Thursday, March 31, 2011

I'm a big kid now!

 I can't believe all of the things that Kambri has been learning lately. She is definitely not a little toddler anymore. She is getting so big. I am sad, but excited for all of the things she will be able to learn and do. So any who she decided last week that she wanted her training wheels off. I have been trying to get her to do this for awhile, but she is the kind of girl that it has to be HER idea!!!  
Brandon started out helping her and she was doing so well. (pictures are from my phone so not so hot) Our driveway is pretty nice to learn on. It has a little hill and we would just get her going on the hill and then she started riding by herself. It was that quick. By the time I was done helping her she was doing so awesome. 

 I really can't believe how well she did and how quickly she caught on to the whole bike riding thing.  She would fall and get sad and then say "Again Mom again"  She told me that five year olds don't quit!!! How cute is that?! 
 This is the next day in her jammies because she was sooo excited to keep riding. And it only took her one day to figure out how to start on her own too.  She acts like she has been riding her bike for months not weeks. She loves it and is grateful (as am I) that it has been nice enough outside for her to ride. I love this little girl so much and now I just need to get myself a bike so we can go on bike rides together:)

Friday, March 18, 2011

Hitting the Slopes

  We have had a great time skiing this winter.  My cute brother Dennin and my Mom have taken Kambri and Halen a few times up to Powder.  He said that Kambri did so well and is getting really good at skiing. Even though I am really sick of winter it would be nice if he could take her one more time:)
 We headed up to Snow Basin with Brandon's family. Here are the cute kiddos getting ready to ski!
 This is the first year we have taken Bennett and he loved it.  I was a little worried how he would do, but he just wanted to sit on his skiis and go faster. He really did a good job. 
 Getting ready to hit the slopes!
 My cute little guy and me. I was the lucky one that got to help him most of the day. He had a lot of fun and loved wearing his helmet and ski boots.
 Kambri and Bryndie on the ski lift. I was surprised at how much Kambri likes to ski. She never complains about the cold and just has fun. 
 This is such a cute picture. All of the girls with their Papa:)

 Kambri wanted to go on the bumps the whole time.  She is a natural, hopefully we can keep going every winter and she will love skiing as much as I do. 
Nana and Bennett going down the hill. I love how cute and little he looks still:)
And Last but not least I got to go skiing with my hubby and no kids!!! This is the first time in four years that I have done this and we could not have picked a better day. Fresh powder and blue skies.  It was so so so much fun I loved it.  I don't know if I should have gone because now I know what I have been missing. Hopefully we can go again next year with just the adults:)

Monday, March 7, 2011

Cute Little Blue Brynnie!

This is my beautiful Blue Brynnie!!!  She was playing downstairs and the next thing we knew she was covered in BLUE. She had gotten into the chalk for the pool table.  We couldn't stop laughing she looked so silly. I'm glad I had my phone to take these cute pictures.  Oh boy we love her so much:)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Rock Climbing

 We headed over to the Ogden climbing gym awhile ago with our great neighbors. This place is so cool. It is in the old cannery in Ogden. Huge open windows and tons of walls to climb.  This is how Kambri started the day a little nervous. She went from this.
To this. Getting some instructions from Daddy doing good! 
 Getting more comfortable and starting to like it. 

 And finally to this. Seriously she did so awesome, I was really proud of her.  She is always willing to try anything and usually ends up loving it.  Kind of like me! She made it all the way to the top and had so much fun doing it.  
 Bennett got in on the action a little bit.  He still needs a little more coordination to get to the top:)
I was able to try it out too. Kambri decided to take some pictures of me climbing. I don't think I have ever done this and it was really fun. Also really hard, I thought my arms were going to fall off.  

 The girls! Brynn had fun crawling around on the ground and watching all of the action. 
 Here are the kiddos, Devin is our little neighbor friend he is a pro climber too. 
 And of course Brandon did awesome, he always does. We had so much fun and hopefully we can go back soon. Thanks so much for taking us, it's nice to have great neighbors!!!