Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Brynn is 18 months~

This little blonde beauty turned 18 months.  Wow I am going to forever call her my baby, I can't say the words little girl quite yet. Bri took her pictures and they are absolutely adorable.  They are too cute not to put all of them on here.  
Oh Brynnie we love you so much. You are full of spunk and even though you are a serious stinker sometimes you still melt my heart and I want to just eat you up.  You are still such a cuddler, you will come over to me and lay your head on my shoulder or lay on my chest.  I LOVE it, I hope you never stop.  You love your Daddy and when he comes home you go up to him and yell Daddy and make him hold you.  You are talking more and more and repeat almost everything I say to you.  Currently my favorite is that whenever I ask you something you either answer with a no or with a yes.  At first we thought you just said no to everything, but your little yes is adorable.  I love that you can understand everything I say to you. You are still signing quite a bit too, which is fun to watch you copy the signs I teach you.  You have quite the temper and whenever you get mad you reach out to hit or scratch the first thing you come in contact with.  Which usually ends up being mine, Kambri's or Bennett's face. No fun, you have left some serious cuts on me.  I have now learned to turn you around if I pick you up and you don't want me to.  You can be so sweet to your brother and sister who love you a ton, Kambri even changed your diaper the other day!  You love your blankets even if they are becoming pretty ratty.  You snuggle right up to them.  You have started to like books more and will pick out which ones you want and climb up on your rocking chair. You even want me to put them in your crib with you at nap time and bedtime, just like your big sister did.  You love buttons and want to push everyone you see.  You are my shopping buddy and you like to slide my card and help me sign my name.  Teaching you young to love shopping! You love your uncle Dennin and will yell down to the basement "Hey Dennin" until he comes up and tickles you. You loved being tickled and chased around. At home you are an angel and will just wander around doing whatever. But when we go places you are a wild child and do not like to be contained.  Church is challenging and I am glad that you are doing so well at going to nursery. It makes it a little easier on your Daddy and me.  You are such a good little helper usually do what I ask you to.  You love to cleanup and help me unload the dishwasher.  I hope that you never stop doing this:)  You still have lots of nicknames Binnie, Binnie Boo, Bazinn, Brynnie Boo, and other little things we love to call you.  You are still a tiny thing even though you are quite a bit taller than Kambri was at this age. Every time you start eating really well you end up getting sick again.  Hopefully we can get you healthy so you can gain some weight.
You weigh 18lbs (less than 5%) and are 31 inches tall (30%)  Tall and skinny just like your daddy.  We love you so much Brynn, mommy would appreciate it if you would stop and stay this age for just awhile longer. I know I am going to blink and you will be in school:(  

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Movin and Groovin

 Bennett gets to go on a field trip every month.  So in November we went to Energy dance in Ogden.  
 The three year olds got to tumble first and Bennett had fun.  He is used to this business since he goes to gymnastics once a week.  He listened really well and did exactly what they told him.  
 Lining up to do cartwheels, and somersaults.   

 Next they moved rooms and started learning a dance.  They did some stretches and then attempted to do a dance to Itsy Bitsy Spider. It was funny to watch them try and do a dance. They had a lot of fun moving around and jumping all over. 

 At the end they were given fun scarf things and got to do Free Dance.  Bennett has come along way since he started gymnastics and didn't really like it. Now he loves it and is excited to go every week. 
 And Brynn the wild child she is!  I have to chase her all over the place everywhere we go.  She seriously is wild when we go places where she can't just do whatever she wants.  Good thing she is so stinkin cute!!!

Leaves, leaves, and more leaves!

 To say that we had some leaves is an extreme understatement.  It was insane how many we had.  And don't you just love that there is snow on one side of my yard and the other is fall! I decided that we needed to go out and rake some up so Brandon would be pleasantly surprised when he got home!  Bennett was a really good helper. He was trying so hard to rake the leaves in piles for me. 
Then he recruited some more helpers to do the job. Kambri wasn't so into it, but I told her it was her responsibility as someone that  lives in our house to help rake the leaves. And Devin our little neighbor was all too happy to help. 

And playing and jumping in the leaves is a must!!!

Miss Brynn even joined in on the fun after her nap.  She was a huge helper. Good thing we have the riding lawnmower and Brandon taught me how to drive it.  Because after hours of raking leaves my back hurt for days!  I must be old or something. Now I can just hop on the John Deere and go to town:)

Monday, December 12, 2011

CuTe TrIcK Or TrEaTeRs

 Finally Halloween day!!! It was nice and relaxing this year.  Brandon stayed home with me as one of my birthday presents. It was awesome.  Yes and I turned 30 this year yikes!  I will chat more about as soon as get caught up with my other posts.  I went to help at Kambri's school party and then we came home and I was able to take the kids pictures during the day and not be rushed.  Usually I am trying to take them right before we leave trick or treating and it doesn't work.  Bennett and Kambri ask all year long if they can be a certain thing for Halloween the following year. And so it is fun when they can finally dress up!
Brynn looked so adorable in her little flower costume. And the crazy thing, she left her little petal hat the whole time.  She didn't even want to take it off.  So cute:)
 Bennett looking pretty fierce in his Transformers getup.  He loved loved his costume and his muscles that he had.  He constantly wanted me to feel them and see how strong he was!
 Kambri looked beautiful and loved dressing up. She wanted me to die color her hair (that is what she called dying it)  So we died it purple and she wanted me to color her hair everyday, not just Halloween. 
 Wow, I am one lucky Mama to have such cute kids!  

 Then we headed over to the mall to have lunch before we went to see Nana Debbie at her work.  She was so excited to see the kids and took them around to everyone.  They got so much candy that they didn't need anymore.  Every time Bynn went into an office she walked right up to the desk expecting some candy. It was so cute. 
 Miss butterfly princess and her kitty cat mommy! I always have pictures of just Kambri and me because she is the only one that will take one!
 And that night we went to our ward trunk or treat. It was perfect weather and the candy did not disappoint. Just like last year they got king sized candy bars, fun little toys, and some yummy food.  Bryson and Jordan came up and so did all of my family. Brandon was looking pretty sweet in his pimp getup. Most people didn't recognize him until he started talking to them. We need to work a little harder on our costumes.  We usually aren't huge fans of dressing up, but our friends have a party where costumes are mandatory. Next year we will try and be more creative:)  
 And the night wouldn't be perfect without a picture of all of the grandkids!  We love HALLOWEEN!

Kambri's school party!

 One of my favorite memories of elementary is doing the parade and the fun parties.  I was excited to go to Kambri's Halloween party. Her teacher Miss Ashby walked them around the school as all of the older kids ooohed and ahhhed at them. They are pretty darn adorable!

They played some fun games.  Kambri and her friend Tama wrapped each other up like mummies!  Kambri was wrapped up so much she had a hard time getting out!

Two of the Moms dressed up like witches and made a witches brew.  It was so cute.  They had fun things to put in the brew and made up cute names for them.  The kids were really involved and they couldn't believe some of the stuff they were putting in, frogs legs, eyeballs, blood, fingernails, and hearts.  Then when they asked the kids who wanted to drink some they were a little freaked out.  Kambri wanted to try it but wasn't a huge fan after she drank it! She has such a cute class and I love going and volunteering. At first she didn't really like me being there and wouldn't even talk to me. But now she asks me to come and will even hug me!!!  Wow I thought the embarrassment didn't start until Jr High!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

More pumpkin business and Harry Potter!

 Wow I love Halloween and all of the traditions we have. We always head to my Mom and Dad's to carve our pumpkins.  This isn't the best picture but I was trying to get one of everyone. Most of the adults like to go all out on their pumpkins and make masterpieces.  Me on the other hand just want to make it nice and simple.  I can't spend a hour carving a pumpkin:)
The kids are so cute when they carve their pumpkins.  They come up with their own style and Graicee was helping Kambri with her carving skills. 

 And here are two neat ladies. My grandma Wheelwright (who will be 90 in March wowsa) and my parents sweet neighbor Margie.  It's nice when she comes to dinner so my grandma has someone to chat with about the old times and such!  
 Best Buddies:)

 And the group!  Those are some pretty impressive pumpkins if I do say so myself.  I love that every year our picture gets bigger.  I love love love my big family and would not have it any other way. 
So my neighborhood is the place to be for Halloween!  The Hartman's up by my house do Hogwarts and add a new scene every year.  It is really impressive and thousands of people go.  I didn't get too many pictures but here is a good one with Hagrid!

 This picture was great.  I was paying attention to something and I look over and Rita Skeeter was talking to Kambri. She was in full character mode and Kambri was so confused.  It was pretty funny.  The Daily Prophet wanted to take her picture and at first Rita covered Kambri up and said "What with her?" It was great!