cutest thing in the world.  Seriously sometimes I just want to eat her up.  

Gotta love morning crazy hair. And look at those blue eyes.  I wonder if they will stay blue or turn green like her Mamas.
 So sweet I love it when they can actually be by each other without Brynn pulling his hair or biting him because she wants something he has!
 Mom I just want to help you on the computer:)

Birthday Party!

 I am kind of a slacker when it comes to big birthday parties.  I am going to do better next year. But I do like to have fun with their cakes. I asked Bennett what he wanted his cake to be and after changing his mind a million times he settled on a spider cake.  And this was the very first time I made it all by myself.  Yep pretty proud of myself I did it without Bri or Betsy's help!  
Ta-da!  I think it turned out pretty cute.  Not perfect by any means, but definitely presentable.  And it was delicious.  I will try and tackle fondant next time.  
 Here are the cupcakes I made for all of the little jammers.  And yes they came back with black mouths and tongues.  
 I love the reactions when kids open presents.  Let me explain something about Bennett.  He is not a toy kid.  I know it's hard to believe, but seriously he does not really play with toys.  His bat cave we got him last year has been played with at most five times.  So trying to find presents for this little dude that won't be a waste of my money is challenging.  But the night before his birthday he was set on getting a rubber band gun.  So I tried to find one the next day and finally googled it.  Well wouldn't you know this guy that lives by my Mom made me one up in a hour and Bennett had his rubber band gun to open! And he has actually played with it:)
 Love this picture!  Brynn got frosting all over her feet and was freaking out about it!  

 We have learned to put the kids on something high when they are opening their presents or all the kids will surround them and it's mad chaos.  But he does have two great helpers. 

 Bennett with his mounds of presents.  Note to self, spend less next year because you forget about everyone else's presents!  He had such a fun party with all of his cousins and close friends. Hopefully he will play with the toys that he got! 
 Bennett and his buddy Beckham.  They were twinners, such handsome little guys.
 And she is just too cute not to put on this post:)

Happy 4th birthday Bennett!

Happy birthday to my sweet Bennett.  Bennett you are such a joy to have in our family.  You are so loving. You give me hugs and tell me you love me all the time!  I hope you never stop doing that.  You have a kind heart and a sensitive personality.  Your Dad is trying to toughen you up a little bit, but I keep telling him your only four.  Can you try and not grow up too fast?  You act a lot older than four though and even your cousins and Papa thought you were at least five!  You love love love preschool and ask me every single day if it's your turn to go.  You had a little bit of an adjustment getting along with the kids, but as soon as I said something to you about it your teacher Mrs.Michelle said you are now one of the best kids in the class.  You finally started Sunbeams after being the absolute oldest kid in nursery.  You sit so reverently and really like your teachers.  You also love gymnastics and have so much fun rolling and jumping all over the place.  Every week your teachers tell me you are the best listener.  Hmmm I love to hear those words.  Which you are a pretty good listener at home too.  You are starting to assert your independence and can get really mad and frustrated when you want to do something you can't or aren't supposed to.  We are working on helping you understand your feelings so you don't get so upset. You love to create things and wish you had an endless supply tape.  You write your name really well and we are working on writing all of the other letters.  You can easily get discouraged and not want to try something, but every time you do try you succeed. I hope you learn this lesson early on and never give up on the things you want most.  You are a typical brother very sweet and then the next second pestering your sisters.  You and Kambri still can play so well together and you really do adore Brynn even when she is beating you up:)  You love to help me in the kitchen when I am baking.  You will stay the whole time and can't wait for the bowl to lick clean at the end.  You are finally finally eating better.  It has only taken four years.  You still have chocolate milk (instant breakfast) in the morning but you rarely finish it because you actually eat other foods now.  You still won't eat fruit, even though you drink fruit juice. And you only like a handful of vegetables, but it's an improvement. You must be going through a growth spurt because you have grown a 1/2 inch in 3 months.  And you eat all the time and a lot.   We are still trying to reprogram your brain that milk and sweets do not count when you are hungry.  You are a sugar addict and want it all the time.  We don't even really have lots of sugar in our house, but whatever we do have you want all the time.  You are still pretty skinny weighing 31 lbs 10% (more than Kambri) but pretty tall for our kids 42 inches 50%.  You still get up early around 7:30 and are super easy going in the morning.  
Bennett we love you so much and your sweet, feisty, personality.  We are forever blessed to have you in our family!