Monday, January 24, 2011

Bennett is THREE!

 My little guy turned 3 on the 5th of January!  Oh how I love him and his 3 year old self. These pictures Bri took say so much about his personality. 
Some things about Bennett:
Height 38 inches (50%) Weight 29 lbs (15%)
  • First and foremost Bennett is POTTY TRAINED!  I will have to do another post on that subject but he is a big boy!!!
  • Bennett is the pickiest eater ever! He does not like many things and is very particular about what he does like.  Ex: He has been eating oatmeal every morning since he was about 1. Well dang Quaker decided to change the packaging and the consistency is a little different. Well Bennett took one bite and decided that he doesn't like it anymore and hasn't eaten it since. There goes the one meal a day that at least I knew he would eat!
  • He will eat bread, meat, yogurt, macaroni and cheese, pizza, enchiladas, rice, and of course desserts. He still wakes up every morning and wants his Chocolate milk (instant breakfast). He still refuses to eat fruit and vegetables except corn and watermelon. But he will drink juice now. 
  • He is a very good sleeper and even sleeps in now. He wakes up around 8-8:30. He needs his sleep and gets kinda whiny if he goes to bed late. He also wants to be in his pajamas and usually ends up changing his clothes half way through the day back to his pajamas. 
  • He loves to play with Kambri and always wants to play tigers or some other sort of animal. He is usually the baby. He is going to be sad when Kambri goes to school next year. He has a hard time playing by himself. He also loves his baby sister and tries to play with her, even though he is a little rough sometimes:)
  • He is very stubborn and wants to do what he wants to do.  Although he tries very hard to make me happy and let's me know when he is listening and doing what I ask. 
  • He can dress himself, which is good and bad!  
  • He is very loving and aggressive at the same time.  He will go and sit on my brother's laps, but the same second he is punching them too.  He likes to wrestle and is super ticklish. He is a tough kid and hardly ever complains about being hurt.  
  • He likes to play with his trains, dinosaurs, cars, and he likes money.  He still gets attached to something for a few days and then moves onto something else.                                                                               We love him to pieces and feel very blessed to have him in our family. He is my sweet little guy and I can't imagine not having him wake me up every morning with his cute smile:)

Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow

 The snowstorm right after Christmas left us with a lot of snow!  The kids had to take advantage of that and go play outside in the winder wonderland, that is our yard! I bundled them up, which is seriously time consuming. And then I had to get myself bundled up and we headed outside. 

 Even though I am not loving winter, and Brandon and I are going to be one of those couples that have houses in St George for the winter, there is something magical right after a lot of snow falls. It makes everything seem so much prettier. 
 They had fun sledding down the hill in the back.  I kinda want a little bit more snow so that we can do some more sledding.  

 When Daddy got home he decided it would be fun to take them for a ride behind his 4-wheeler.  They loved it.  It was freezing, so I tried to get them as warm as possible and sent them on their way.  

Hold on tight!!!!

Christmas Day 2010!

Oh boy did Santa come to our house or what?! The reindeer loved the food the kiddos left out and Santa ate most of his cookies and milk.  We love when we have to wait until all of the adults are awake so that the kids can walk downstairs and start the mayhem. 
Kambri got her Coaster Car and she was very excited.  Now Spring needs to hurry up and get here so she can ride it more.  
My friend Erin's grandma made all of the kids these adorable animals. My kids love them and they are seriously so cute! 
Bennett and his big boy bike!  When we asked Bennett what his favorite present was he said"The scelescope that Nicholas gave me"  Hmm right there shows that next year we should go easy on the presents.  Every year I think that and they get so many things. I am seriously hoping next Christmas we can simplify it a little bit more!
My kids were loving the excitement of Christmas morning.  Kambri had this cute grin on her face all morning. 
Bennett and his Batman cave.  He really likes Batman and Spiderman lately. Such a little boy!

Not only did my Mom make jammies for the girls, she also made each of them one of these adorable hats.  They are seriously so cute!!!
Bennett was really into opening presents this year.  He didn't really care what was in them, he just wanted to open them. He would open them and then say where's the next one.  He also opened quite of few presents that weren't his.  
We had a great Christmas. After we opened presents we headed to Brandon's Mom's house to have Christmas there.  This year his parents are taking us on a trip to Moab in April for Christmas so it was pretty low key. I loved it, I think this should be our new tradition. After that we headed home to get ready and went back to my parent's for dinner.  It's a little crazy going back and forth so much. I think in the years to come we might have to make everyone come to our house instead!  It was a great day. I love spending time with our families and being able to enjoy the spirit of Christmas.  My kids are a little sad that they are going to have to wait another year until they get to do it again!!!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Christmas Eve!

We always have a crazy Christmas eve. We start out at My Mom and Dad's and have dinner. This year we made our own mini pizzas which were super yummy. Then we head over to Brandon's parent's church Christmas service. Bennett slept the whole the time and Kambri loves the part at the end where she gets to hold a candle and sing Silent Night. Then we head back to my parents to sleep over. Yes we still sleep over, all of us!!! Every year we do the Nativity scene and we had some great actors. Victoria was Mary, Nicholas was Joseph, and Dennin was a great Donkey. 
Graicee and Madeleine made beautiful angels. 
Kambri was the cutest wise women I have ever seen. We might have to dress her up like this next year for Halloween and make her a Gypsy:)
Halen was bull (I'm not sure about that one) and Bennett was the cute little lamb. 
Dash was a great shepherd. 
So cute!
Bennett had fun being the little lamb and did a good job!
Oh the crazy kiddos, they had a lot of fun doing it. I have tried to teach Kambri and Bennett the real reason we celebrate Christmas, so it was good for them to be a part of learning it. 
We all opened our Christmas Eve present from my parents.  We got fun new jammies that we all love.  She always does a fantastic job. She made all of the girls and their dolls night gowns. She stitched on the back "Love Nana" She is one talented lady. 

We let the kids open their presents that they got for each other too.  Nicholas gave Bennett a telescope or scelescope as he likes to call it. He loved that thing. I'm thinking because it was long as kinda looked like some sort of weapon.  Such a boy.  This picture is too funny, he couldn't figure out what it was for.  After we put reindeer food out, and cookies for Santa we finally got the kids to sleep. We played games with the adults. Brock put together a "Minute to Win it" game for us. I wish I had pictures it was hilarious.  Watching my Dad shake his bum to get ping pong balls out of a tissue box was the best.  My Mom and Dad beat all of us too! I'm so lucky we have such a great family and that we are very close to each other.  

 This is Kambri's letter to Santa. It was so cute I had to go get it out of the mail and keep it.  I let her spell everything herself by sounding it out. She asked for a coaster car, barbie, movie, book, and an animal.  

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Kambri's birthday!

I'm a little behind posting about Kambri's actual birthday.  When Kambri woke up I made blueberry muffins for her and she got to blow out her candles. She was so happy it was her birthday. 

 Getting to open a few presents!
For her party we went to the Clearfield Aquatic center. I was trying to think of a place that would be fun for a winter birthday.  Everyone had a great time, I would highly recommend it for a birthday party.  
Kambri had all of her cousins, nanas and papas, and most of her aunts and uncles.  Quite the crew.  We had the whole place to ourselves on a Monday afternoon. 

 Kambri loved it and had so much fun! 
 We forgot Bennett's swim suit so we had to put him a swim diaper with the cover over it. He looked a little funny, but didn't care one bit.  He loved the water, which I was pleasantly surprised about. This last Summer he wasn't a huge fan of actually getting in the pool. 
 How cute is this little face.  She is such an angel and I can't believe she is 5. She was so excited for her cake and loved it.  
 Ha ha I love these family photos at their birthdays. I hope one day they look back and laugh at the craziness.

Kambri got a lot of fun presents and loved every minute of opening them. She was spoiled and is very loved by her family!
Kambri got the one thing she asked for, a doll she found in the pottery barn magazine named Paige.  She loves her, even though she doesn't really have a face:) We had a great time and I'm so glad Kambri had a wonderful birthday. I hope this next year goes by slow, I can't believe she is going to be in kindergarten!