Friday, August 27, 2010

200th Post

Wow I can't believe this is my 200th post. Wish I had something cool to say or write about:) Actually I do have quite a bit to post about, but my computer is in the shop patiently awaiting its turn. Me however am dying without it and am having serious withdrawals. Hopefully it will be done soon and I won't have to use other peoples computers!

Monday, August 16, 2010

My hubby is 31!

Today is Brandon's birthday! He probably won't even see this post, but I just wanted to give him a shout out and wish him a happy birthday. We met ten years ago and I can't believe he is in his 30s now. It is so weird how fast time goes and yet I fall more in love with him every year. Brandon is an awesome person, husband, father, friend, and every other category you could fit him in. Whenever someone meets Brandon they are instantly under his spell and think he is the neatest person they have ever met. I have mentioned what a hard worker he is, sometimes that is an understatement. He never stops when there is something to be done. I am so proud to have him as my husband and see all of the awesome stuff he accomplishes (like my house). He is a quiet guy and we balance each other out nicely since I'm not so quiet! He is a great Dad and I love to see him with each of my kids and how much he loves and cares about them. We love you Brandon and hope you had an awesome birthday!!!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Mom of 3

I had my ten reunion last weekend and every conversation was about the same. What have you been up to? Well I am a mom of three, is what I would tell everyone. Some people were going to medical school, some weren't married, some were with no kids, and most of my friends are in the same boat as me. I was proud to say that I am a mom of three. I am very happy and I like the way my life is going and has gone, I wouldn't change it at all. I am so blessed to have 3 beautiful and healthy kids that are mine. I feel like I am still me. "Mom" is not my only identity and my girls night outs keep me sane!
I have been asked quite a bit what it's like with 3 kids. I am doing really well. Three kids hasn't been that bad. It helps that Brynn is a very good baby. I am doing awesome at maneuvering the double stroller and running errands with all of them. However; it does take a lot longer to get ready to go anywhere. I usually plan a full 2 hours. If it's before 10 you can usually plan on us being late:) I am struggling with patience with my older two. I want to be the fun mom that plays and never gets mad, but that just doesn't happen all the time. Kambri and Bennett are either best friends or fighting. It is so nice when they play together and I don't have to worry about them. Dinner hasn't been as frequent lately, but Brandon is very sweet and never complains. I am on the go quite a bit, but the days I stay home I go a little crazy so it's good for me to get out and do things. I appreciate being able to go with my sisters and my friends. We have so much in common and can share our stories, complain, and get advice from each other. I feel really good and pretty well adjusted. I love them more than words can express. I'm proud to be a mom of three!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Bell Farm

For those of you that are familiar with where I live, I'm sure you know about the Bell farm. It's right by our church and Kambri and Bennett love to see the animals as we drive by. I decided it would be fun to take all the kiddos on a little field trip to their farm.
Here are the boys with their white peacock feathers, they were pretty cool.
The pigs were awesomeand a big hit with the kids. Although I think they wanted to pet or feed them, but had a strong warning that they might bite them if they did!
Here is the gang. We are going to have to start distinguishing between the big kids and the babies. They have so much fun together and I love that we are able to do so much with each other.
They have tons and tons of goats. This one was my favorite, isn't she cute:)

I love that Bri is so nice and takes pictures for me. I think Kambri looks so beautiful in this picture.

My cute little boy (I wish he would stay little and sweet forever)
And sweet Brynnie!
This rooster is gorgeous and looks like the ones you see on TV. It looks like the perfect rooster to me.
Kambri loves her cousins.
There were lots of bunnies and cute babies. The kids had so much fun petting them. They also have some deer, an alpaca, a llama, horses, and lots of dogs. It was a lot of fun and even better that it's practically down the street from our house.

The kids got to feed the deer corn, they loved it. They also loved the peacock feathers they got to keep!