Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Dinosaur Park and Picking Pumpkins!

 We have never done the Haunted Dinosaur Park for Halloween so we decided to take the crew and go.  I can't believe I actually got all of them to sit there while I took their picture.  Kambri decided on that night she wanted to wear my old Hula costume. I love that she changes her mind every activity of what she wants to be.  They looked so cute in their costumes. 
Ah, my little FLOWER!!!
 The kids had fun walking around and getting candy. It was decorated super cute and they had fun little activities for the kids to do.  They had a car with a clown on it that when you walked by the lights and horn came on really LOUD.  It scared the crap out of Graicee and Kambri.  Poor Graicee was so upset by it.  We all had a good time and got some free yummy hot chocolate!
 We had to go in search of our perfect pumpkins.  We go to the same place every year and let the kiddos spend a long time going through each and every pumpkin until they find the perfect one.  
 It is very rare I get a genuine smile out of this kid where he is actually looking at me.  He is a stud!
 Smile Brandon
 Your eyes were closed, open them!  
 And finally a normal one!!!  This was the massive pumpkin he picked.  Good thing he is the one carving it and not me. 
This is the little guy I picked. To be honest I'm not a huge pumpkin carving fan.  It's alright but I don't do anything elaborate or too exciting so I just wanted a fun shaped one. 
 This girl is very indecisive, I wonder where she gets that from:)  But finally this is the pumpkin she picked after serious searching of every pumpkin there. 
 Brynn just had fun walking all over and trying to pick up the pumpkins.  

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Happy birthday BFFE!

 My best friend Jeremy (nickname) turned 30 in October! What 30 that is insane.  Just yesterday we were playing in the gutters with plastic bags on our feet and talking for hours about the boys we liked.  We have been friends since we were three years old.  Yes 27 years, that is seriously crazy to think.  We have done everything together.  We got married within months of each other and have had all of our kids about the same time (none of which was planned) We both sold our houses and moved while being pregnant. We have so many memories good and bad. But we have stuck through it all and can still say we are best friends.  We both know each other inside and out and have grown and changed so much together.  One of my very favorite things about Jamie is that she is very REAL.  You know that whatever you get with Jamie is the real deal.  She is very genuine and not fake at all.  I'm glad she is my BFFE!!!
While planning her party I was nervous that she was going to find out about it.  But when they pulled up to the house and walked around back. She was completely surprised.  It was great to see how shocked she was when she saw all of her family and friends at my house!
When we were making Jamie's cake Kambri decided she wanted to make one of her own.  It was a delicious manhandled fondant masterpiece!
She had so many many and friends there to wish her a happy birthday.  It was such a perfect night too. I'm glad the weather held out for us and stayed so warm!  
Her is Jamie and her hubs Ryan.  Ryan did so much work for this party too. Without him I couldn't have done it!
Ryan thought it would be a great idea for Jamie to have a pinata.  Every adult needs their own princess pinata!!!
I love that Jamie and I are so opposite in looks, but alike in so many other ways:) 
Miss Jamie shares her birthday so she doesn't usually get her own cake.  So I was super excited to make it for her.  My sisters and I had a good time making her cake and she loved it.  It was delish and this cake fits Jamie's personality:)
Even though you cried when you turned 30 I hope we made it special for you!  Love ya:)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Fishing for little fish!

We went fishing at the Kaysville pond with Brock and Betsy and my Dad (I can't believe I don't have any  pictures of Brock, Betsy, and Dash)  It was nice night when the weather was still pretty warm outside.  Sans bugs it would have perfect:)
Kambri was really into catching a fish and did not want her picture taken.  She was a little annoyed that I kept making her take pictures. She must get that from her Dad!
And look at the giant fish Bennett caught! Isn't he a beauty.  Ha these were the biggest fish that they caught.  But a fish is a fish and they were super excited about it.  They were using worms and Bennett was having a great time playing with them!  
These pictures are off of my phone, so not the greatest.  

My Dad with his huge prize of a fish.  
I pretty much followed Brynn around while everyone else fished.  This is her kissy face. It is so cute she puckers up like crazy.  And because she doesn't have any teeth she can suck in those little cheekers like crazy!  
Ahh isn't this a sweet picture of my favorite people.  We will have to go back there again next year.  It is a nice little spot and my kids had fun:)

Reaching New Heights!

 Kambri has been climbing trees all summer.  She has recently decided she wanted to climb this lovely tree in our backyard. Here is a close up of my little monkey. She was so proud of herself.  And honestly I don't get too scared with her climbing this high.  It's part of being a kid right?
 AND here she is!  Once I looked at this picture again she was really high.  Her grandma's would freak out if they would have been there.  She loved it up there and I had to make her come down.  Here's to hoping we don't have any broken bones in the future!!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

They really do love each other!

This is a big reminder to me that yes in fact my kids really do love each other.  BUT lately they have been fighting like crazy.  This is new for us and I am NOT a big fan.  I'm not sure why they have starting fighting. I don't know if it's because Bennett is getting older so he knows how to stand up for himself, or because he is also starting to be the little annoying brother. I have noticed Kambri wants to control whatever situation she is in and Bennett won't let her (which is a good thing), but she freaks out and hits him.  AHHH seriously I am done with it.  They tattle like crazy and constantly hit or push each other. They have been in time out or in their rooms a lot lately.  I am hoping this is a phase that will soon go away!!!! 

 And let's not do a post without this cute little face.  I can't believe how big she is getting. She is so much fun and learning and doing a ton of new things.

Ogden Nature Center!

 Kambri had a fun field trip to the Ogden Nature Center.  We haven't been there in a long time and I was really impressed.  They showed the kids all of the birds that they have rescued and taught them a lot about wildlife.  

Here is Kambri with most of the kids from her class. She is making such cute friends and tells me all the time that she has a new best friend:)
 The tour guide told the kids that they were prey and he was the hunter so they had to go hide in the field.  It was cute to watch them run and hide.  Kambri did a pretty good job at hiding. 
  I really like this picture because it isn't posed and you can see how much fun she is having.  She was was being kind of weird with me there.  She wouldn't walk with me and she wouldn't really talk to me either. I felt kind of bad. I am in big trouble if she is already embarrassed by me!

 At the end of the field trip the kids split up in teams and went around trying to catch bugs in their nets.  Most of them caught grasshoppers.  They loved it and it was fun to be able to go and watch Kambri. This is her friend Saylee from school!

Bennett's fire station field trip

 Bennett had his first field trip to the Riverdale fire station.  They had so much fun. He loved preschool and asks me everyday if its his turn to go to school.  For the field trips Mrs Michelle has all of her classes go so we get to see some friends from other classes and one of Bennett's favorite people, his cousin Nicholas!
Here are some cute boys: Jaigon, Nicholas, Bennett, and Davis. 
Best Buddies!

 This was a pretty cool part of the field trip!  They love pulling the lever and spraying the water. 

 We can't forget cute miss Brynn! She is a maniac at these field trips. She runs all over and freaks out if I have to contain her in anyway. It is super fun:)